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To: FADM Alan Jones | From: ADM Johnatan Sader - Printable Version

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To: FADM Alan Jones | From: ADM Johnatan Sader - Morosz - 10-06-2016


Communication channel opened...
Encryption: Maximum
Origin: 5th|LNS-Odyssey| New York System
ID: Admiral John Sader
Recipientt: Fleet Admiral Alan Jones

Greetings there Alan. There is something what we need to talk about. You may or may not know about the relation between some order agents and the 5th fleet. Before you say anything let me tell you that there are cases where we have no other choice but to work with them. This is what O'Neill did and this is what i do. So during the last few months i've been working with an order captain who is a commanding officer of an osiris class vessel. He saved my life multiple times and vica versa but now he needs more than just some under the table help. He officialy requested asylum and in exchange for protection from the order he offered the technology and information on his ship. He also requested that in case we grant him this he is also willing to fight for our house under my command in the 5th fleet. I believe we can trust him and honestly i think we could use the information and tech his ship is holding. You know if you are with us in this we will have to convince at least SECDEF about this and if we go there together we will have a better chance. Also i want to remind you that we don't have much time.

ADM Johnatan Sader
Liberty Navy 5th Fleet


RE: To: FADM Alan Jones | From: ADM Johnatan Sader - Arbs - 10-07-2016


COMM ID: Fleet Admiral Alan Jones
TARGET ID: Admiral John Sader

Greetings Sader.

This message catches me rather by surprise. Nonetheless, it's interesting news. An Osiris-class warship isn't exactly a common sight. I'm going to need a run down from you on who this agent is, what his mission and objectives are or were, and other relevant details that he can give us as for now I'm rather wary of it. I need to know what I'm stepping into if you're expecting me to offer you any help, let alone vouching to the Department of State. As for the asylum process, it's going to require a testimony from the person applying for such, and the Department of State does take in consideration any vouching we can make. For now, you can take the agent in custody and take the Osiris to one of our shipyards to be inspected soon.

We have had similar cases in the past but I need clear information on what we're dealing with. If the clock's ticking, make haste.


Alan Jones
Fleet Admiral, First Fleet
CiC Liberty Navy


RE: To: FADM Alan Jones | From: ADM Johnatan Sader - Morosz - 10-07-2016


Communication channel opened...
Encryption: Maximum
Origin: 5th|LNS-Odyssey| New York System
ID: Admiral John Sader
Recipientt: Fleet Admiral Alan Jones

The agent in question is Captain Jonathan Kalh, the CO of the battleship Amenhotep. Originaly he came into the area to investigate the reason behind the increased nomad activity. And his goals are simple. Keep liberty the central hub of sirius secure from the nomads. We both know he didn't came here because of made up reasons. The attack near west point or fort bush, as well as the incident with Vice Admiral Hunter who was kidnapped by the infected. This was the reason i first thought that working with him wouldn't be a problem. Later this unexpected alliance turned out to be extremly usefull when he saved my life after i was attacked by rogue destroyers. And earlier today he helped me once again in texas against a rogue destroyer and several unioner ships. With your premission i would like to escort the ship into Washington Shipyard Virginia. The reason for this is simple. Norfolk is too public and it may rise questions and alaska is not safe because of the LSF.

ADM Johnatan Sader
Liberty Navy 5th Fleet


RE: To: FADM Alan Jones | From: ADM Johnatan Sader - Arbs - 10-07-2016


COMM ID: Fleet Admiral Alan Jones
TARGET ID: Admiral John Sader

Greetings again.

Johnathan Kalh? I remember him contacting the Navy during the crisis we experienced some months ago and some reports coming up regarding that ship's presence. Things were too hot at the time and I never managed to contact him back nor send a team to investigate his presence as all our attention was required elsewhere. In any case we could never allow any order operative roam around in Liberty, they're notorious for their disregard to Liberty laws and authority. I am rather curious to know what Captain Kalh's motives are, or what his actual intents are.

Permission granted, remain cautious at all times and make sure that he's not going to pull some trick on you. Until the matter is handled through to the end, we can not allow him to have any kind of discretion. I will personally make my way to Virginia to hear what Captain Kahl has to say. Depending on what we'll witness from him, we can also create a better opinion on what we can do about his request for Asylum to the Department of State. I'll let you know about the time later.


