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A Very Toxic Adventure - ALG & Bill Hickok - Printable Version

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A Very Toxic Adventure - ALG & Bill Hickok - WildBill - 11-07-2016

A recent sickness was spreading on board Culebra Smelter. During the investigation Arbiter Bill Hickok determined it was due to radiation poisoning from the vast quantities of untreated Toxic Waste being produced on the station. Bill contacted ALG Waste Disposal out of Rheinland to ask for help. President Stohl of ALG was most generous in offering assistance to the Junker Congress in their time of need. As part of the arrangement Bill has agreed to paying a small disposal fee to ALG as well as transporting the Waste in a responsible manner. In order to not flood ALG's communication logs Arbiter Hickok decided to keep accountable through the means of a digital log of all activities concerning the transportation and disposal of the Toxic Waste. This is the digital log made available to ALG Waste Disposal.

.:Log Entry #1:.

First delivery went well 'nough. ALG folks at Wuppertal Refinery was nice 'nough to my crew. They was even nice 'nough to load us up with Robotic Hardware, somethin we'll be needin in Puerto Rico. Made several more in the last 24 hours. Reckon I best git somethin down fer the last few trips.

Everythin ran smooth fer the second load of Toxic Waste. Ain't havin issues with haulin 'em on account of President Stohl's givin us all 'em HazMat Canisters. Returned to Puerto Rico with more Robotic Hardware. Once back on board Culebra Smelter we loaded up some more of that Waste fer a 3rd trip to Wuppertal Refinery. Crew ain't too pleased to be haulin this stuff, but they know it need to be done. We was able to offload the waste quick 'nough an git some more Robotic Hardware 'fore headin back to Puerto Rico. Our 4th load went 'bout as expected, meanin we was able to git the Toxic Waste an return with Robotic Hardware without incident. It were 'round Hamburg on the 5th trip to Wuppertal Refinery that the crew started complainin 'bout bein tired. I pushed 'em to continue on an finish what we set out to do. These folks're understandin 'nough, I jus ain't sure how far I'd be able to push 'em. We was able to return again with Robotic Hardware. I kept on pushin an we managed to make a 6th run to Wuppertal. Once more we was able to offload an load up again fer another trip. We made 1 final trip, the 7th an last one. Dropped off the last bit of Toxic Waste an returned with Robotic Hardware.

I've sent [ALG]-Bank a total of 36,135,000 Sirius Credits fer the disposal fees. I reckon that's all I've got to be reportin fer this first log entry.

.:Entry #1 Complete:.

RE: A Very Toxic Adventure - ALG & Bill Hickok - WildBill - 12-07-2016

.:Log Entry #2:.

I reckon the crew was needin some rest. Gave 'em a few days off an made 'em go through a medical check on Vieques. A few of 'em was complainin 'bout some nausea, but doctors've cleared 'em fer work.

We set out as before from Culebra. Stickin to Jump Holes so as not to endanger folks what're usin Trade Lanes. We made it to Wuppertal Refinery again without any troubles fer the 8th delivery. 'Course we returned to Puerto Rico with Robotic Hardware. Reckon the folks at Wuppertal Refinery're gittin to know us by now. After returnin to Puerto Rico we loaded up an moved on out to Wuppertal Refinery to bring in our 9th delivery. Crew was complainin 'bout nausea 'gain so we put in at Vieques fer a couple more days.

I've sent [ALG]-Bank a total of 12,045,000 Sirius Credits fer the disposal fees.

.:Entry #2 Complete:.