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Breaching! - Printable Version

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Breaching! - Koolmo - 12-11-2008

Aboard Cape Verde Station, Omega 52, Coalition Space

Coalition Marine Major Bigeard leaned against the side of the passageway, and smacked the power-armoured marines of the 135th SCM Deepspace/Boarding Section, or 135 D/BS. The 135th had been briefly back on Cape Verde for a rest and refit, before returning to the war, and Bigeard had been there as well, waiting for his ship, the CPW-Maidstone, to be repaired before he could depart.

Good thing, too.

"Go, Go, GO!" Bellowed Bigeard, using his armour's speakers rather than the short-range commsets build into the suits. As the eighth man sprinted past, Bigeard swung around, and took up position in the rear. As they raced down the passages, red strobes blaring, he briefed his men.

"Right lads, there's a hostile advanced train in bay eighteen, ship's name is PotatoSmasher, we're not sure how he got there, or why, but we're going in to get him. Someone on the inside either opened the door for him, or gave him the docking codes. Scans from the fighters on patrol show he's carrying deuterium, but he's refusing to respond to hails, and Commander Weise thinks the transponder code is a fake. So, be prepared for anything!"

With a collection of grunts, "Roger's", and "Ayups", the nine marines continued racing down the passage. As they neared the bay, a transmission reached Bigeard. "Major, it's Weise, you have clearance to breach and destroy, over."

Bigeard skidded around the last turn into the bay, and took up a position behind a convenient crate. "Roger, will do, out." Flicking on his armour comms, he spoke quickly to the Marines of the section. "Okay, we're clear to move. I want to come in from the bottom of the main compartment, with a heavy charge, and get rid of the crew. After they're dead or captured, we'll move back into the cargo compartments, and see what we get. Clear?"

"Uh Huh, Roger, Yep." The marines moved into position...

Several minutes later, Bigeard and three of his team were standing below the main crew compartment, watching Izzy afix the 20lb shaped charge to the bottom of the hull. He stepped back, and gave Bigeard the thumbs up. Bigeard returned it, and Izzy nodded.

"Breaching!" With a whoom, the bottom of the ship exploded upwards, followed quickly by Corporal Galahad, speakers on full volume, 19mm gatling gun already spinning up.

"Get on the Deck! Get on the Deck! This is the Sirius Coalition Marines, surrender and lay down on the deck!"

"I'll not surren-"

WHAPWHAPWHAPWHAPWHAPWHAPWHAP, a burst of gunfire blew through the first crewman, as Bigeard followed Galahad through the hole. Bits of gore and grey flightsuit splattered the passage, 19mm flechette rounds were unforgiving at close ranges. Galahad shuffled down the passage, crouched almost double, normal commercial ships were not made to accomadate marines in battle armour.

As the rest of the secton stacked up behind them, Galahad and Bigeard headed stright for the bridge. Two men broke off at engineering, another at the comms center, then the blast doors of the bridge brought them to a halt.

"Galahad, breach, Section, stack up!" Ordered Bigeard, and as the rest of the section moved to the left and right, Corporal Galahad prepped a smaller charge, and slapped it against the seam of the blast doors.

"Breaching!" Another explosion, and Galahad and Bigeard were through the doors, cannons spinning. Three crewmen stood to the front of the room, sidearms leveled.

"Surrender now! Drop them, and surrender, or we'll bloody murder you!" Screamed Galahad. Both men on the sides looked to their Captain, standing in the center of the bridge. He grinned, and removed his cap.

"Gentlemen, I'm afraid this entire ship is rigged to blow, as soon as this little countdown stops..." He gestured with the pistol to a panel behind him. "So, we're going to need to sit down and talk about this, quickly, as you can see, there's only three minutes left, and I'm not inclined to disarm it at this- Aaargh!"

Bigeard had taken a long step forward, and ripped the man's pistol, and the hand holding it, completely off. Bloody sprayed from the open wound, and he staggered backwards, screaming in agony.

"Now," growled Bigeard, "either you tell us how to disable that thing, or we pull off the other one, and get started on your feet... Your choice, but I would hurry. If you disable it now, we'll even be able to get you a new hand."

The captain, now sunk to his knees, clutching his mangled arm, spat furiously. "If you f*cking Coalition scumbags think you can just- Aaerg!"

Bigeard tossed the Captains left hand over his shoulder, and regarded the sobbing man on the floor. "Now, you're going to bleed out soon, unless we treat you, and we're not going to unless you disable the countdown. You... or your friends here. Either of you know how to stop it?"

Both of the Captains companions had lowered their weapons to the floor when thier captain was 'disarmed', and now they shook their heads in unison. "S-ss-sorry sir, but we've no idea how any of it works, we just, uuh, Please! I'm the Navigator! Don't ki-"


As a pink mist settled around the bridge, the other crewman began to vomit helplessly. Galahad lowered his cannon, and began to walk his way.

"So, captain," began Bigeard, " is this how you want to die? It's not too late, you know, we can still save you." As he spoke, he reacked for a wickedly sharp combat knife, more of a sword really, strapped to the left leg of his armour. "Or, we can make sure your last seconds on earth are worse than the hell that awaits you on the other side..." Knife drawn, he advanced on the huddled man, nine feet of black and red killing machine, brandishing a silver scalpel of pain.

"No! No, no, let me live! I want to live! Here, don't do anything to m-me, I'll turn it off! Please!"

Bigeard stepped back, and allowed the 'captain' to stagger to the panel, and speak into a recessed microphone. The countdown stopped, and the captain turned back to the Marines. "S-see? It's stopped, now please, help me!" Holding his bleeding stumps before him, he tripped towards the Marines, wimpering.

Bigeard regarded the pathetic sight before him for a moment, and laughed. "Not bloody likely!" The knife whipped forward, lightning quick, and slashed out the man's throat. Choking, he slit to the bloor, eyes disbelieving, the life running from him in red rivers.

"Never, ever, try that on me. Now, take the other one, and let's get searching. Find out where this ship came from, and find out now!"

---Several Hours later---

Galahad strolled over to Bigeard, who was leaning on a crate of Deuterium in the third cargo pod. "Sir, it's like you figured, this thing is a piece of work. Number fiva cargo pod is full of cryo-pods, each with a corsair and all his weapons inside. That countdown wasn't to blow the ship, it was an activator for the pods. The two crewmen we captured, one from the bridge, and the other from engineering, knew they were carrying troops, but they didn't know they were corsairs."

"Odd. You'd think those baby-eaters would use their own people for a job like this. Very odd."

"I think the captain was the only one in the know, the others were just junkers from Trafalgar, they thought this was a smuggling op. Apparently, they've not yet grapsed that there's not Zoners left on this station... Idiots."

Bigeard gave a theatrical sigh, and Galahad laughed appreciatively. Izzy walked over, and looked at the two of them. "Alrighty then sah, what're we gonna do with all them corsairs, eh? We got a load of Deuterium too."

"Tell the base crew to offload the deuterium, as for the corsairs..."

-----Twenty minutes later------

Bay Five resounded with screams, breaking glass, gunfire, and roars of laughter, as the marines slaughtered the corsairs. As each chamber was cracked open, and the man inside awoke, a Marine would fire a burst into their chest or legs or arms, rendering them helpless and dying, but not yet dead. Mad giggling, snorts, and general hilarity echoed over thier intercomms as they watched their enemies die, then moved on to the next.

After it was over, Bigeard turned to Izzy and Galahad. "We get a recording of that?"

"Ayup," replied Izzy.

"Good. Send the pod, and the recording, to those cannibals on Crete. They will have something to watch while they eat..."