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To: Corsairs/TBH: Request to dock - Printable Version

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To: Corsairs/TBH: Request to dock - Tex.Mex - 09-25-2016

Sender: Tex.Mex
Recipient: The Junker Congress
Location: Corfu Base, Omicron Theta
Signal strength: Kinda iffy...
Encryption: *SMACK* ok, it's workin' again

Howdy Corsairs!

I come to you today requesting assistance. Now, us Junkers are normally quite independent but I have gotten myself into a predicament and a whole lot of trouble with them blue rubbery nomad folks. I'm gettin' ahead of myself though, so let me start from the beginning.

After quite a successful weekend in runnin' some premium scrap up to Tripoli to help you guys patch up your ships after your clashes with the Outcasts last week, me and my fellow Junker Scrapvulture was washing some dust off our throats in the Tripoli Shipyard bar. As we was sittin' and discussin' the increase of piracy this weekend, a Corsair patrol leader came walkin' in and sat by the bar within earshot. We overheard him talkin' about a strange radiation signature they picked up close to the Omnicron Theta hole. Apparently they haven't picked up this signature yet, but it was too strong for their ships to get close to, tearin' big chunks of hulls off as they tried to approach it.

Now bein' Junkers, our ships are made to withstand long periods of time in highly irradiated fields, and havin' done all our scrappin' for the day, we naturally offered to go check the signature out, before another disaster befalls the Gamma system. The patrol leader was just too happy that we were willin' to help out, and with a rather big hole left in my wallet after a bad business decision, I enquired if maritime law of finder's keepers applies to whatever lies there at the source of the radiation. He said he don't really have the juice to grant permission for sumthin' like that, but he would put in a good word for us for helpin' them out like that.

After a few more shots of liquid courage, Scrapvulture and I headed out to the coordinates supplied by the patrol leader. Sure enough, as we approached, the radiation sensors went ballistic and we watched the radiation starting to chew away on the Salvager's reinforced armor plating as we slowly proceeded closer. We knew this had to be sumthin' massive that we were headin' at, and started regrettin' not bringing a couple bottles of rum with for the trip. As we got closer, we started seein' the outlines of a massive ship. We scanned it and the computers identified it as a Bustard class civilian carrier, ship name Jiminy.Cricket. No signs of life was present, which I'm not really surprised about considerin' the high levels of radiation. As we approached we knew we couldn't tow it back to the station in the state it was in, cos we'd basically kill everyone there with the leaks comin' from the power core. We decided it would be best if I parked my Sally at Crete, and headed back with Scrapvulture, where he would leave me at the ship to try and get it patched up, while he cargo'd in supplies that I would need.

Back on Crete we looked up the patrol leader and told him of our find, and the exact coordinates of the ship. He agreed to lead a patrol to assist us with protection while we try to get the huge hunk of junk up and running again. We headed back with our rad suits, and I stayed behind on the carrier as Scrapvulture went to fetch materials. Boarding the ship was a sight I wouldn't wish upon anyone. There was Zoners everywhere. Not live ones though. The ship was scattered with bodies everywhere you looked. There was huge holes ripped in the ship where the attackers lasers penetrated the armor. Lots of equipment had been torn off in the blasts. The guns on the ship had overheated and seized from the repeated fire. Them Zoners was completely outmatched. Who would attack them? They're friendly with everyone. They're not fighters. Unless...there is one group that doesn't care about anyone or anything...human, at least.

After countless trips made by Scrapvulture, and long hours of non-stop workin', I managed to get the power core patched up. The outer hull was startin' to look like a ship again as well, but large bays, large enough to park easy half a dozen snubs in were left empty from all the equipment that got tore out into the vacuum. We used this space to pack all the bodies in, so they can have a proper like burial when we reach civilization again. We thought the worst was over, we notified the patrol leader that they can move in as most of the radiation has been detained. They arrived just as I started the massive engines of the ship up again. We cheered as the blue engine trails became visible from the bridge. Our celebration was short lived though. As we were about to start movin' out, the attackers decloaked! It was just as I had feared. Nomads! We had only just gotten the boat active to move it to a place where we can proper fix it. We haven't even started thinkin' about the seized weapons systems yet. I was a big ol' sittin' duck, even more defenceless than the Zoners had been. Scrapvulture and the patrol leader was first to react. As the missiles started hammerin' on the Bustard's shield, that kept malfunctionin' and sparkin', they attacked the Nomads. It didn't take long for the Nomads to realise I'm not shootin' and they shifted their attention to the more immediate threats. Scrapvulture and the Corsair patrol fought bravely against the blue enemy. Scrapvulture's Salvager got badly damaged from the concentrated missile fire though and he had to retreat back to safety. The patrol fought fearlessly though and managed to take down every one of the attackers. It was a great victory indeed! We discussed where to go to next. We had two priorities. One, to get the ship all fixed up so it can defend itself. Two, to get the bodies in the empty hangars a proper burial. We decided that, seein' as it's a civilian ship, takin' it to Corfu base where they are sold would be best, as it is also close to Freeport 9 where we can drop off the bodies.

