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To: Rheinland Military Authority - Printable Version

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To: Rheinland Military Authority - Tex.Mex - 09-27-2016

Sender: Tex.Mex
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Jiminy.Cricket Bustard Civilian Carrier
Signal strength: Kinda iffy...
Encryption: *SMACK* ok, it's workin' again

Greetings Rheinlanders!

Through the increasing and increasingly violent attacks happening all across Sirius the last while, we Junkers have had our hands full when it comes to cleanin' up the mess others make, while also goin' about our normal tradin' duties to keep our families fed.

Now, through all this violence a little stroke of luck has hit upon us. I am sure Rheinland is no stranger to Nomad attacks, heck, just the other day we had to reroute a buncha our ships after the military blocked New Berlin off cos of Nomads attacking. On a recent foray through the Omnicrons, cleanin' up after the Corsair and Outcast battles, rescuin' what we can to be sold off again later, we happened upon some info that lead us to findin' a big ol' Bustard class civilian carrier. Now, she is a thing of beauty, and after bangin' out some of the dents she is even more beautifulier! Her tale so far is a tale of sadness though, as the Zoners that owned her was all killed by Nomads, who also attacked us and almost destroyed her again after we got her goin' again. The Zoners that was on board's bodies have all been laid to rest at Freeport 9. We plan on honoring the dead by keepin' her name proudly on the side, so whoever sees it can see it as a beacon of hope that no matter how hard them nomads hits us human folk, we will always rise again. We shall also be addin' the Congress tag fer security purposes at our bases.

The stroke of luck comes in the form of this ship havin' jump capabilites of the most advanced kind. We can easily cut our travelin' time in half by utilizin' it to it's full potential, meanin' clearer, safer skies for everyone in half the time. Now the ship is travel ready, but not yet stable enough to be put back into full time operation. So far we have got the basic turrets, two pulse turrets and a Solaris gatlin' turret fixed up. We have fixed her shield and boosted it's shieldin' capacity a bit, and stuck some premium scrap around the hull to give the same defensive capabilities of a Capital Armor Upgrade 5, which as you can see, are purely defensive upgrades to make it back to our shipyard in one piece. To get her to her full potential again we will need to get her to our shipyard, back in Puerto Rico, as the resources on this here outlayin' stations are just way too few and far between and expensive to make fixin' up a carrier, even a civilian one, worth the effort. Back in Puerto we may be upgradin' her armor, tinkerin' on the engine a bit, replace the temporary power core shielding with permanent ones, fittin' weapons to better suit the areas we travel in, replacing the temporary armor upgrade with a more permanent one, and fitting a jump drive. We will then apply for a special permit to have the jump drive fitted before entering Rheinland.

We humbly request permission to move this ship through Rheinland space back to Puerto, where we can fix her up. The permission would also, if you'd be so kind, extend to after she has been fixed up, so we can use her for tradin' , as we plan on doin', where some of our routes would be through and inside of Rheinland. The ship will be carryin' all kindsa legal-like commodities to all corners of Sirius. More specific to Rheinland I would like to point out that we have been assistin' in importing Niobium to New Berlin where you use it to build yer ginormous war machines to defend against the enemies of Rheinland, and also exportin' Rheinbier to Liberty as a sign of celebration that the ruthless war between you's two superpowers has ended. I would also like to point out that I have never been caught breakin' any of the Rheinland rules, and as I will be pilotin' the ship, I will do my best to ensure it stays that way. Should I be caught doin' anythin' I'm not supposed to, I understand I will be up for a fine and/or destruction of the ship, as well as gettin' my permission to use the ship in Rheinland revoked.

Rheinlanders are well known for their efficiency, so I will not be addin' my usual request of urgentness. I am sure we are all aware my current whereabouts aren't the safest with many unruly types wanderin' about.

Lookin' forward to hearin' from ya!

RE: To: Rheinland Military Authority - Yber - 09-27-2016

Source: Battleship Altenburg, Dresden-System, Bundesrepublik Rheinland
Encryption: port RM-HC-P3R-M11S-3!

