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to: Lorelii Darksaint | from Jimmy O'Brian - Printable Version

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to: Lorelii Darksaint | from Jimmy O'Brian - Demonic - 10-24-2016

[Image: qpJd0MJ.png]
[Image: LCgBgr2.png]

Jimmy'O Brian

To: Lorelii Darksaint

Subject: Supply contract for Solitaire

Encryption: High

'Ello there,

I'm sendin' ya the channel I promised. Ya can find it 'ere. All the deliveries will be reported there.

P.S. I hope we can go to another dinner sometime, what do ya think?

Hope to see ya soon, lass.

[Image: h3HOjdf.png]

RE: to: Lorelii Darksaint | from Jimmy O'Brian - Lorelii_Darksaint - 10-24-2016

[Image: Saint_Comms_New_FL-ER_zpsjjc79pjx.png]

Jimmy -

Danke for the wonderful time, it was nice getting away. Next time dinner is where you choose, but we still need to find a good place for breakfast.

I look forward to seeing your ships with the supplies.

- Lor

RE: to: Lorelii Darksaint | from Jimmy O'Brian - Lorelii_Darksaint - 11-02-2016

[Image: Saint_Comms_New_FL-ER_zpsjjc79pjx.png]

Jimmy -

I'm still waiting for you to comm me back... and who is this Abigail I keep hearing about?


RE: to: Lorelii Darksaint | from Jimmy O'Brian - Demonic - 11-02-2016

[Image: qpJd0MJ.png]
[Image: LCgBgr2.png]

Jimmy'O Brian

To: Lorelii Darksaint

Subject: Apology

Encryption: High

'Ello lass,

I'm terribly sorry I dinnae send a com back. I got stuck in Omicrons fer almost a week and when I got back I got a lo' o stuff to handle. Outcast found me base and claimed it's in their space.... but anyways, that's me problems, not yers.

So, I'm to choose now, eh? A'ight, how about Curacao? I can rent us a hotel room there, though it's kinda far from yer base, I'll admit that. I dinnae really 'now any other fancy places, if ya dinnae count the liner where I have me apartement.

See ya soon, lass.

P.S. Abigail? A lass in our group. Works as a supplier, and when she dinnae works, she partys. And takes cardi. Not exactly my type of enterainment.

[Image: h3HOjdf.png]

RE: to: Lorelii Darksaint | from Jimmy O'Brian - Lorelii_Darksaint - 11-05-2016

[Image: Saint_Comms_New_FL-ER_Jimmy_zpsh4fxgzml.png]

Jimmy -

Things are tied up here on the Metropolis enough where I can get away for a couple of days. Go ahead and reserve the rooms, I'll be leaving for Curacao within the hour, I'll meet you there by dinner time.

Looking forward to seeing you again -

RE: to: Lorelii Darksaint | from Jimmy O'Brian - Demonic - 11-10-2016

[Image: qpJd0MJ.png]
[Image: LCgBgr2.png]

Jimmy'O Brian

To: Lorelii Darksaint

Subject: Apology

Encryption: High

Uh oh. Lass, sorry fer the wait, the base is keepin' me more than I thought possible. I'm on me way, everythin' is booked, I'll be there shortly.

[Image: h3HOjdf.png]

RE: to: Lorelii Darksaint | from Jimmy O'Brian - Lorelii_Darksaint - 11-11-2016

[Image: Saint_Comms_New_FL-ER_Jimmy_zpsh4fxgzml.png]

Jimmy -

I just got confirmation that the our suite has been reserved for the weekend. We're all checked in and I am ready to enjoy this little get away that you have thoughtfully prepared for us. I'll be waiting in the Spinnaker Grill for your arrival.

If there is any last minute business you wish to discuss, let's do it now while you are in transit, once you land all outside dealings are going on auto-pilot for forty-eight hours and we're going to relax... we both deserve it.


RE: to: Lorelii Darksaint | from Jimmy O'Brian - Daedalus Command - Production - 11-11-2016

[Image: qpJd0MJ.png]
[Image: LCgBgr2.png]

Jimmy'O Brian

To: Lorelii Darksaint

Subject: On my way

Encryption: High


I'm glad ye like the place. I should be there in about an hour or so.

And about the business. Well, I dinnae have nothin' specific in mind right now, I'm just lookin' fer more partners fer shipin' contracts. Glendalough is goin' to need it, since we're constructin' a Cloak factory. Acordin' to the lad who's managin' the station fer me, we'll need and awfull lo' o' Reinsforced Alloy fer the cloaks. That's pretty much it.

Anyways, I'm lookin' forward to see ya, lass.

[Image: h3HOjdf.png]

RE: to: Lorelii Darksaint | from Jimmy O'Brian - Lorelii_Darksaint - 11-13-2016

[Image: Saint_Comms_New_FL-ER_Jimmy_zpsh4fxgzml.png]

Jimmy -

I just saw on the arrivals display that you're in queue to land and I'm excited, yet still nervous to see you again. I haven't felt like this since just before I went on stage for a concert when I was a musician on tour, many years ago. I'm as giddy as a schoolgirl...

I talked to my main office on Erie while I was waiting, the closest reliable source of Reinforced Alloy appears to be New London, which is a relatively short hop from your base. So what kind of a quantity are you looking for? And as much as I'd like to do it out of the goodness of my heart, we both know that there has to be enough credits involved to make it worth while. The standard is about 500cr per jump, so 1250cr/cu is the best I could possibly do. Let me know later tonight what you think.

I'll see you in a bit, I'm going to your scheduled landing pad now...


RE: to: Lorelii Darksaint | from Jimmy O'Brian - Demonic - 11-13-2016

[Image: qpJd0MJ.png]
[Image: LCgBgr2.png]

Jimmy'O Brian

To: Lorelii Darksaint

Subject: On me way

Encryption: High

'Ello lass.

In fact, there's a Freeport in Tau-29 sellin' it too, but I dinnae really care where the stuff is from. Anyways, we'll talk 'bout the price later, I dinnae wan't to talk work now. I'm almost at the pad, see ya there, lass.

[Image: h3HOjdf.png]