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To: The IRG - Printable Version

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To: The IRG - Wesker - 09-04-2016

[Incoming Transmission]

Source: Vogtland Base, Dresden
Encryption level:High


[Image: QQMHwSE.jpg]

Subject: Colonization of Tangier

Sender ID: Brigade General Anna Heinrich

Guten Abend,

I am Brigade General Anna Heinrich of the Red Hessian Armee, and I've recieved some interesting news about your "group". As you may have known Planet Tangier in Omega-47 is a Planet with an abundant amount of resources the Armee has been harvesting and now has total control over the planet. But we're harvesting the resources at a very slow pace, we need the docking ring near the planet fixed. I've herd from some sources in the Omegas that your group would be capable of acquiring docking ring components, the Armee would be willing to pay you for doing so. As well as grant you access to planet Tangier itself when the job is finished.

However before I go any further with this offer I'd like to know I'm speaking to someone rather than no one.

[Image: 50px-Hessianlogo.png]
Signed, Anna Heinrich


Closing message...

[Transmission Terminated]

RE: To: The IRG - Wesker - 09-07-2016


RE: To: The IRG - Ingenuus Research Group - 09-07-2016

[Image: ZFE4gFw.gif]

-_-_-_-_-: Secure Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level 5 :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Sender: Finn McCool :-_-_-_-_-

Good evening General Heinrich -

I was unsure when a comm from you would appear, though I must admit the content is entirely different than what I was expecting. I'll address that in due time though. Onto your message.

I suspect your source of information regarding us is undergoing a similar project, with similar needs? Regardless, yes you are correct - in a manner of speaking. You see, while it is entirely possible t' acquire Ageira-Manufactured Docking Ring Parts, my team have been working on a rather new concept regarding planetary docking. Requiring less materials, as well as less strain on inbound and outbound craft. Our mutual acquaintances will be receiving the first of these new docking rings as well. I'll be happy t' share the specifics once the other matter has been addressed.

As you may not realize, while I am the Director of the IRG, I am also head of the Confederation of Freeports. As such, there has been numerous accounts of RHA vessels within the vicinity of Freeport 1 in the Omega 3 system. While Hessian vessels in the area is not a rare sighting, what is alarming is the multiple breaches within our Freeport's No-Fire Zone. Two I believe were under your command, with vessels identified as the [RHA]SOA-Viking and [RHA]RHB-Nidhogg. I believe the Nidhogg was under your command, correct?

General, if you wish t' work with me and the IRG, you cannot do so with one hand whilst on the other engage Zoners and violate our laws. It doesn't work like that. While I'm sure you had a target worthy of destruction in your eyes, your actions and the actions of your captains have disrupted the peace we have had regarding our neighbors, the Bretonian Armed Forces. You may not think they are worthy of a second thought, but we are not a military force. Should the Bretonian Armed Forces deem Freeport 1 compromised and out of Zoner hands by the actions of their enemies, that has consequences for us and Freeport 1. We lose that station. Which means one less Freeport, one less safe haven, one less sanctuary for those wishing t' escape and catch a breath. I do not wish t' see any house, Bretonian or otherwise, clasp their dirty hands on our stations and our lives. We left the Houses, and we will not answer t' them or their corrupt laws. So when your actions threaten that, all other matters on the table will be swept aside until this matter has been resolved.

Now with that said, before we continue on the matter of Planet Tangier, I need your assurance that Hessian forces under your command will not threaten our peace at Freeport 1. That if they are in the vicinity of the Freeport, they will not violate our NFZ. Attack the Bretonians all you want, wage whatever war you need against their armed forces. But doing so within the NFZ of our stations will not be tolerated, and any dealings we may have in the future will be terminated on the spot. You may view this as a challenge, you may scoff at the idea of a Zoner speaking t' you in such a way. But those are my terms. If you want the help of the IRG and receive some of the greatest technological advances Sirius has seen in centuries, then you'll view this message not as a challenge or offensive, but as a step towards an agreement that betters both of our organizations.

Respect, like trust, is a two-way tradelane General...

Finn McCool
Ingenuus Research Group

RE: To: The IRG - Wesker - 09-09-2016

[Incoming Transmission]

Source: Vogtland Base, Dresden
Encryption level:High


[Image: QQMHwSE.jpg]

Subject: Zoners

Sender ID: Brigadegeneral Anna Heinrich

Guten Abend,

Ever since I appointed Viking to SOA he's been as trigger happy as my days as a Hauptmann. However the recent actions you speak of we're not a result of his "trigger-happy" phase. Viking arrived at Aland shipyard to find a Zoner warship attacking a Hessian Cruiser operating near the Omega-7 Jumpgate (which is far outside of the NFZ). The reasons for the Zoner's actions still remain unkown to me, however Viking did call the RHB-Nidhogg to eliminate the Zoner vessel attacking the Hessian cruiser. He took the fight to the Zoner NFZ where the Nidhogg continued and ended the fight.

No one started an attack near the Freeport intentionally from the Armee, the fight was a continuation of something that happened outside the Freeport. So I hope we're clear on that part, your station is located in a very attractive spot where warships run out of cowardice. I've neglected several warships as you saw from me in person yesterday.

I hope you understand it was not mine nor the Armee's intention. I'll await your reply before I continue.

[Image: 50px-Hessianlogo.png]
Signed, Anna Heinrich


Closing message...

