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To: Arbiter Wild Bill - Printable Version

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To: Arbiter Wild Bill - A/)- The Inner Phalanx - 11-05-2016

[Image: SZXxg8V.png]

NEURAL NET ID: Curator Leviathan
TOPIC: Heads up.


Good morning, Arbiter.

I doubt it will be that way much longer. I've got a bit of news to pass along, but before I do - I'm the new Curator, Leviathan. Unfortunately Endurance was lost in an accident involving a bit too much radiation for him to handle, and I'm his successor.

Now then.

With Klaksvik utterly demolished by us and the Hellfire Legion, your operations in Inverness, and your unfortunate relationship with the good folk of the Commonwealth, as well as your not so unfortunate relationship with us, I think it's only fair that I warn you now that the Legion are stepping up activity in Inverness, especially given what they fielded to take that Gaian outpost down.


Whatever you probably have to hide and whatever people you might have there, I'd start prepping them ahead of time to bug out before they catch wind of your operations in Inverness, as we can't really help you if they do what you know they're going to do, as we'd be putting ourselves in a position we wouldn't survive, so this is the least we can do to help you.

- L


RE: To: Arbiter Wild Bill - WildBill - 11-07-2016

[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qycTZ2eHIxbVRjaDg]
[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qyYU45bkc5TktuLVU]
[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qyZlFQWkVjLV9wek0]


Hell, this ain't good news at all. 'Fore we talk 'bout the situation in Inverness, let me say as someone what knows first hand 'bout operatin in radiation, sorry fer the loss of Endurance. Radiation poisonin ain't a good way to go.

We got no intentions of leavin Inverness. System's too damned valuable to us. It were hard won an we put too much effort into terraformin Planet Forres to jus be clearin out. Even got a station named Junkyard whats standin guard 'gainst Gallic forces invadin further into Sirius. Bretonia's been in full support of us here an the work we've been doin. Hell, there's a good number of Bretonian Refugees what've made new homes on Forres an are workin hard at terraformin that home. As fer the Hellfire, we got an agreement with 'em, they ain't shootin us long as they don't see us haulin anythin what's deemed illegal. Long as we keep to cleanin up scrap fields there shouldn't be no issue with 'em.

I appreciate yer warnin to us. Maybe there's somethin what can be worked out between the three of us. Reckon you'd be up fer playin diplomat here? Might jus be we can sit down an figure out somethin what might prevent future hostilities.

Wild Bill, Arbiter Junker Congress

[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qycEd3b1p4QWZjUDA]

RE: To: Arbiter Wild Bill - Aether - 11-07-2016

[Image: SZXxg8V.png]

NEURAL NET ID: Curator Leviathan
TOPIC: RE: Heads up.


Good afternoon.

I'm well aware of your facility, as it was through it which we came to an agreement to begin producing EM-Wave Disruptors. Those tools have been rather useful in our work. Having the ability to bring a cloaked ship out of hiding is something special, I'd say.

Though I doubt the Legion really care so much about your salvaging operations. Knowing them, it isn't exactly a redeeming quality to be associating with organizations that they're not so fond of such as the Outcasts and Rogues. There never was much in the way of compromise for either organization or those they associated themselves with, and I admit I'm not exactly fond of anyone who works with the Maltese in any regards. The Legion is a platform built upon the ideals of anti-corruption. To them, your people are corrupt.


If it were possible to convince them that the Congress can be of more use than simple garbage men, you might see progress in starting an uneasy work relationship with the Commonwealth, but that leaves a problem that I'm not entirely fond of myself, which is the Xenos. Normally we stay out of each others way, and both parties aid the Legion in and around Liberty against the Navy. I've never been keen on the idea of a relationship with them, and their nature as terrorists is one that'd cast the Commonwealth in a bad light when considering their legitimacy as a Government. Supporting terrorism tends to not go so well.

But they'd need to weigh the odds. Terrorist or smugglers?

They're about hearts and minds. Winning over the people rather than gaining profit. Political in nature, meaning they'd need a reason to see you as a better source of popularity than the Xenos. Of course this is all speculation, and I can't exactly speak for them as I don't work for them, but there is a possibility that a sit-down could be arranged.

I'll see what I can do.

- L