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To: ALG | From: Bill Hickok - Printable Version

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To: ALG | From: Bill Hickok - WildBill - 10-01-2016

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Ain't too often we got reason to be talkin. I ain't too sure on who's leadin y'all now, but I got good reason fer contactin you. We done got ourselves into a bit of trouble an you fellers jus might be the only folks in Sirius what can help us. 'Fore I git too far into this, I reckon it'd be good to know where we stand with y'all. Politics is always changin 'round Sirius an if'n we ain't on good 'nough standin with y'all I'd rather not spill my woes to you. Time was we were on near friendly terms an I'm hopin that still holds true.

Wild Bill, Arbiter Junker Congress

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RE: To: ALG | From: Bill Hickok - WildBill - 10-02-2016


RE: To: ALG | From: Bill Hickok - WildBill - 10-14-2016


RE: To: ALG | From: Bill Hickok - Biggles - 10-16-2016

[Image: 24a5jcN.png]

Mr Hickok,

Good afternoon. I'm Erich Stohl, the recently installed president of ALG. Please be assured that the Junker Congress remains a friend of ALG. For centuries the Junkers have provided a safe haven for ALG pilots pursued by the undesirables of Sirius, and I'd like to think that we'd be able to return the favour if ever you found yourselves in need.

Please, do not hesitate to inform us as to how we can assist you. I must admit, the nature of your predicament intrigues me.

Erich Stohl
President, ALG.
[Image: Ao9JZ8R.png]

RE: To: ALG | From: Bill Hickok - WildBill - 10-17-2016

[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qycTZ2eHIxbVRjaDg]
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Howdy President Stohl,

Glad to meet you. We got different ways of handlin business, but one thing hold true fer the both of us, scrappers've got to stick together. It's a harsh environment what we work in an it ain't gittin any easier. 'Specially when there's Toxic Waste involved. An that's the problem what I'm facin here. We got a industrial smelter named Culebra Smelter.

[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qyS0NxUGdQZEk3dXc]

I reckon yer folks've got the same urban legends an myths as we do. We git reports from all over, Junkers claimin to see stuff in 'em scrap fields what don't make sense. We jus chalk it up to 'em bein out there too long. But, when I git more'n a few from a station it's somethin to look into. Way I heard it, folks was gittin possessed by some sort of spirits. Makin 'em crazy, feverish, not wantin to take in food an water. Eventually dyin. This weren't good fer business so I took myself a look. Turns out all that smeltin to make Manifolds was producin tons of Toxic Waste.

[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qyaS1MTGV4T0RlUW8]

The damned fools was storin it seein as they couldn't figure out a way to git rid of it. These folks're gittin Radiation Poisonin. Well, this wasn't goin to work so I started workin on a plan. I got this here Pilgrim Liner. The Demeter ain't a fast ship, but I reckon she'll do the job.

[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qySTNWVm5RRHRDeEU]

I know what yer thinkin, that ship ain't goin to hold up carryin Toxic Waste. After a bit of work on Vieques I got 'er hull reinforced. I reckon that ougtta hold up.

[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qyaVVMMU1NT0QwVE0]

So now I got this ship ready, an my crew what can start haulin out all that Toxic Waste, but they ain't got no place to haul it to. Don't seem right jus droppin it off on any ol station an forcin 'em to deal with our problem. I've heard tell y'all've got facilities what're designed fer the stuff down there in Rheinland. Now, I ain't askin y'all to jus out an help us fer nothin. I'm willin to pay a monthly fee fer usin y'all's disposal site. An should y'all git dockin rights to Culebra Smelter might jus be I'd be willin to draw up a contract with y'all. So President Stohl, would y'all allow me use of yer disposal site an how much would y'all charge fer it? Reckon we could work somethin out on a Monthly payment, or do y'all charge by the transport load. Either way, I'm willin to pay seein as we're in such a bad situation.

Wild Bill, Arbiter Junker Congress

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RE: To: ALG | From: Bill Hickok - Biggles - 10-19-2016

[Image: YPT8HO2.png]

Mr Hickok,

With all due respect, I think that both the authorities and employees on the processing side of things would take a pretty dim view of a Pilgrim Liner flying into Rheinland with raw toxic waste sloshing around inside. Our regulations require that all hazardous waste of Category 3 and above be transferred in our sealed HazMat Canisters while onboard regular vessels. The only ship class rated for the bulk transportation of hazardous material is our own HWDU-430 "Golem" Heavy Mover.

