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To: TBH and the Council of Elders, from the Unioners. - Printable Version

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To: TBH and the Council of Elders, from the Unioners. - Arno Schultzky - 11-01-2016

Incoming Transmission

[Image: Jon-Snow-PNG-HD.png]

To: The council of Elders and our oldest friend.
From: Armin Jansen.
Subject: A great hope.

Tag. It is my honour, Elders.

The time has come for us to cement, if privately, our four hundred year history of co-collaboration.

Our fellowship, formed at the end of the GMG war to continue their harassment in exile, has proven bountiful for centuries. Against the eyes of the Red Hessians we have provided a lucrative source of Corsair trade, running food from Rheinland to Crete, vital metals and other resources from the manufacturing heartlands of northern Rheinland and Texas, to Crete, and artefacts for the return journey. We have made each other rich - Whilst the Hogosha canvassed Northern Sirius with artefacts and the Gaians, Bretonia, we held the south in order. We kept the stones flooding into the grip of Rheinland and Libertonian collectors. We have been diligent friends of the Empire - an institution that we pride as a model of economic and social success. We view you not as antagonists, but as friends. Imperials after our own hearts.

We are your only friend in the entire Rheinland unlawful sphere.

Now, it is time to bring us closer together. We request permission to buy munitions, ships and fuel from the Corsairs - in return, we will permit the Dorians to make full utilisation of our outposts to strike at the Federalists and the Communists alike, provided you do not get caught docking with them, and to buy our space frames whenever you so desire. Our Arbiters are exceptional fighters, more than sufficient to match any equivalent Bounty Hunter or Military design. We will assist the Corsairs against any targets you so choose within Rheinland proper, especially against foreign traders and the Outcast lackeys who occasionally materialise in Frankfurt. We have not -yet- made any attempt of hostility towards the misguided Hessians - indeed, we have been subtle. Whilst the Red Hordes smash themselves against Dresden, we have been able to purchase sorely desired foodstuffs from their allies, the LWB, to trade upstream to the Corsairs without their knowledge - obtaining resources from their own camp and using it to fund the Hessian's nemesis; you. What the Hessians do not suspect, they do not scan. What they do not scan, is additional credits in the purse of Crete.

We request confirmation that we still remain in the Corsair’s favour. If we are, then our guns, our shipbuilding experience and our secrets, are yours.

For the true sons of Rheinland and Hispania alike.

Armin Jansen.
???, Unknown Outpost, Location Undisclosed.
Transmission Ended

RE: To: TBH and the Council of Elders, from the Unioners. - Arno Schultzky - 11-02-2016

Reducing packet loss

RE: To: TBH and the Council of Elders, from the Unioners. - The Brotherhood - 11-02-2016

• Encrypted Message Received
• Encryption Label: Tau-Beta-Eta-4-Upsilon-Alpha-1-5-8 [[The Brotherhood 4 Unioner Arbeitskrafte 1, Security Level 8/9]]
• Decryption 100% Successful!
• Sender: Caelius Moya, Preconsul of The Brotherhood

Herr Armin Jansen,

We have received your transmission. It is one that we expected many years later; when a leader with sharp vision would see through the dark mist that has settled over the great Rheinland. More importantly, it is my sincere hope that your leadership is what helps clear the mist for many others, because what are we, if we bury our revelations, keeping them from all the people that may need them?

The Corsair Elders have had to helplessly watch as the curse of Hessian power has nearly completely consumed and corrupted the originally pure soul of the Bundschuh Movement. The Hessian lust for revenge and the Bundschuh's decision to acquire power at all costs will be their undoing. A similar fate may also await the LWB. Some Elders feared that the same would happen to the Unioners.

Indeed, the blind heralds of the Colony News Network cast a spell of deception, one which our generation can use to the benefit of the legitimate Unioner workforce and my People. They echo the absurdity that your party is disappointed of us Corsairs, repeating the words of the few putrid meatsteaks that once called themselves Unioners. There is much that we can discuss, but I must first address what you have put on our table.

