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Log of Lena Riemann - Printable Version

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Log of Lena Riemann - Shelco - 09-11-2016

"This is the log of the RHB-Jotunheim, Codename "Midgardschlange" number 1, i am Kommodore Lena Riemann. The date is uh the 11th of September I am recording this at 1 O'clock in the morning. Today was pretty much the first day of my ship, we launched at Wolfsburg in Omega-54 and tested our systems, uh, including the weapons. The test was a success, everything worked and my Crew was ready so we headed to the New-Berlin system to spread the Hessian's message. Leider did we only manage to speak to 1 person, a Junker named "Shaun_Cook", he offered me to smuggle some stuff but I wasn't interested. We saw more ships but none approached us. I got myself a drink and let Horst take the command of my ship, everything went okay. I decided to shutdown the energy and deactivate the systems because we were all tired."

RE: Log of the RHB-Jotunheim (you may answer this thread) - Shelco - 09-12-2016

"This is the log of the RHB-Jotunheim, Codename "Midgardschlange" number 2, I am Kommodore Lena Riemann. Today we have the 12th of September, I know this Log is a bit too late but I had to deal with some things. My plan to trespass Bretonia legally...didn't work....even though the Armed Forces promised to give us an escort through Bretonia so we could reach the omicrons, they didn't mean it. Our A.I. "POSEIDON" received a message about a trap, that the Armed Forces would engage us at Sprague, where we should meet them, instead of giving us an escort, my crew already told me that but i just didn't want to believe them, at first, We decided to counter that trap to see if the warning had a reason, it could have been a fraud after all, so we manipulated a barely functioning Jormungand-Battleship of ours and uploaded "POSEIDON" on that ship to act like it was human-controlled, also we installed the basic weaponry and made it look really good, we even managed to manipulate the signature so we would show up as "RHB-Jotunheim" on their scanners, the plan worked....unfortunately. The Armed Forces turned their fire on us, even though we were able to even destroy one of their bombers, the Jormungand got destroyed, luckily we had a backup of our A.I. so we didn't have to give it up, our ship is safely stored somewhere else, now i hope the Brigadegeneral will take revenge for this action." The ship that engaged us was the "HMS-Thunderer", may fire burn upon you."

RE: Log of the RHB-Jotunheim - Shelco - 09-25-2016

"Okay, this is the third log of the RHB-Jotunheim, we are currently stuck at Kaiserslautern Depot for minor repairs from damages we took because of an attack. Well, that day didn't go that much as we all hoped it would, we flew the ship near the Planet to get some interaction and maybe collect new allies but that plan backfired a bit. At New-Berlin we encountered a BDM ship, "Erika Keller" and some kind of Freelancer, some "Luka" who always blabbed and cried about us having robbed him or whatever anyway, instead of talking with us to see if we would even harm anyone, the BDM ship called assistance, a Donau-class cruiser called "RNC-Moskau" arrived a few minutes later, of course of course i know what anybody would think, "Why did you bring a Hessian Battleship to the capital planet?" and i am not going to say that i expected everyone to hug us but well, i kind of knew that this would happen and i am also not a bit sad because they attacked us i mean, we're Hessians in a Battleship after all and i wouldn't act differently, it is the fact that we had to run, my crew and I personally we all hate cruiser, we're not used to them, we didn't even take much damage but still enough to have some repairs and it didn't even die, we managed to rush the cloak and get out of there. Anyway, my diplomacies stay the same, i will still try to talk first and then shoot, something very rarely seen judging by how we get treaten but what can you do? Oh, by the way, tosay is the 25th of September 823 A.S. just so i don't loose track, i think that has been it, let's see if we even get to catch that damn cruiser."

RE: Log of the Fenriswolf - Shelco - 10-31-2016

"Okay, uh, it is the....31 of October 823 A.S. and...I am a bit sad, the Jotunheim just didn't want to anymore, the docking bays didn't work that was...okay to put it like that but...the hull just didn't resist fire anymore and I don't want to risk it being destroyed. Even the cloak was...completely broken somehow and my engineers couldn't get it back to work so I am stuck on Wolfsburg for now and can only use my fighter...but i already have a plan, a destroyer, a Scylla to be exact...let's see how that works out, i will tell Lukas about it too. My poor baby, I hope they can fix you somehow, but it is time for me to move on."

