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[EVENT] The shadow's strike; 05.11.16 20:00 UTC; Finished - Printable Version

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[EVENT] The shadow's strike; 05.11.16 20:00 UTC; Finished - Markus Tezaurus - 10-29-2016

Hellfire Legion won the battle, and Carrier Lazurite is under custody, moored at Monterray.
You though it's over for this weird, full of white holes story? Oh, it's not. Before docking, Hellfire detected a jumpdrive overcharge aboard the "Lazurite", and then all signes of life just... dissapeared. None was found onboard this strange ship. No corpses, no signs of crew at all. Only fully automated systems. What about nomadic materials - Hellfire found only 90% of those which was at at first scan. It's rumored about transport called "Maldanis", evacuated the main part of materials right in fires of conflict.
Soon, we may hope to understand what the hell is going on in this doomed universe.
Stay with us for constant coverage!

It's A Bird... It's A Plane... It's Carrier Lazurite!

[Image: gouKAx3.png]

Spotted in multiple locations, it appears to be filled up with unknown, extremely dangerous artifacts and weapons, alongside with tons of illegal items.
It's been a hard work for local lawfuls to track down this ship. Whenever you caught "Lazurite" - it disappears in shadows again and again. But now, the carrier has announced himself!
Lazurite's owners now hiring an escort for a "large mining operation" in Kansas. But none knows what can you mine in Kansas except few pure asteroid fields.

That is an ultimate chanse for interested parts to recover it's cargo and reveal it's possible secrets, and the hour has come.

Four mutual enemies: Liberty lawfuls, criminals, Hellfire Legion and nomads will try to intercept and capture this weird ship. The operation is extremely dangerous, because each side is known about their enemies presence and possible danger incoming from Lazurite itself, but the outcome is truly worth it.

In additional to all of this: multiple unknown AI ships hve been spotted. They are not fully autonomous, and seemed to be under Lazurite's enemies control. That is your choise, to destroy AI first, or later.

Who knows, what will happen?


Four teams striking from the different system locations, trying to defeat the enemy, destroy Lazurite escorts, make 50% hull damage to the carrier and capture it. As the ship is captured - you need escort you to the team's retreat point.

Except the materials, winner team will have 500 millions reward!
Each participant will have 10 million credits despite win or loss.

Kansas Mining Operations:

Escort ships will have additional 20 mills each despite win or loss.

This hired freelancers, protecting the mighty carrier, do not care about casualties, only cash.

1. Carrier Lazurite
2. Tezaris
3. Unknown ship
4. Unknown ship

Team 1, Liberty Lawfuls:

Came to capture Lazurite and bring it's captain to interrogation according to Liberty Law. A team with battleship, yet extremely hostile to other sides.

1. LNS-Yukon (Dreadnought)
2. Carrier Louisville-KY (Solaris carrier)
3. [LN]-ESRD|LNS-Utah (Cruiser)
4. Gunboat\Bomber slot
5. Fighter slot

Retreat Point: Norfolk Shipyard, New York

Team 2, Allied Criminals:

Pirates, criminals, smugglers - they came to loot Lazurite's precious items and shoot some cops. Will they succeed, or fall before the firepower of their enemies?

1. Cruiser slot
2. Cruiser slot
3. Gunboat\Bomber slot
4. Uncle Willy (Bomber)
5. /_\-Rhys Maeda (Fighter)

Retreat Point: Beaumont Base, Texas

Team 3, Hellfire Legion and Xenos:

Hellfire Legion and their ally, Xenos, cannot let the current goverment to take this artifacts. Recover by any means!

1. [HF]-HFB-Incursus (Battleship)
2. A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith (Battlecruiser)
3. [HF]-Resurrection (Fighter)
4. [HF]-Ember (Bomber)
5. A/)-Myrmidon.1 (Fighter)

Retreat Point: Luxury liner Barbados, Vespucci

Team 4, Nomads/Wild:

Guardians artifacts in human possession?! Unacceptable! Slain everyone, no prisoners, no survivors!

1. Cruiser slot
2. Gunboat slot
3. Bomber\Fighter slot
4. K'Hara|Kakka (Fighter)
5. Fighter slot

Retreat Point: Nomad station, Inverness

If wins, nomad team will not try to imprison Lazurite, but destroy it near their station, as soon as materials recovered.

AI scouting party:

Directive confirmed, target acquired, moving to intercept.

AI team will have additional 20 millions each despite win or loss.