For now, I am permitting your brave workforce the acquisition of Raba-class combat transports to aid your efforts. We are willing to regularly receive your people in Omicron Gamma, but our enemies have a close watch on our activities, and it would be convenient for us to meet in Omicron Theta, Omega-41, and Sigma-13 until our combined efforts achieve several key milestones. There are... plans... to use the Hessians' lust against them, and we must not risk losing our best option for gathering all information we can on what we call Rottenheim, the hellhole they use as their home. Once we have all the information we need, we can make our move.

Your may rest in the knowledge that we Corsairs are more forgiving and understanding than we are credited for. Courage and determination are traits that we know very well, traits that have allowed us to survive in the dreaded Edge Worlds until today. There are many more traits that your group will have many opportunities to demonstrate, but for now, those will do.

One more thing. It is obvious that your first encounter with the Corsairs in many years has been with the Custodi "family". Since their return to military service after many generations of self-imposed isolationism, they have been most flamboyant with their unwarranted, apparently derogatory term "Dorians", directed at the other 99.99% of the Corsairs. The Council of Elders and The Brotherhood are aware of their unusual attitude, but both only hold good will towards them. We would not enjoy participating in a fiendish game of name calling, neither with the Custodi group nor with your type of Unioners, but if you wish to do so, do so at your own risk. We are the Corsair People. We are the valiants of the old Hispania. We treat our friends as brothers and sisters in their adversity. There is no value in any other names or titles.

All in all, I stand convinced that you have reached out to us with good intentions.

Hopefully, time will prove me right in believing this of you.

In honor,
Caelius Moya

RE: To: TBH and the Council of Elders, from the Unioners. - Arno Schultzky - 11-06-2016

Incoming Transmission

[Image: Jon-Snow-PNG-HD.png]

To: The brotherhood.
From: Armin Jansen.
Subject: Potential.

As perceptive as ever. Your assessment of the Hessian-’Schuh relationship matches ours. Remarkable how close our foreign policy has come despite the lost years.

You compliment me, Proconsul, but I am not the head of the Unioner movement. Not the complete head. Just the mouth. I am but one of a larger cabinet; administrating the affairs of the Unioners. In a sense, I do hold high office - instead, I am the highest ranking member of the counter-revolution who can afford to be held to public scrutiny. A great many people have all manner of reasons, valid or not, to decapitate us. It is a decapitation we cannot afford.

You will know of our authorities, but with time.

All truths will be exposed, but slowly. We are, as of yet, fragile. Der Union is vast, but decentralised. It is partially why we have fallen apart from each other - too many chefs leading too many cooks against the other. Now that most of the political degenerates are dead, the movement has been stabilised - but only for now. We need material gains to It will take time to bring all of its arms under the tract of the National Labour Party. Our power, whilst numerically comparable to that of the Hessians, remains less focused, more decentralised. The Hessians have fallback positions within the vast fields of the Omegas, which even the Empire has found challenging to uproot. For every Hessian, there is a rock to cower behind.

We have no such fallbacks. For the most part, our bases remain meticulously hidden - and whilst we wield near-complete jurisdiction over the Bering system due to the destruction of the Hamburg gate, this position may only prove temporary.

The Raba is a masterful work of engineering. Sufficient firepower to be used as a pocket gunboat, a keen deterrent for would-be artefact interdictors, and, when used under escort, a viable cargo piracy vessel. There is no finer transport in the sector - we thank you for this gift, Elders.

The LWB waver on a pinhead - they alternate between falling off, or impaling themselves. Their motivations are similar to our own, at least in their founding; there restitution of Rheinland enterprise, as was enjoyed for centuries during the guided age. Over time, the Hessians, and their masters in the mists, the Sirian Coalition, have corrupted the nobility out of them. The LWB remain our allies whilst we wait for them to take on a leader who will bring their people back to enlightenment - but it remains but a slim hope. The Hessians have perfected the art of historical revisionism. They have convinced the LWB that it was Socialism, not National enterprise, that the farmer’s unions flourished under. Only time and diligence will permit us to detect if this is in fact wrong. Time. Money and time.

We cannot break our ties with the Hessians yet - at least, not overtly. Trade with the Hessians comprises a good third of our income. We break even on piracy, since we pirate to make a point, not to score them.