We headed through the jumphole to Omicron Theta, the yet again battered Bustard barely holdin' up for the jump. Crawlin' to the Freeport at a snail pace, the patrol bravely esorted us to ensure we get there all safe. We dropped the bodies off at Freeport, said our condolences to the dead, and made our way to Corfu. On our arrival at Corfu we headed on over to the equipment dealer. To our disappointment it came out that this base merely sells the Bustards on order. There are no spares for it there, and not even a second hand one we could strip for spares. The equipment dealer informed us the closest place we could get equipment would be at Tripoli Shipyard. Now I know the Corsairs and Outcasts are still a bit edgy after their battles last week. I'm not about to waltz into their main shipyard with a capital warship, civilian or not, ineffective at war making as hell or not. People died for this ship. We worked hard on restorin' her back to life her life hangin' on a thread or not. That is where you good folks of the Corsairs comes in. We would please like to request permission to dock at your shipyard so we can get the Bustard travel ready. We have decided on takin' her back to Puerto Rico with us where we are close to our supply of scrap metal, and with our own shipyards and tools to proper fix the ship, without using your scarce materials for our needs. What we are askin for is permission to dock at Tripoli, a day or two to fix the basic necessities like armor, shield, weapons and engines. We will gladly pay of course for everything we use. And then we'll be out of your hair.

Now that I have stated what we want. Let's get down to what benefits it holds in for the Corsair people. Number one, a nomad group has been found and destroyed in your system before any more people got hurt. Number two, your equipment dealers and shops gets a financial boost as we buy from them to fix the ship up. Number three, should you show us such kindness as to allow us our request, we will of course be very grateful, and would be doin' lots more business with the Corsairs. You would have premium scrap metal in abundance. More metal means you can build more ships means you can win more wars, your economy would be boosted as we distribute more and more artifacts throughout our travels, and people will take note of the Corsairs as a force to be reckoned with again with all the new ships and money you'd make out of the deal.

So could you please answer in good time, as I think there's a small hole that I just didn't have enough metal to properly patch up in the core, and it might be slowly leaking. Tripoli is the only hope I have to properly fix it.

Kind regards
Tex.Mex , currently pilotin' the Jiminy.Cricket

P.S. Here is some guncam shots I took of the Nomads and Corsairs that helped in the small amount of time we got the guncam workin' on the Bustard

RE: To: Corsairs/TBH: Request to dock - Clavius - 09-26-2016

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[Image: 775af70a72.gif]

Buenos dias senor Mex,

The Brotherhood apreciates the Congress's recent efforts to help us resupply and repair our ships. Those cardamine lovers are nothing but slavers and savages, they will pay greatly for every attempt they make against the Empire.

This noticias you bring about a nomad attack within Gamma are quite concerning. The zoners should have sent a distress signal instead of letting their ship go down so easly and increase the nearby radiation level because of its engine and power core.

You are clear to take the carrier to Tripoli, as long as the radiation levels have become low enough not to harm any Cretan. Our engineers at Tripoli are one of the finest we have to offer.
Once the repairs are complete, I expect you to hold your end of the deal.
May this be the start of a fruitfull relationship.

Hasta la proxima vez,

[Image: 84afbc8fd0.gif]

RE: To: Corsairs/TBH: Request to dock - Tex.Mex - 09-26-2016

Sender: Tex.Mex
Recipient: Hector Beltran, The Brotherhood
Location: Corfu Base, Omicron Theta
Signal strength: Kinda iffy...
Encryption: *SMACK* ok, it's workin' again

Why thank you kindly, good sir.

I assure you your kindness will not go overlooked. Why, just the other day I was sayin' to myself, Self, we have heard some nasty stories about them Corsairs, is it really wise to be doin' business with them? And I answered myself, Self, if them filthy Hogosha lovin' Kusaris can get treated as civilised people, even gettin' their own slice of house space, while dinin' on kittens and puppies, then who are we to judge these folk on things they have to do out of necessity, to survive, just like the rest of us. We as Junkers strive to build a better universe for all out of the discarded scrap of others, and if our contribution can help an otherwise shunned people have a better quality of life, then darnit we will help any way we can! I can see from yer reply I made the right choice in supportin' your cause. I've even taken the liberty of runnin' some more shipments to Tripoli, and from Crete, while we was waitin' on your reply, as a sign of good faith.

I can assure you once this little bouncing bundle of joy has been properly taken care of, my ugly mug, and my beautiful Salvager filled to the brim in commodities, will become part of the scenery in your system.

To a long, mutually prosperous relationship between our people *raises a glass of rum*

RE: To: Corsairs/TBH: Request to dock - Tex.Mex - 09-28-2016

Sender: Tex.Mex
Recipient: The Junker Congress
Location: Corfu Base, Omicron Theta
Signal strength: Kinda iffy...
Encryption: *SMACK* ok, it's workin' again

Greetings Mr. Beltran,

I am happy to report that your engineers are every bit as good as you promised they would be. The Bustard has been fixed up and is travel ready, and in record time evens. I have taken her fer a spin around the place and I cannot be happier with the results. As promised, a generous amount of cash has been already plowed into the Gamma economy to pay for the hard work. The repairs consisted of the followin':

Bustard Shield
Bustard Guns
Moar Guns
Bustard Armor

Your engineers managed to up the shield capacity to that of a cruiser. Quite the feat considerin' it was only transport capacity when we found it. The jammed guns had been unjammed and proper oiled to get them back to workin' condition. However the most impressive bit has been the armor upgrade. Now I've heard some stories 'bout how talented you Corsair guys are at workin' with armor, but I could never in my wildest dreams imagine that they could fit armor on that improved what the Bustard had by 3.3 times! I naturally paid the guys a generous amount for the expert work they gone did.

While this was all happenin' me and the boys thought it good to get back to Texas and start makin' good on our arrangement. Attached you'll fine a pic I gone took of a bunch of us arrivin' at Tripoli stacked full of the premiumiest scrap metal we could find.
Delivery 1 of plenty to come

Hopin' this finds y'all in good health. If you ever need anythin', you can push my button anytime!

Much respect