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Returning player: Guess who's back? - Printable Version

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Returning player: Guess who's back? - Binski - 11-14-2016

Yes it happened.

Although I left never to return, I wound up returning. With conditions and tempering however...

First off, I left highly irritated. I won't try to hide that. I didn't mean to snub anyone, it wasn't really over anything any one player did. I left not really because of how the game was developing either, really what it boiled down to was that I became unhappy with my own reaction to events as they would unfold. It became clear to me I was too involved, went too long without a break, and was too emotional over trivial things. It signaled that I needed much time away. Rather than be disgusted with my frustration and try to carry on, I reflected for a little under 6 months.

So, the rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.

After a long break I came back to playing in August. Since then I have played in a diminished capacity and plan to limit my involvement. I have kept myself socially quiet and kept my roleplay limited to in game only. I plan to mostly keep it the same way. These days, I just like to log and play for a while, and get some good in game rp or action going. But as always, the more you play, the more involved you get. So for various practical reasons, I'll be around but operating from a newer profile here -->JonasHudson. I primarily associate this account with the Captain Antares roleplay, and will keep it that way if there is any in the future.

Let me be clear I'm not trying to avoid anyone or any group, its just that I plan to move forward with other but similar characters/ships and will likely be involved in in-game activity more often on those newly developing characters. To be more specific, here's what I have in mind. Time for an update:

Captain Antares is missing and presumed dead. His ship the 'Argo' is also lost and presumed destroyed. In truth Antares is out there, ascended to what is beyond. He could always return from the void if called upon.

I have therefore continued roleplaying as the two other characters from my stories, Jonas Hudson, and Rister. Since the [presumed] destruction of the Argo, both survivors continued to work together putting together the pieces of Antares' estate. Jonas took to piracy again and Rister took to Scrapping and Freelancing.

Anyone flying Honshu over the last 3 months may have had a run in with a pirate gunship by the name 'Rebel' or a pirate bomber 'TheShadow'. This was Jonas. He was responsible for a spate of attacks in that area over the last 3 months. However, the GMG and IC guys finally caught up to Rebel and sank her just outside Sigma-19. So, Jonas did what he could in his bomber for a while, but decided to migrate back to more familiar territory; the Taus and Bretonia. He was forced to get a much cheaper ship this time, and resorted back to something familiar, (you guessed it) a Pelican armored transport. From there he has taken up an old profession, one Antares started out as, which is a Privateer. He employs all that he learned as Antares' right hand man. Now he plans to remain a bretonian privateer with the intent to interdict cargo and patrol the front lines (primarily in Leeds and the Taus), in his newly modified armored transport 'Rebel-II'. When not on the bridge of the Pelican, he may also be found flying his bomber 'Privateer' (formerly Privateer-2). Antares always had a hate for the Gallic presence in Sirius and it rubbed off on Jonas. All he knows now is piracy and was an enemy of Gallia already. He fell into the same unlawful backwater existence Antares had, as an agent for hire for anything from intelligence gathering to all out hired piracy.

In real life I got my motorcycle license, bought a small bike and have been riding the last 6 months. I put 7000 kilometers on it since June. Now that the riding season is over where I am due to winter coming, I'll have more time to get online. Gameplay wise I still prefer piracy for the most part. I have a few other ships I fly for fun like a freelancer and a junker that will have limited or no forum RP. As to the factions I was involved with when I left, I love you all, but wish to remain independent and uncommitted. Besides, with Antares lost, my characters I expect would need to rebuild inrp relations on their own, which I would be happy to see happen.

In fact this goes out to Nomnom and the {AFC}-

Captain Antares and his rebel cruiser

The bike is a cruiser, a Honda Rebel. It handles more like a light fighter though. Next year also means a new bike! But until then, the disco calls! Good hunting and safe flying to all! I'm glad to see all those who still fly here.

RE: Returning player: Guess who's back? - Shiki - 11-14-2016

Welcome back, guess who's.

RE: Returning player: Guess who's back? - Traxit - 11-14-2016

back again

RE: Returning player: Guess who's back? - Stoner_Steve - 11-14-2016

I'll try to keep an eye out for you! I'm happy your back

RE: Returning player: Guess who's back? - Jack_Henderson - 11-14-2016

Welcome back! Big Grin Hope you find fun here!

RE: Returning player: Guess who's back? - Tutashkhia - 11-14-2016

It's always a good feeling to see some oldies returning. Welcome back Wink

RE: Returning player: Guess who's back? - Dragonmaster - 11-15-2016

This news saves my day!
Welcome back!

RE: Returning player: Guess who's back? - nOmnomnOm - 11-15-2016

Yay! I need my fellow Canadian and AFC brother back!!! Big Grin (please please?)
At least... Be a hang-around... If you dont wish to continue where you left off but rather fresh.

(Also sweet ride Big Grin)

RE: Returning player: Guess who's back? - Alley - 11-15-2016

Welcome back!
Stay away from the drama (happy)

RE: Returning player: Guess who's back? - Binski - 11-17-2016

(11-15-2016, 02:56 PM)nOmnomnOm Wrote: Yay! I need my fellow Canadian and AFC brother back!!! Big Grin (please please?)
At least... Be a hang-around... If you dont wish to continue where you left off but rather fresh.

(Also sweet ride Big Grin)

Aye I'll give you a shout soon, I'll work something up, still have my arrow ?

(11-15-2016, 03:03 PM)Alley Wrote: Welcome back!
Stay away from the drama (happy)

Thanks Alley I most definitely will try. No promises ?