In terms of assets, the Unioners are overburdened with manpower. Like yourselves, we de-emphasise the value of individual life, and promote the value of the collective. We do not have the resources to become pretentious over our individual worth. Unioner operations are aggressive - we either strike fast or the assault breaks. We do not have the organisation and resources of the Federals, nor the barbarous constructs of the Hessians. What we do have is significant manpower - higher than the LWB and the Bundschuh put together. This manpower needs arming, however, and is frequently autonomous in command structure. We can never quite know what one Unioner may be doing with, or two, another. We are a society, not an army.

Yet the revenants of the Rheinland Imperial Navy still line our ancestral memory. There are still the dying institutions of the old guard out there amongst the rocks of the Tanner belt. Recently, we captured a battlecruiser: the RNC Prinz Eugen in a pitched battle with the federalists. It is these spectres which will light the torches of a new cause, and we will need to accommodate them. We will need yet more warships if we are to bring the fight to the enemies of the people, beyond the numerous rusting cruisers. They serve well, but form little more than a rearline. It is time for a new wave of innovation. The ancestors of the people who built the finest ships in human history must take up the call again.

Rheinland and Hispania have a long and noble history, Corsairs. Rheinland is the only house the Outcasts do not touch - in which Cardamine has taken sparse root and can be readily weeded away. The legacy of Corsair ship design started with the engineering of the Empire - it has grown apart with the rise of your people and the decay of ours, but our pragmatic similarities are numerous. We are closer in union than we have ever been before.

It is almost the time to strike. Not just yet. Almost. We will need of each other before the reckoning comes.

Rottenheim… Good name.

Tell us what intelligence sorties you need against the Hessians, and we'll conduct them whilst peace lasts.

The present leader of the Hessians is aggressive, and the Bundschuh have experienced a leadership change. The up-and-comer has proven most resourceful at rallying assets from the Auxesians to the Order against us.

We expect the Hessians to cast the first stone on any time frame between two and five weeks. Any time beyond that is a bonus that we should not dream ask for. The prelude to war is not a long one.

As for the stance of the Unioners; it is a reasoned one, conducted in accordance to natural law. The Corsairs merely intend to nourish Crete using the resources of the Rhein - this can be done via preferential trade. The Hessians intend to introduce socialist anarchy, destroy the economy and have no actual abillity to run a state, as shown by the debauchery they have inflicted upon Dresden. We will become an appendage of the Coalition, our people enslaved and starving, our way of life razed. Liberty will annex us.

If the Corsairs win the war, Rheinland is strengthened. If the Hessians win the war, Rheinland is destroyed.

This is nothing but pragmatic.

A final question. We have recently attempted to branch out to old Imperial Rheinland institutions to reconstruct the imperial powerbase - most specifically Kruger Mineralen and the Buro Der Marineintelligenz, two organisations that flourished under the Kaiser. Kruger has been extremely accommodating and has covertly supplied us with transports in exchange for raids on the Gas Mining Guild, but the BDM, surprisingly, their nationalist agenda considered, has not, and has instead responded to our resurgence with an apathy that indicates no small degree of alarm. It appears the BDM's administration is actively attempting to cover something up. Why is the organisation in Rheinland most devoted to preserving the balance of power refusing to negotiate? Why is an organisation that frequently circumvents the Federal government defending it? It is more likely than not that they are beholden to a third party which our rise would upset - any information, no matter how scanty, would be welcomed on the subject, along with data concerning the Auxesians and the Order.

Be advised - our patrols recently encountered unknown ships in Frankfurt bearing the designation "The Cult of Technology". These ships match no known neuralnet database and featured technological features in defiance of all currently known engineering principles. We succeeded in retrieving weapons architectures and encrypted technoware from the Cultists' ships, but only at great cost - the target vessels appearing to lack any conventional shields, but mounting armour that massively decreased the efficacy of any of our arsenal up to the nuclear grade and cannons capable of firing a coherent, continuous beam without thermal overload. They are an unknown factor perhaps more troubling than the Auxesians themselves.

Good luck. Any support you could send us would be of value.

Armin Jansen.
???, Unknown Outpost, Location Undisclosed.
Transmission Ended