In circumstances such as this, one cannot afford the luxury of time. As your situation is so serious I will personally transport several thousand empty canisters to Culebra, providing of course that you see fit to grant me access to Puerto Rico and supply me with the coordinates of the station. I will also bring over one of our medical units to give your people the once-over and small survey party to determine the level of contamination onboard, if you're willing.

Now, onto the business of disposal. I think that the quantity of material involved warrants the delivery of it directly to our main reprocessing plant onboard Wuppertal Refinery, in the Koeln system. Our standard policy is to charge by the tonne, and I can offer you a disposal fee of 1,500 S.C./unit, payable to [ALG]-Bank, although this is negotiable. Once the delivery of the canisters is complete, we will be ready when you are. Good luck, Mr Hickok.

Erich Stohl
President, ALG.
[Image: Ao9JZ8R.png]

RE: To: ALG | From: Bill Hickok - WildBill - 10-20-2016

[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qycTZ2eHIxbVRjaDg]
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Howdy President Stohl,

I've got to say, I ain't never considered nothin 'bout no canisters what're designed to be haulin this stuff. Reckon I see yer point though. Please, we could sure use whatever help yer offerin. Of course I'd be willin to haul this gunk safely! Culebra's easy 'nough to access, its near Planet Bosque in the center of F-4 on the navmap. An I'm willin to pay fer the disposal fees an whatever you need fer 'em canisters. Don't reckon they'd be cheap in producin.

Wild Bill, Arbiter Junker Congress

[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qycEd3b1p4QWZjUDA]

RE: To: ALG | From: Bill Hickok - Biggles - 10-23-2016

[Image: YPT8HO2.png]

Mr Hickok,

I have completed the delivery of the canisters in the TGX-Darmstadt. There should be more than enough for your first shipment. No need to pay anything for them: all our canisters are fully reusable, with service lives in the decades.

[Image: Z7LhPUI.jpg]

Unfortunately I have business to attend to here on Wuppertal, but the medical unit and survey team will remain on Culebra for a few more days while they complete their work. Perhaps you'd be so kind as to let them hitch a ride home on one of the Demeter's trips?

Erich Stohl
President, ALG.
[Image: Ao9JZ8R.png]

RE: To: ALG | From: Bill Hickok - WildBill - 10-27-2016

[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qycTZ2eHIxbVRjaDg]
[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qyYU45bkc5TktuLVU]
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Howdy President Stohl,

Well now, that's mighty fine of you. I reckon I can help yer folk git back on one of the trips haulin the waste to y'all. I'll make sure they git transport in the Captains quarters, ain't no reason fer 'em to sit with all that waste. If'n I ain't said it 'fore now, thank you fer helpin us with this!

Wild Bill, Arbiter Junker Congress

[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qycEd3b1p4QWZjUDA]

RE: To: ALG | From: Bill Hickok - WildBill - 11-02-2016

[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qycTZ2eHIxbVRjaDg]
[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qyYU45bkc5TktuLVU]
[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qyZlFQWkVjLV9wek0]

Howdy President Stohl,

I got some good news fer you. I done sent the Demeter out on 'er first mission. It was successful. She started off on Culebra Smelter, loadin up with Toxic Waste.
[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qyVU1RbDVZRG1IaTQ]

We left out of Culebra Smelter an made our way to Koeln.
[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qySWJOTmtMS0dTU00]

I figured it were best if'n I was to take Jump Holes rather'n Trade Lanes an Jump Gates. Reckon folks ain't keen on havin a possible disaster durin 'er first flight to y'all, 'specially while haulin what was bein hauled. We made it without any sort of issues.
[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qyT3hzMXVCa0tOMTQ]

Yer specialist on board was quick to unload all that waste. I've got to say, y'all're efficient.
[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qyRzlIYXVaenpNc2c]

We've got ourselves a couple of stations in Puerto Rico what're always needin Robotic Hardware, so we loaded some up fer the trip home.
[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qyTnM2Zi1tUlFzNnc]

Reckon you'd be more interested in the next part. I aim to keep our deal, an sent y'all the first payment fer this here first load.
[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qyMU5GUGl3MzI0Rlk]

I ain't keen on sendin y'all so much infermation every time, so I'll be makin a log an givin y'all access to it. A way of keepin track of the shipments an payments from now on. Once again, y'all've got our thanks.

Wild Bill, Arbiter Junker Congress

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