RE: Log of Lena Riemann - Shelco - 11-01-2016

"Okay, is this recording?" So, the Jotunheim threw a few bucks of to start my new project, it is...pretty interesting, apparently the Scylla itself needs a few parts to actually get done, an interior should be fairly easy, a few transports, hauling here and there....oh, it will be here on Wolfsburg, my engineers can do that, a Jormungand is even more difficult, I will make the Scylla a neat little home and a devastating warship, Lukas might help me, he better does or I will install razor blades in his bed. *She chuckles*I loved the Jotunheim though...a fine ship, we both went through so much, maybe it was older than i thought, maybe it simply had to give up, I will transfer Laufey on the Fenriswolf then, a fine A.I, maybe I can take a few things of the Jotunheim and put it in the Scylla before the Jotunheim gets junked or whatever, this is Leutnant and Kommodore Riemann, we have the 1st of November 823 A.S.

Good news....finally..."

RE: Log of Lena Riemann - Shelco - 11-03-2016

"So, this is nothing but a normal routine log simply because I am too lazy...uhm....the project, yes how could I forget about that, I think I will contact this Freelancer group for some things that the engineers still need, it looks good until now, though, Lukas has also made a good contribution to the project, he's the best. I still need to scrap the best parts out of the Jotunheim *she slightly knocks on her head* remember that, Lena! Gott...i really need to get my lazy ass up and do what I have to do but I am just so bad at doing this I am supposed to do when there is no deadline, at least my fellow engineers got work to do, I am so glad I was able to keep them busy before they leave me that would have really pissed me off. I think I will just inform Lukas about contacting FL-ER I am so not going to pay that stuff alone, oh, then I do have a reason to get up, great.

RE: Log of Lena Riemann - Shelco - 11-05-2016

"So, this is going perfectly gut, FL-ER idiots brought the last pieces to Freistadt which I took to Wolfsburg, the engineers are doing very good and hard work, I am super proud. Lukas gave me his part of the money, he did good work very good work. Now the only thing we need to do is putting the rooms from the Jotunheim into the Fenriswolf and we're good to go, I still need to put Laufey into the A.I. channel, remember that, Lena! Anyway, that's it for this record."

RE: Log of Lena Riemann - Shelco - 11-08-2016

" will be mine...well, ours, but still mine, you took me a lot of effort and money, but in the end it will be worth the effort, won't it? I know you won't disappoint me, and neither will Lukas, Wolfsburg will look after you if you need it. You shall demolish the evildoers of the corrupt government and show the Rheinland citizens that we will free them...."

RE: Log of Lena Riemann - Shelco - 11-17-2016

"Well, I didn't do this for a few days now, i totally forgot that. Anyways, the Fenriswolf is completely done, finally, a shame that some of my workers had to leave but I am sure they found something else that's hessian-related, I can't look out for everyone. Lukas, however, decided to ask me if I would marry him, I was pretty surprised like, I didn't even know what to say at first but i guess i said yes, i don't know if it was a good idea but I think it was, a hell lot of better than saying no probably, he was so extremely happy so, I guess, I made the right choice, well, what else is there to say, oh yes, my last report was...let me 9 days ago, I was lazy and yes...that's it."

RE: Log of Lena Riemann - Shelco - 12-03-2016

"It's been days, nothing, just nothing, neither can I get to do something, nor is there something, everything around me is way too quiet, I am just not used to it anymore. Normally I would go out and experience things that are just thrilling and crazy at the same time, but this is somehow over now, I might as well sit here and count the people walking in and out of Wolfsburg, yes, I am at Wolfsburg at the moment, just having the Fenriswolf stored here...was it even useful I made it? Or did I just have to create something to fill the gap theJotunheimm once filled, iI don't even know anymore, it could be anything. While I begin to wish I had that ship still...I am happy I found something to replace it, I know a Scylla is pretty much nothing to a Jormungand butI just need some alternative and yet I don't even use it...I am also not good enough with it, I will not let it slip, though, it was too tough to just have it in a corner eating dust, I will find something."