Alan Jones
Fleet Admiral, First Fleet
CiC Liberty Navy


RE: To: FADM Alan Jones | From: ADM Johnatan Sader - Morosz - 10-07-2016


Communication channel opened...
Encryption: Maximum
Origin: 5th|LNS-Odyssey| Magellan System
ID: Admiral John Sader
Recipientt: Fleet Admiral Alan Jones

Allright Alan. Will meet you there soon. I will escort the Amenhotep into virginia. Currently i'm in Magellan with the Odyssey and we will depart shortly. Untill then safe skies and good hunting.

ADM Johnatan Sader
Liberty Navy 5th Fleet


RE: To: FADM Alan Jones | From: ADM Johnatan Sader - Arbs - 10-21-2016


COMM ID: Fleet Admiral Alan Jones
TARGET ID: Admiral John Sader

Greetings again Sader.

Its been a while since our last communication on this topic. I suppose the inspection of the Amenhotep should be near it's end or finished. Caught anything interesting?

Apart from that i believe mr.Kalh deserves some commendations for the good character he's show out there. Ive had numerous chances of having had him as a wingman on my patrols and I have to say it has been a decent performance from him. Today was a good demonstration as well against the wretched forces of Hellfire or and their followers. Do give him some kudos.

Best of Regards,

Alan Jones
Fleet Admiral, First Fleet
CiC Liberty Navy


RE: To: FADM Alan Jones | From: ADM Johnatan Sader - Morosz - 10-21-2016


Communication channel opened...
Encryption: Maximum
Origin: 5th|LNS-Odyssey| New York System
ID: Admiral John Sader
Recipientt: Fleet Admiral Alan Jones

Greeting Alan.

Indeed it has been some time. Well as we already discussed in space Collins and his men finished the inspection. They found some things wich could be usefull for the navy. Theese include specialized exosuits and sidearms. Most likely designed by the order against nomads and or infected. He took those to the labs on Juneau for a more detailed inspection. And i'm quite sure with the help of the ESRD theese could be later produced for our marines. The ship on the other hand is in a really good shape. Aside from the mess its interior has its fully operation and could be used. Thats why i suggest we should comission it as soon as possible. The crayterian weapons on the ship suggest that they retrofited it in coronado. Unfortunatly however it seems that trying to download files from the ship's computer wasn't as succesfull as we first thought. It seems the files we downloaded are damaged and corupted. Most likely a security measure. This means we have no acces to the ship's logs and navigational records.

Now on the matter of Kalh. Well he indeed did a really good job so far. And his actions will not go without a recognition. He was my wingman on multiple occasions where he distinguished himself many times. Especially when a large nomad force invaded the texas system a week ago. Altough he was flying a fightercraft without him there our losses would have been much greaer. I believe he deserves a promotion. And with this promotion i would also recomend him to reinstate him as the Captain of the Amenhotep, this time as a Captain of the Liberty Navy.

ADM John Sader
Liberty Navy 5th Fleet


RE: To: FADM Alan Jones | From: ADM Johnatan Sader - Arbs - 10-22-2016


COMM ID: Fleet Admiral Alan Jones
TARGET ID: Admiral John Sader

Greetings again Sader.

I see. If the ship is deemed combat worthy and still in good shape, it can be of better use rechristened as a warship under the Navy rather than hitting the docks and being scrapped piece by piece. I believe the Crayterian weapons are a certain lead to the relations between the order and the Crayterian Republic. Nonetheless that's the borderworlds and out of our reach as it is, but perhaps that may come handy at some point. On the meanwhile I will make sure the Research departments are informed and proceed with the inspecting of that equipment as well as have a look at what happened to the ship's systems.

Moving on, I've personally witnessed his progress every now and then as well, and I have to say that he has done a good job. Making him the CO of his own ship strikes me as a respectable and honorable act on your behalf, even though I'm still kind of wary about having him as a warship's captain. But perhaps It might as well be his final test. Give the Osiris' command back to him, but make sure there'll be someone to watch him and perhaps keep track of him. Perhaps you could assign a ranking officer along with him.

In any case it see to it yourself that nothing bad would be coming from it.

Best of Regards,

Alan Jones
Fleet Admiral, First Fleet
CiC Liberty Navy