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Connection - Ruairi - 09-27-2016

"Connection" - Personal log of Ghor Fitzgerald

I've started this neural net log of my journeys. Man, hopefully my research will come through. I've always wanted to research something worthwhile, but I couldn't find anything until now. I was usually just doing basic research on jump gate technology, as well as improving trade lane technology, but then I realized we can bring about the dawn of a new age

The age of the hypergate.

Hypergates are considered only theoretical, as even Ageira hasn't broken through on that technology yet (if they've even considered it). The closest I've heard of an actual hypergate was a rumor about the Nomad war, and how some legendary man named Edison Trent opened one with some weird trinket. Whether it's truth or fiction, it's definitely a convincing push to further research what hypergates are and how they work.

From what I've gathered, jump gates and hypergates have one major difference, as well as a few minor ones.

- Jump gates are short ranged jumps from one system to another. They are also smaller in design.
-Hypergates on the other hand, can be imagined as "jump gates on steroids". The distance a single hypergate can cover is MASSIVE, possibly spanning across the Sirius sector from bottom left to top right, and then some. Unlike normal jump gates, hypergates will likely be HUMONGOUS in size, and will require INSANE amounts of power to use just a single time.

This is the beginning of my research log, as I will be going through the cosmos asking for information, browsing the neural net, and exploring forgotten alien lands. The future of transportation lies in my hands... let's get it started.

RE: Connection - Ruairi - 09-27-2016

Entry I
To begin my research, I need information as to how jump gates work. I recalled an old colleague of mine, Rundal. We were in several classes together, mostly just core classes, but he did take a few classes involving modern technology, so I paid him a visit on Ames Research Station.

The reunion was short, we shared a few drinks on the bar and caught up, and then that's when we started discussing jump gates. Unfortunately, he wasn't very well educated about them beyond "it's a portal between two points in space". No elaborations on how they work, just what they do. However, he did point me out to a brother of his on Mannheim station in Frankfurt who works for Ageira. That's my next stop.

When I arrived, he was already expecting me. But again, this wasn't what I was looking for. He just hauled lane parts, and didn't really study anything either. Ugh...can I get someone who knows their stuff? At least he gave me the contact information for Ageira. I guess I'll have to ask them myself. Hopefully someone has some documentation on jump gate functionality. Guess I'll just have to wait until tomorrow.

End of entry I

RE: Connection - Ruairi - 09-28-2016

Entry II
The contact to Ageira didn't go well. I was asking them for a local university or maybe some files on jump gate functionality, but he just gave me the money-hungry routine. "Blah blah, our intellectual property, blah blah, stop researching or we'll sue you, blah blah BLAH!". What a disgrace; never trust corporate dogs.

Since I lost a trail of hope, I was asking around the bar for local research groups who might have some resources I could make use of. Quite a few people came and go today, even a few old friends of mine (they're a bunch of drop-outs). As for the people I was talking with, most obviously didn't have much, but a few told me some vital information, or at least some rumors. From what I've gathered, there are two significant groups of people I can look for.

Auxesia --- and the Ingenuus Research Group.

I've heard of the IRG before, but didn't really do any major research on them since I was told they didn't do many interesting projects. Auxesia...never heard of them. Apparently it's a paramilitary group that's rumored to have some kind of researching team... as well as a pretty impressive fleet. I think I'll try to find out more about this "Auxesia" first, then if it fails, I'll go try to get a job in the IRG. Hopefully, they have something that can improve my research. These people aren't the corporate scalawags before, they're people with a heart. I hope they listen to reason.

I'll send out a transmission shortly to Auxesia. Let's see if I can find a new trail to follow.

End of entry II

RE: Connection - Ruairi - 10-01-2016

Entry III
Just like the Ageira contact, trying to reach Auxesia didn't go well. In fact, it went worse. At least Ageira gave me a response, but Auxesia seemed cool about ignoring the same transmission 3 times in a row. Again, a huge disappointment. It looks like my next lead will be the IRG.

As for the rest of the day, I spent it all on Mannheim, mostly reading news and watching local programming. Oh, also getting hammered in the bar. That was fun. I wasn't fit to fly for the rest of the day, so I just passed out...somewhere. I can't remember.

Anyway, that should wrap it up. I'll prepare the transmission for IRG and ask them for information soon. I imagine these people will be much more...tough to approach than a paramilitary group. Academics am I right?

Let's get this over with.
*The sound of walking can be heard, as well as Ghor talking to the bartender.*
Bartender, can I have my 353rd beer glass? Wait, did I forget to turn this thing off? CRAP!

End of entry III

RE: Connection - Ruairi - 10-08-2016

Entry IV
It's been a while hasn't it? I took a bit of a longer break than expected as I was waiting for something. Anyway, I was beginning to send a transmission to the IRG when I received a notification that Keeper Raven, leader of Auxesia, sent me a message. It was basically saying I was impatient and that they were about to form a response to me...what good timing. I sent a message back apologizing for my impatience, and waited.

It took forever. About a week or so later I got the reply I was waiting for, but it was stating they had no interest, and wished me luck in my research. Very well then, at least they gave me some good luck! Looks like my next stop is to contact the IRG... if they even want to help. I guarantee they'll just say they don't have time for my crap, but I'll find some way to get into their group. They have resources that I need, and I have an objective Sirius needs. I will, for real this time, make a transmission to the IRG soon.

End of entry IV

RE: Connection - Ruairi - 10-11-2016

Entry V
Looks like IRG doesn't show interest either...or they didn't get the message. Whatever, they likely won't help me at all. Great, this is a dead end... What am I supposed to do? I don't have any resources... wait... perhaps... I can find my own. I don't need these smart packs of techies... I have myself, friends, and volunteers. Yes...yes! I can do that.

It's settled. I'll have to take this into my own hands. I'll have to find some way to catch the attention of independent scientists, while not catching attention of Ageira or some other house corporation that will take me down. It'll be tough, it'll take longer, it'll be expensive, but I don't care. The future of transportation and space travel is in my hands. Let's make change.

Now... as for the new group... what should I name it?

End of entry V