Submitter: Admiral Driedrik Sterr
Recipant: Tex Mex
Subject: Trespass

Captain "Jimmy Cricket" of the Tex Mex:

Your travelling request is denied.

If you wish to travel across Rheinland with your carrier, the next requirements must be met:

a) The Tex Mex will possess no weaponry. It is to be dismounted before arriving to Rheinland space and may be mounted again outside our sovereign space.
b) Any and all escort pilots that do not belong to the Militär will be transported in a separate vessel, while the ships themselves may be transported in the Tex Mex.
c) A fine of 5 million SC is to be paid to the Rheinland Militär's bank account [RM]Bonus.Bank in order to cover the costs of fuel and salary of the escorts.
d) You are to travel through Rheinland without breaks until you've left sovereign space.

As you may realize, escorts that don't belong to the Rheinland Militär or Rheinland Federal Police won't be permitted.

Failure to meet any of these conditions will mean inmediate and permanent denial to your request.

Should you comply, you are to follow the route designed by the officer in charge of the mission.

Additionally, if you wish to use this ship for trade at a later point, please adress the Bundestag with your request.

Admiral Driedrik Sterr

RE: To: Rheinland Military Authority - Tex.Mex - 09-27-2016

Sender: Tex.Mex
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Jiminy.Cricket Bustard Civilian Carrier
Signal strength: Kinda iffy...
Encryption: *SMACK* ok, it's workin' again

Why thank yew good sir.

Yer conditions all seem reasonable. It will take us a coupla hours to dismount the weapons again but it will be done before enterin' Rheinland. I can promise you we have no planned stops anywhere until we reach home. The trip will be straight and true through yer space. You won't even know we was there. Just a couple of things to iron out the wrinkles and make sure there ain't no misunderstandin':
1) My name is Tex. The ship's name is Jiminy Cricket. Pleased to make yer acquaintance.
2) The weapons will be dismounted before I enter Rheinland and not be refitted until I have Rheinland in the rear view scanners.
3) I will not be travellin' with an escort. Not in my cargo or flyin' next to me.
4) I see no reason fer an escort through Rheinland. You boys do a good enough job of keepin' us safe. Unless, for trust reasons, you want to assign me with one, that shouldn't be necessary, thank you.
5) Bein' a big ol' lady I don't want to get into no trouble fer disruptin' trade lanes with the bumpin' and grindin' it takes to point one of these in the right direction. If it's fine with you I'll use my own more comfortable route, still goin' straight in and out with no stops.

Thank you fer yer quick reply, I knew you guys was efficient, but well done!

RE: To: Rheinland Military Authority - Yber - 09-28-2016

Source: Battleship Altenburg, Dresden-System, Bundesrepublik Rheinland
Encryption: port RM-HC-P3R-M11S-3!

Submitter: Admiral Driedrik Sterr
Recipant: Tex Mex
Subject: Trespass

Captain Tex Mex of the Jimmy Cricket:

I'm sorry for the missunderstanding with your name.

Indeed, we keep Rheinland secure. And we want to keep it that way. Escorts act both ways as I'm sure you understand.

You may negotiate the route you wish to follow with the officer in charge, but you'll follow his guidelines above all else. Please inform us of your entering point into Rheinland as well as when you plan on doing so.

Admiral Driedrik Sterr

RE: To: Rheinland Military Authority - Tex.Mex - 09-28-2016

Sender: Tex.Mex
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Jiminy.Cricket Bustard Civilian Carrier
Signal strength: Kinda iffy...
Encryption: *SMACK* ok, it's workin' again

It sure does look like we our business is comin' to a favorable conclusion then. I have taken the time to take the ship fer a test drive into the Sigmas and I am happy to report she seems to be able to go through Rheinland space with no danger to the population. I have submitted a official type request to move the ship through Rheinland space and will have all the conditions met by the time I get confirmation. I thank you fer yer time and effort in this here matter. Next you will hear from me should be pi'tures to prove all went well hopefully.

Best of wishes *raises a cocktail glass with a white, milky liquid in, sugar coated around the rim. The bar of the Cruise Liner Hawaii in the background, the Jiminy.Cricket seen anchored next to the Liner through the window*