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To: Wild Bill | From: Declan Quinn - "Your Eyes Only" - Printable Version

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To: Wild Bill | From: Declan Quinn - "Your Eyes Only" - Shush Muppet - 10-23-2016

[[Channel Open]]
[[Sender: Capt. Declan Quinn]]
[[Destination: .:j:. Arbiter Wild Bill]]
[[Encryption: 52378 Cypher]]
[[Subject: Health Concerns]]

[[Visual Feed Open]]

[Image: 757153e3-e076-427c-958a-121f9291dcb0_zpsvshe0vdk.jpg]

Good mar'nin t'ya, sir. Name's Declan Quinn. You can call me Owen if tha's easier. Eye'm contact'n ya about one ov yuor men.

See, Eye'm a bit worried about this lad. Goes by the ID "Scrap Vulture". Boyo was all keen on my ship, sayin' all kinds ov tales 'bout its far'mer owner. Seem'd a fair lad...

'An then he goes off th' deep end. Starts ravin' 'bout bein' "watched". Says he's wearin' a mask so they can't find 'im. And then he starts t' hum this... bloody unnat'ral tune in my ear. Can't seem t' shake him out ov it. Liek he's in a karkin' trance or somethin'.

Well 'e finally comes round, so Eye ask 'im some questions 'bout what just happened and when did it start. Ya know what he tells me?

He lied t' a nomad 'bout wantin' t' be 'embraced'. 'An th' bluey b'lieved him... let 'im guide some friend ov his into one o' there sanctuaries t' sightsee or somethin'.

Now Eye don' pretend t' be a scientist. But Eye kin tell ya that those tings read minds. If it b'lieved th' lad either he was tellin' the truth an' really did want t' be hugged, or...

Or th' lads already been compromised an' is a sleeper agent an' don' even know it...

Eye don' know if 'ees ever been checked out by a doc, but th' lad is in serious trouble if ya ask me.

Eye've got transcripts ov th' conversation if ya need. Don' tell 'im I ratted on 'im. Lad's been through enough trauma already.

[[Standing By]]

RE: To: Wild Bill | From: Declan Quinn - "Your Eyes Only" - Shush Muppet - 10-24-2016

[[Channel Resumed]]
[[Sender: Capt. Declan Quinn]]
[[Destination: .:j:. Arbiter Wild Bill]]
[[Encryption: 52378 Cypher]]
[[Subject: Con't- Health Concerns]]

Sorry if Eye'm bein' a bother, Sir. Eye'm re-sendin' my first transmission. The lad needs ser'ious 'elp. 'E's gettin' worse ev'ry tyme Eye meet 'im. Started talkin' 'bout some "Siren Call" he's hearin' now. Even seemd t' hear voices that weren't there comin' over my comm...

I'm beggin' ya. Don't let this poor man alone. He needs help.


[[Standing By]]

RE: To: Wild Bill | From: Declan Quinn - "Your Eyes Only" - WildBill - 10-25-2016

[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qycTZ2eHIxbVRjaDg]
[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qyYU45bkc5TktuLVU]
[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qyZlFQWkVjLV9wek0]


We keep gittin reports 'bout him. He done been checked out by a few doctors, over an over again. They can't find nothin wrong with 'em. Far as we can tell, he jus got himself a unique way of talkin to folks. Keep informin me if'n you see anymore strange behavior from 'em. An next time I'd suggest you send yer comm recordins through a reliable source.

Wild Bill, Arbiter Junker Congress

[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qycEd3b1p4QWZjUDA]

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