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Weapons complaint. - The Pirate - 12-05-2008

First of all id like to say that this is ONLY my persoanl opinion.

Ok lets get started, first on the agenda is the Supernove Antimatter conclusion is that its Waaay to cheap...and Ultimately Overpowered..(130k hull dmg) and the Blast area is to large.
BECAUSE as we all know...torpedos dont explode in a gigantic blast they penetrate and then explode inside the target ship.

So my suggestion is: 1 Make it more expensive 2: Make its projectiles non seeking 3: reduce the blast radius 4: make it do less dmg some thing in the area of 75k Hull and maybe 25k Shield.

Secondly....Turrets ladies and gentlemen.
Even the bloody Anti fighter turrets turn like a someone poured glue over them. so my suggestion is:
1 make them turn faster 2: make the Anti fighter turrets use less Energy have faster projectiles and do less dmg.

And finally...Missiles:

Ive encountered that fighters can have a horrendous amount of ammo with them
so much infact that if you stacked them ontop if each other...they would be larger then the ship.

So my suggestion is:
1: Reduce the amount of ammo per launcher to 50 Missiles. same for torpedos.

Well thats my two cents

best Regards Pirate.

Weapons complaint. - swift - 12-05-2008

Capwhore much?

Weapons complaint. - Guest - 12-05-2008


Nuff said.
And a seeker SN? wewt, my dream came true.

Weapons complaint. - jshkornmiller - 12-05-2008

There is nothing wrong with the SNAC or the Solaris anti-fighters cannons.

You just need to learn to pilot better. I in my rogue gunship Gneisenau took out a VHF and a Bomber with a SNAC in the same fight. me versus the two.

It takes skill and practice. I had some pretty bad damage opn my ship to where i had to destroy it, but the point stands. skills are FTW and nerfing is fail.

Weapons complaint. - Emon - 12-05-2008

Quote:So my suggestion is: 1 Make it more expensive 2: Make its projectiles non seeking 3: reduce the blast radius 4: make it do less dmg some thing in the area of 75k Hull and maybe 25k Shield.

1 - The Supernova runs about 7 million credits I believe.
2 - The Supernova does not fire seeking projectiles.
3 - The Supernova does not have a blast radius.
4 - This damage change would change nothing about how it interacts with fighters. It would still be a one shot kill.

Now, I think you may be confusing the Supernova with the Nova torpedo. The Nova is a torpedo, it has a blast radius and minor seeking capability. However, its damage is already lower than your suggested figure there.

Weapons complaint. - Grumblesaur - 12-05-2008

' Wrote:First of all id like to say that this is ONLY my persoanl opinion.

Ok lets get started, first on the agenda is the Supernove Antimatter conclusion is that its Waaay to cheap...and Ultimately Overpowered..(130k hull dmg) and the Blast area is to large.
BECAUSE as we all know...torpedos dont explode in a gigantic blast they penetrate and then explode inside the target ship.

So my suggestion is: 1 Make it more expensive 2: Make its projectiles non seeking 3: reduce the blast radius 4: make it do less dmg some thing in the area of 75k Hull and maybe 25k Shield.

The Supernova does NOT track, only the Nova Torp, but even that hardly tracks at all. Get over it.

Quote:Secondly....Turrets ladies and gentlemen.
Even the bloody Anti fighter turrets turn like a someone poured glue over them. so my suggestion is:
1 make them turn faster 2: make the Anti fighter turrets use less Energy have faster projectiles and do less dmg.
I've played capital ships, I've shot fighters down with missiles. Quit complaining and use Solaris turrets.

Quote:And finally...Missiles:

Ive encountered that fighters can have a horrendous amount of ammo with them
so much infact that if you stacked them ontop if each other...they would be larger then the ship.

So my suggestion is:
1: Reduce the amount of ammo per launcher to 50 Missiles. same for torpedos.
Well thats my two cents

At least your cap missiles don't require ammunition. Our fighter ammo makes it more expensive to regularly maintain a fighter or bomber than a gunboat.
Quote:best Regards Pirate.
Aren't pirates supposed to be GOOD at what they do with what they have?

Weapons complaint. - The Pirate - 12-06-2008

' Wrote:Aren't pirates supposed to be GOOD at what they do with what they have?

That last line was uncalled for..just because i have a forum name that implies i Pirate doesnt mean i do it ingame.

So please next time only something thats actually usefully related to the post issue at hand.

and to respond to everyone elses posts no i do not fly a Cap ship and probably never will (seeing as i am too lazy to start tradeing again)

Also the turrets do turn to slowly..not everyone is an Uber FL geek that can type fight and drink coffe at the same time. Some of us actually have a hard time just piloting fighters AND PEOPLE SHOULD RESPECT THAT!

Take me for instance i suck at pvp no matter what im only on the server to RP and have fun
and the ones i RP with Respect that despite me being forced to fight them from time to time due to RP circumstances. The end result is always the same I lose...but i dont complain about it.

So please people next time there is a post like this...Dont bring peoples Skill level into the topic its uncalled for and rude remember we are all here to have fun and RP.

Thank you for reading this.

Best Regards Pirate.

Weapons complaint. - Orin - 12-06-2008

He had some opinions, he didn't force them on you, he was polite. Honestly folks, why do you think this forum has such a bad reputation? Jeez.

Anyways, yeah, no seeking. The Nova does, but it's minute, and it's real hard to use. The SN is built to kill caps, and if it was nerfed any more, it would be bad. I can take down two bombers easy in a GB, and have done three.

Skill is indeed > nerfing. I feel for someone who can't fight that well, but we really can't let that influence balancing.

Weapons complaint. - blubba - 12-06-2008

I'm inclined to agee a little with the overpowered thing. I know, shoot me down in flames now.
I just think that maybe a little decrease in the SN power, like 100K instead of the 130k maybe?
As for the price, fine. Ramp it up to...say $10 million. I'm not sure that would make a difference though.
As for anti-fighter weapons on caps, I suggest you check out the various other threads about missile spamming from caps. A lot of fighter/bomber pilots say the exact opposite of what your saying regarding balance.
I find a couple of missile turrets and some reasonably fast firing guns are more than adequate to fend off a small ship, bomber or fighter. The problem isn't generally one attacker, it's when there are several.
As for missiles, I think there are not enough!
Ever gone into a mass combat with just 70 shots?
How long do you think they last?
It just has to be balanced and on reflection, I reckon they got it more or less right.
Now torpedos...I DO think you can carry too many. I think fighters should have that limit say half. Why a fighter would carry so many of those, with such a big payload it's beyond me. It's ok for PVP but this is an RP server and therefore, you can't kill anyone who doesn't want to be killed. (They can run away cos you have no CD). It kinda defeats the point of having a 'fighter' in the RP sense.

Weapons complaint. - Derkylos - 12-06-2008

I suck at pvp too...welcome to the club...and I think that SNs as is are perfect.

They are not the overpowered-cap-killing-instrument-o'-doom that everyone makes them out to be. One bomber with an SN will have a hard time dropping a cruiser shield, let alone a battleship shield, especially if the target is dodging. Those things require skill (as I have found to my detriment). Indeed, one SN will not even drop a trader shield in one shot, and firing any kind of secondary weapon to keep the shield down will make the wait between shots incredibly long.

As for turrets...basic turrets hurt fighters. A lot. One or two hits from a battleship turret will drop a heavy fighter class 10, and, from there, it's not like you need that many hits on hull to destroy a fighter.

As for missiles...I find that I can't use them, and opponents will kill me with them, so can't really say much here except "meh".