1. PRIME|Delta (Harvester)
2. PRIME|Collector-01 (Drone)
3. Sentinel slot

Retreat Point: Freeport 2, Bering

Additional participants:

The Order:

1. Order|CV-Spectre (Cruiser)
2. Order|CV-Mafdet (Cruiser)
3. Gunboat\Bomber slot
4. Order|Thomas.Folge (Fighter)
5. Order|Interceptor-5 (Fighter)

Retreat Point: Battleship Atum, Inverness

The Core:

1. Core|AV-Ravage (Gunboat)
2. Gunboat\Fighter slot
3. Core|A-Frostbite (Fighter)
4. Core|A-Wolfhound (Bomber)
5. Core|A-Scar (Fighter)

Retreat Point: Barrier Gate Station, Coronado


1. Carrier\Battleship slot
2. Cruiser slot
3. Gunboat\bomber slot
4. Bomber\Fighter slot
5. Bomber\Fighter slot

You are not a part of factions described below, but still allied to them, or you just a lonely stranger want to join massacre? Feel free to suggest your role, and you will be added to it.

Don't want to register, or just to announce your ingame characters nickname? - PM me, and we will add you manually.

Remember: if you will lose Lazurite - you will lose 50% of your reward, and your honor, so strike with all your might!

According to joining people, there can be additional slots. Yet it must be balanced.

[Image: PO2UOux.png]
Image resized, keep to 700px width ~Ramke

RE: [EVENT] The shadow's strike; 05.10.16 22:00 UTC - Clavius - 10-29-2016

Thread moved to appropriate section. Please re-size those images next time.

RE: [EVENT] The shadow's strike; 05.10.16 22:00 UTC - Markus Tezaurus - 10-29-2016

Oh well been a while, forgot 'bout section. Images fixed.

RE: [EVENT] The shadow's strike; 05.10.16 22:00 UTC - Vendetta - 10-29-2016

Few comments.

The Order wouldn't be able to go to Kansas. The system its self is surrounded by unfriendly and hostile territory. To be more specific, you're looking at a population of Rogues, Xenos, the Legion, and Auxesia.

RE: [EVENT] The shadow's strike; 05.10.16 22:00 UTC - Markus Tezaurus - 10-29-2016

(10-29-2016, 01:25 PM)Vendetta Wrote: Few comments.

The Order wouldn't be able to go to Kansas. The system its self is surrounded by unfriendly and hostile territory. To be more specific, you're looking at a population of Rogues, Xenos, the Legion, and Auxesia.

Why? It has no jumpgates, and order have Atum not so far. For such stuff they should really make a little trip.

RE: [EVENT] The shadow's strike; 05.10.16 22:00 UTC - Vendetta - 10-29-2016

(10-29-2016, 01:26 PM)Markus Tezaurus Wrote:
(10-29-2016, 01:25 PM)Vendetta Wrote: Few comments.

The Order wouldn't be able to go to Kansas. The system its self is surrounded by unfriendly and hostile territory. To be more specific, you're looking at a population of Rogues, Xenos, the Legion, and Auxesia.

Why? It has no jumpgates, and order have Atum not so far. For such stuff they should really make a little trip.

Between the Omicrons and there are Jumpgates. Between the Atum and Kansas is Legion territory. They can't really go there on indy IDs, nor would it be a smart move for them to trek through unfriendly space.

RE: [EVENT] The shadow's strike; 05.10.16 22:00 UTC - Markus Tezaurus - 10-29-2016

(10-29-2016, 02:35 PM)Vendetta Wrote:
(10-29-2016, 01:26 PM)Markus Tezaurus Wrote:
(10-29-2016, 01:25 PM)Vendetta Wrote: Few comments.

The Order wouldn't be able to go to Kansas. The system its self is surrounded by unfriendly and hostile territory. To be more specific, you're looking at a population of Rogues, Xenos, the Legion, and Auxesia.

Why? It has no jumpgates, and order have Atum not so far. For such stuff they should really make a little trip.

Between the Omicrons and there are Jumpgates. Between the Atum and Kansas is Legion territory. They can't really go there on indy IDs, nor would it be a smart move for them to trek through unfriendly space.

Well, makes sense. I will change order to something.

RE: [EVENT] The shadow's strike; 05.10.16 22:00 UTC - Markus Tezaurus - 10-29-2016

Changed The Order to Hellfire and Xenos according to the last [HF] activity in this days.

RE: [EVENT] The shadow's strike; 05.10.16 22:00 UTC - sindroms - 10-29-2016

Something seems odd with your proposed date. Time travel has not been perfected yet, sadly Smile

RE: [EVENT] The shadow's strike; 05.10.16 22:00 UTC - Markus Tezaurus - 10-29-2016

(10-29-2016, 03:17 PM)sindroms Wrote: Something seems odd with your proposed date. Time travel has not been perfected yet, sadly Smile

Ahahah, you got me. Fixing.
Also, some people asked me to make it a bit earlier, so i will set 20:00.