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PC Hardware boffins have gained MAXIMUM WIN! - Printable Version

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PC Hardware boffins have gained MAXIMUM WIN! - Angelfire - 12-08-2008


I need to upgrade my pc BUT I don't want to change my mobo because this means re-installing all the piles of software I already have installed... Real Headaches that take days to install and update like Steam etc...


My Mobo is the MSI 945P Platinum

Currently I have:

4 x 512 ram

Gforce 7800GTX

Intel 3 gig processor

4 SATA hard drives totalling about 1 Terrabyte. (Not raided)

I would like to upgrade as much as I can without the full reinstall!

Antone have any ideas?

Below is the system information blurb:

Thanx a mil.

OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Build 2600
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Name REV-BBD616C571E
System Manufacturer INTELR
System Model AWRDACPI
System Type X86-based PC
Processor x86 Family 15 Model 4 Stepping 3 GenuineIntel ~3617 Mhz
BIOS Version/Date Phoenix Technologies, LTD 6.00 PG, 2005/11/25
SMBIOS Version 2.2
Windows Directory C:\WINDOWS
System Directory C:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Locale South Africa
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2111)"
User Name REV-BBD616C571E\Rev
Time Zone South Africa Standard Time
Total Physical Memory 2,048.00 MB
Available Physical Memory 1.17 GB
Total Virtual Memory 2.00 GB
Available Virtual Memory 1.96 GB
Page File Space 3.85 GB
Page File C:\pagefile.sys

PC Hardware boffins have gained MAXIMUM WIN! - 13CentKiller - 12-08-2008

I would start by switching out the 4 512MB RAM sticks for 2 1GB Corsair or G-Skill 1200MHz FSB sticks in duel channel. Any more will be a waste of time, as your Operating system is a 32bit one. Get the brand with the individual heat sinks equiped and buy a slim fan that connects in between the two chips for extra cooling.

Turn the Nvidia 7800GTX into an ATI 4870 X2

The four SATA drives can stay. (Talk to Kindred or SGTMatt about RAIDS, they can improve read/write performance)

For Gaming
Exchange the x86 familly for one of the duel core Extreme range if you have the cash.

For 3D animation/Photoshop/Sound editing/Movie production type applications:
Exchange the x86 family for one of the quad core Extreme range.

In any case, exchanging the motherboard for a new one is unnecessary. The current already supports the higher class CPU's, PCI Express and has slots for a lot of extra RAM. Unless you wanted 2 video cards in SLI, you won't need to change your board.

If you really want to go nuts, buy a decent cooler for the CPU, and ditch the stock one.

With four drives in the box, I would suggest getting a decent case that provides decent ventilation and equip a few extra fans for induction of cold air and extraction all the hot.

For the power supply to fuel a beast like that? I would say get the biggest modular power supply you can get your hands on! :yes:

I will edit when more comes to mind.:cool:

PC Hardware boffins have gained MAXIMUM WIN! - Jamez - 12-08-2008

What stuff do you do on your PC(I don't want too much detail kthx)?

That's a big factor in deciding what to upgrade.

PC Hardware boffins have gained MAXIMUM WIN! - Angelfire - 12-08-2008

wow.. thx guys.

This machine is for gaming, gaming and a bit more gaming:)

Those ATI crads look fantastic! Very expensive but I will definitely have a look at them!

Is SLI worth it? I had SLI on an older machine and some apps didnt even use it!


So upgrading to 4 x 1 gig rams will be a waste of time?

I just got GTA IV and it runs like my machine is a 486 or summin... slooowwww.

PC Hardware boffins have gained MAXIMUM WIN! - looqas - 12-08-2008

There might be a problem turning the single core processor into dual (or quad) core since XP needs a reinstall. At install time XP (and Vista) installs core specific drivers and just changing the processor will not cut it. Did it once with single core AMD -> dual core AMD and it needed a complete re-install. Sorry. You could try it and pray, but most likely prepare for re-install.

Otherwise 13cent gave you a pretty good list what to do.

PC Hardware boffins have gained MAXIMUM WIN! - Angelfire - 12-08-2008

ok... so just upgrade ram and graphics?

PC Hardware boffins have gained MAXIMUM WIN! - Jamez - 12-08-2008

Gaming, noted. What size monitor do you have?

PC Hardware boffins have gained MAXIMUM WIN! - Angelfire - 12-08-2008

' Wrote:Gaming, noted. What size monitor do you have?

30 Inch Apple Cinema Display. See specs here

(Birthday prezzie from my wife:))

PC Hardware boffins have gained MAXIMUM WIN! - 13CentKiller - 12-08-2008

' Wrote:There might be a problem turning the single core processor into dual (or quad) core since XP needs a reinstall.
Otherwise 13cent gave you a pretty good list what to do.

It would just be a repair, no information would be lost, default XP skin and setting would be the only thing effected. Otherwise the driver would automatically replace it self as a standard windows device to my knowledge. If I'm wrong he always has a single core to fall back on.

SLI would require a board change as it requires 2 PCI Express slots. Some people think it is worth it, some don't. You have to remember if you have two ATI 4870 X2 cards in two PCI slots on another board, your not actually doubling your card. its only around a 25% to 30% increase in power. Significant to some, others wouldn't notice.

As for RAM you have four 512MB chips adding up to 2GB?

So I would upgrade those four 512MB chips and sell them, replacing them with two 1GB sticks and enable duel channel (usually default)

This will generally improve performance on accessing applications. Trancend, Corsair and G-Skill are all very good brands. Personally I would go with Corsair.

Anything in excess 800MHz FSB is good. I would spend the money on two chips the same speed, as the slower one would slow the faster chip down, which may be a problem of yours now. I can explain that later if you wish.


Corsair 1GB 1066MHz FSB

Note the heatsink at the top :rolleyes:

Anything else?:cool:

PC Hardware boffins have gained MAXIMUM WIN! - Jamez - 12-08-2008

By the looks of it, that motherboard doesn't support Core 2 Duo/Core 2 Quad processors. If anyone can shed any more light on this, please do so.

Since you have such a big monitor, you're going so need some serious graphics beef to keep the frames coming. The 4870x2 sounds like a good idea, but make sure your case and cooling system can handle a card that runs at about the same temp as the surface of the sun.