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A Rookies initiation - Printable Version

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A Rookies initiation - Jadon King - 11-06-2016

The following is the audio recording of events that occurred on 10/23/823AS

OK I just got my new orders, to head to be a guard at some new system.

Docking sequence completed, Lane Jump Initiated.
...Alright, this the one they said to line up on.

Whoa... They do not want anyone getting in... (Computerized voice) Warning, mines detected.
Thanks Synthia, I never would've known tha- (A loud high pitched noise rings out) Aghh! Jesus Christ! ...Goddamn scramblers.

Well, I guess this is the Jump Gate. (Robotic Voice) Unknown vessel, Identify yourself. This is Corporal Michael Anderson of Liberty Navy, I have come here under orders from Missouri command, requesting Docking clearance. Access Granted. Alright, this is getting weirder and weirder.

What the!? what kind of a system is this place?
Juneau Shipyard, this is Corporal Anderson, I'm requesting to Dock.
Check, your request to Dock is granted, Proceed to Dock 2.

Alright, I've been given orders to investigate a radar disturbance in 7E... That's just behind the Shipyard, what kinda Idiot would a) come to this system in the first place. and b) try go to the super secret military Shipyard? Ehh... Most likely nothing but debris colliding into each other.

Navpoint reached, Command I'm not showing anything on sc-What the hell!? Command Hostiles are Decloaking!! What are those things!? Affirmative Corporal, Destroy all contacts.
(The following 7 minutes is almost nothing but Shouting and swearing)

Command... Mind explaining just what the hell just went on? Return to base Corporal.
Command, next time you want to send me against blue... What everthehell's that can eat through my shield faster then Stoners with Synth Gel! You think you could TELL ME FIRST!? Return to base Corporal, That's an order.
...Yes Sir. (An audible Clunk) Oh, I miss the Rio Grande already.