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Zyliath's news - possible return! - Printable Version

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Zyliath's news - possible return! - Zyliath - 09-19-2016

'Sup Disco, your favourite Angel is back for some news!

It's official-my old rig is garbage. Since my birthday (the 12th of October), is nearing, I'll take up the occasion to make me gift a new rig. I -might- be back...if RL doesn't kick by bollocks.

That's it, actually. I -really- hope to keep my word-I am missing the servers a lot!

Note for Admins: Please, try to keep my ships alive!


RE: Zyliath's news - possible return! - Sombs - 09-19-2016

You were gone?

RE: Zyliath's news - possible return! - Zyliath - 09-19-2016

Sort of - call it a 'indefinite break from the server'.

P.S: cheeki

RE: Zyliath's news - possible return! - Piombo65 - 09-20-2016


...iv damke!

How much to complete whole STALKER game?

RE: Zyliath's news - possible return! - Zyliath - 10-12-2016

Bad news. I won't be joining you all anytime soon.
Hence, I ask the Admins this:

Try to keep my bank ship and Oracle ship alive. I'm OK for my [HA] tagged ships.
A ship will be given to NoMe, and the others are to be wiped.

I hope you can do this. For now, I'll be on forums only.
Hope to see you soon. ~Zyl

RE: Zyliath's news - possible return! - NoMe - 10-13-2016

hey Zyliath

thanks for your proposition, good luck friend
