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90 NANOBOTS ON ONE FIGHTER?! - Printable Version

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90 NANOBOTS ON ONE FIGHTER?! - DarkOddity - 08-18-2006


With the efficiency of nanobots on a fighter class vessel this is completely unbalanced as nanobot efficiency does not drop when Mk 7 armor is used and nanobots seem to do percentage repairs, as opposed to actual set numbers.

This is an issue. I unloaded enough rounds (of actual hits) in a [RM] Wraith to kill atleast 3 nomad battleships before I finally got him and a total of 20 minutes of him sitting almost completely still next to me with only a few shield runnings.

This kind of thing needs to be fixed. Sucks that it got overlooked. No hard feelings to the modders. I still got the kill. lol

90 NANOBOTS ON ONE FIGHTER?! - Virus - 08-18-2006

You have to mention that you have all Solaris, which DO NOT hit very well against fighters. Yes, its an anti-fighter weapon, but targeting is off for chainguns. For some reason, it doesn't lead off from the target far enough to be effective.

Not to mention, for a Battleship weapon, Solaris are very, very weak guns.

The Wrath has a high armor rating because of its low attack and low manuevering. With only five forward firing weapons and the agility of a brick, it wouldn't be very effective otherwise.

It is NOT too high, because I have killed multiple player Wraths in my Bomber. Yes, Bomber. The flying boulder. I used no Nanobots or shield batteries, and they did.

90 NANOBOTS ON ONE FIGHTER?! - Dab - 08-18-2006

And I have also destroyed quite a few in my Eagles. They are not as strong as you say. They are simply more effective against battleships than other fighters might be because of its armor. But against other fighters it isn't very effective at all. Thats why you should have fighter support when flying a battleship.

90 NANOBOTS ON ONE FIGHTER?! - DarkOddity - 08-18-2006

Dab,Aug 17 2006, 09:21 PM Wrote:And I have also destroyed quite a few in my Eagles. They are not as strong as you say. They are simply more effective against battleships than other fighters might be because of its armor. But against other fighters it isn't very effective at all. Thats why you should have fighter support when flying a battleship.

All valid points, however no fighter should take 3x the damage of a Nomad battleship. But I guess that is just personal opinion.

90 NANOBOTS ON ONE FIGHTER?! - Virus - 08-18-2006

It doesn't take 3x the damage. Most of your shots missed, I'm sure. Nomad Battleship has tons more hull.

There is a big difference between 33,000 hull and 580,000. You COULD NOT have been hitting all the time.

90 NANOBOTS ON ONE FIGHTER?! - marauder - 08-18-2006

If you think the wraith is unbalanced I can't wait to hear what you think of the werewolf.

Chainguns have a high refire but that doesn't make them any better at killing fighters, I still miss NPCs with corsair turrets which fire alot slower then a chaingun.

If you want to kill a player fighter use missile turrets.

If the missile doesn't kill it then the fighter (as long as it's an original FL ship model) will still lose weapons, equipment or wings/fins.

90 NANOBOTS ON ONE FIGHTER?! - Korrd - 08-18-2006

Chainguns suck against fighters because of their accuracy. I'm sure that 90% of the shots missed. Thats why i don't use chainguns on my BS. I prefer slow refire-high accuracy weapons, like the order turrets. They might fire slow, but most of the shots hit the target.

I don't remember the stats of the wraith, but I've fought it a few times with nb/sb allowed, and it didn't take me more than 10 mins to kill it (depending on player skill). i fought it once with my rh bomber (i killed it in less than a minute thanks to dual novas), and a few more times in raven / sabre.

90 NANOBOTS ON ONE FIGHTER?! - DarkOddity - 08-18-2006

Korrd,Aug 18 2006, 07:20 AM Wrote:Chainguns suck against fighters because of their accuracy. I'm sure that 90% of the shots missed. Thats why i don't use chainguns on my BS. I prefer slow refire-high accuracy weapons, like the order turrets. They might fire slow, but most of the shots hit the target.

