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need a clarification regarding FR-2 please - Printable Version

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need a clarification regarding FR-2 please - kun - 09-05-2016


i have a question about the official faction right 2:

Quote:Faction Right 2. Official player factions have authority over players of the same NPC affiliation, as long as RP justification is provided. This authority applies in forums and in-game, and applies to player faction diplomacy, and strategic and tactical direction, however, exercise of that authority, on the forums and in game, is restricted to official faction members with the rank of the official faction leader and second in command(s) of the faction. The authority may be exercised through the use of in-game in-RP orders, which, if not obeyed, can result in in-game in-RP consequences (arrest, court martial, and even "lethal" force in extreme circumstances). Official player factions cannot, under any cicrumstances, require another player to follow non-canon RP if that player doesn't want to. In case of IDs with multiple official factions, this right is nullified and cannot be used by any of the factions.

It is about this last sentence:

Say for example the Liberty Navy... as there are two official factions ( [LN] and 5th| ), this means that neither of them has the right to FR-2 any indie players / factions?

RE: need a clarification regarding FR-2 please - Divine - 09-05-2016

Both factions have to agree on the FR2 and send in their request as one.

RE: need a clarification regarding FR-2 please - Skorak - 09-05-2016

(09-05-2016, 01:47 PM)Divine Wrote: Both factions have to agree on the FR2 and send in their request as one.
Probably speaking about FR5.

The FR2 is nullified.

RE: need a clarification regarding FR-2 please - Thunderer - 09-05-2016

Why does that have sense?