[Transmission Terminated]

RE: To: The IRG - Ingenuus Research Group - 09-11-2016

[Image: ZFE4gFw.gif]

-_-_-_-_-: Secure Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level 5 :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Sender: Finn McCool :-_-_-_-_-

Good evening again General Heinrich -

Thank you for your response on these matters. I would be very interested in receiving all information on this "Zoner" who engaged a Hessian ship, so the Confederation can look into such a heinous act. Still though, I would request that in the future, if such a act should again happen, that as soon as the matter is dealt with, that all capital ships remain outside the 10k NFZ of Freeport 1. As mentioned, when the Ingenuus unmoored, there was no battle ensuing, and yet your captain still remained. As I previously mentioned, this brings about the potential for prying eyes t' inquire further and actions conducted that we would like t' avoid.

Moving on, i'm sure we can lay this matter t' rest for the most part. As t' your initial request and my brief answer, I would be interested t' hear your thoughts, and if such an endeavor is a viable option for the Armee and Planet Tangier.

I look forward t' your response, and if you are interested, showing you what we have built.

Finn McCool
Ingenuus Research Group

RE: To: The IRG - Wesker - 09-16-2016

[quote='Wesker' pid='1818559' dateline='1473383821']

[Incoming Transmission]

Source: Vogtland Base, Dresden
Encryption level:High


[Image: QQMHwSE.jpg]

Subject: Zoners

Sender ID: Brigadegeneral Anna Heinrich

Guten Abend,

The Armee would be very interested to see what you have to offer, however much you would see necessary to finish the partially build docking ring on planet Tangier would be what we would require.

I'll await your response.

[Image: 50px-Hessianlogo.png]
Signed, Anna Heinrich


Closing message...

[Transmission Terminated]

RE: To: The IRG - Ingenuus Research Group - 09-18-2016

[Image: ZFE4gFw.gif]

-_-_-_-_-: Secure Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level 5 :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Sender: Finn McCool :-_-_-_-_-

Good evening General Heinrich -

If you could be so kind as t' supply me with what has been constructed thus far, as well as the materials you already have in your possession, that would go a long way in knowing what is required t' finish the Docking Ring.

I will share with you the materials we requested from our mutual acquaintances, as hopefully that will help in determining what remaining materials are needed.

Now, as far as what we have t' offer, attached you will find a logfile showing the prototype planetary docking mechanism that we have developed and are currently beginning development in a nearby system.

<Click here to view IRG log>

Once we know what materials will be needed in conjunction with what is already in your possession, we can work out a location for materials deliveries, as well as a final total regarding the project cost.

Until then General, safe skies.

Finn McCool
Ingenuus Research Group

RE: To: The IRG - Cælumaresh - 10-02-2016

[Image: ZFE4gFw.gif]

-_-_-_-_-: Secure Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level 3 :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Sender: Emilie Forstner:-_-_-_-_-

--- Opening message....

Guten Tag Rote Hessen Armee,

Today I come to you with less then pleasant news. While on my way to Freeport 11 with a load of Deuterium, I ran into your patrols in Omicron Gamma.
What I expected to be just a "hi" and "hello to you too" conversation turned into something much less pleasent to me. You see, your pilots pirated me, and threatened to hurt my crew. They originally even demanded I'd eject them all into space in escape pods so they could be put to work! Now I am normally a very tolerant person, but if you touch my crew, you mess with me. Now you can probably tell I am not to happy. Hell, I'm pretty ticked off. Some members of my staff are very shaken. I wonder how you are going to fix this issue.

Emilie Forstner
Ingenuus Research Group


--- Closing message....

RE: To: The IRG - Ingenuus Research Group - 10-07-2016

[Image: ZFE4gFw.gif]

-_-_-_-_-: Secure Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level 5 :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Sender: Finn McCool :-_-_-_-_-

General -

I had hoped this matter would've been resolved promptly, and I wouldn't have had t' step in over this incident. It seems though, with the lack of response, that I now need t' step in.

All operations with the Hessian Armee is hereby suspended until this matter can be put t' rest. I find it appalling that with one hand the Armee would request our help and cooperation, and with the other threaten and pirate one of our scientists transporting supplies t' Freeport 11. Do you know the routes t' get t' Freeport 11 General? I hope you do, because it seems your pilot does not. Order, Core, and Corsairs. The only access points t' the deep Omicrons, as well as our facilities there, pass through all three of those organization's systems. I will not tolerate anyone from the IRG t' be threatened and pirated for flying t' or from our facilities in the deeper omicrons, because some damned fool of a pilot is too stupid t' keep track of astronomical charts.

Fix this General, and teach your pilots etiquette as well basic system navigation.

Finn McCool
Ingenuus Research Group

RE: To: The IRG - Wesker - 10-08-2016

[Incoming Transmission]

Source: Vogtland Base, Dresden
Encryption level:High


[Image: QQMHwSE.jpg]

Subject: Zoners

Sender ID: Brigadegeneral Anna Heinrich

Guten Abend,

You'll have to forgive my delay, unlike most leaders I still need to bleed to further the Armee's success in Rheinland.

The pilots will be questioned and "handled" appropriately for their disorderly conduct. However you must understand, Hessian pilots in Gamma are overly cautious given what could go wrong for them. I'd advise avoiding Corsair territory, but it's entirely at your discretion.

You certainly won't be threatened anymore but be sure to state who gave you permission.

[Image: 50px-Hessianlogo.png]
Signed, Anna Heinrich


Closing message...

[Transmission Terminated]