I don't remember the stats of the wraith, but I've fought it a few times with nb/sb allowed, and it didn't take me more than 10 mins to kill it (depending on player skill). i fought it once with my rh bomber (i killed it in less than a minute thanks to dual novas), and a few more times in raven / sabre.

I'm going to do the math for ya on how many shots would have actually hit his ship and edit it into this post, going with a 90% Failure rate on accuracy.

(My rough guestimated percentage was about 75% of all shots missed their mark)

Ok here is a rough breakdown of the numbers: Note, this is on a rate of 10% accuracy over a 20 minute period of time. almost 100% constant fire.

20 Minutes = 1200 Seconds
10% of 20 Minutes = 120 Seconds

120 Seconds = 3,960 shots confirmed hit (One weapon)

Factor in that I can hit him with 5 weapons at any given time nomatter where he is around my ship:

19,800 Confirmed Hits (One Weapon)

Now I unfortunately don't recall the stats of the women so lets assume the stats are 90/90 (I know shield is 90, cant recall hull. I know it is higher however)

With only 10% accuracy and 5 weapons at an under-rated level of attack. I hit the wraith for atleast this amount of damage:


There is not a single person here who can tell me that that is balanced.

My battleship has 390,000 points of armor
With Mk VII Armor I have 1,170,000 points.

Thats a 612,000 point difference, giving the wraith with nanobots an armor value HIGHER than one of the highest rated battleships (Hull plating wise) (Granted alot of the damage was recooped by shield running (Which is why the massive armor value is so unbalanced)

Now I'm going to humor myself and go with a 75% missed shot rating (Meaning 25% accuracy over a 20 minute period of time.

AND I am going to ASSUME that 5 minutes of that entire 20 minutes I spent NOT firing (Probrably more like 2-3 Minutes I actually didn't fire but I'm adding extra time as room for error.


15 Minutes (15*60=900 Seconds)
25% of 900
900*0.25=225 Seconds
33 Shots Per Second

7425 Confirmed Hits

Damage Guestimate 90 Per Shot (Shields AND Armor)

One Weapon

668,250x5 = 3,341,250 (5 Weapons)

Grand Total:

ATLEAST 3,341,250 Total Damage Over a 225 Second Period of Time (4 Minutes & 15 Seconds)

Lets compare that to the armor value of my ship one more time:

My battleship has 390,000 points of armor
With Mk VII Armor I have 1,170,000 points.
3,341,250- 1,170,000 = Difference of 2,171,250 Hit Points In favor of the Wraith

90 NANOBOTS ON ONE FIGHTER?! - DarkOddity - 08-18-2006

Needless to say even if I factored in my shields and their 3000+ Recharge and 460,000 Capacity i would be capable of taking much more damage than the 1,170,000. (Which I will setup a spreadsheet for later tonight to show everyone the misbalance)

I still don't understand why a wraith can take that much damage.


Takes a battleship longer to kill a player fighter than it does to kill a fleet of battleships due to the fighters manuverability and agility and then you throw the ability that they can take that amount of damage ontop of it.

It's obscene.

90 NANOBOTS ON ONE FIGHTER?! - DarkOddity - 08-18-2006

Tonight I am going to set up a spreadsheet in microsoft excel that puts everything into account

Player 1's:
Shields, Armor, Weapons, Nanobots & Nanobatteries

Player 2's:
Shields, Armor, Weapons, Nanobots & Nanobatteries

Shields will include covering the regeneration values to give completely 100% accurate time needed to destroy one ship with the other with specific loadouts.

This spreadsheet will also have the ability to guestimate damage on a general scale aswell for mainstream balancing purposes where you cannot predict the exact loadout each person will use but you can predict the high & low average damage outputs from each player.

When I complete this spreadsheet I will put it on LancersReactor and submit it to these forums for everyone to tinker with