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Meeting of the Inner Circle - Printable Version

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RE: Meeting of the Inner Circle - Yoshida - 12-08-2016

Yoshida was sitting on the right side of Moriarty. Though he was always careful with his dressing style, in this occassion he wore one of the most expensive tailor made suits in Sirius, made by the prestigious Venetian fashion house, its entirety crafted in hand. How it ended up in his possession was anyone's guess, however he certainly had the means to purchase one.

The Provocateur listened carefully to all the Lane Hackers. A successful career record meant quicker and easier elevation within the organization and undoubtedly there were several aspiring young Hackers within that room.

"Our Professor Provocateur has brought up a significant issue, and everyone's input will be taken into consideration, thank you. Please consult the Lane Hacker Briefings for any changes in our operational protocol." Goro Yoshida said and his gaze scanned the room, making sure that he's got everyone's attention.

"However I would like to talk about something else. The re-appearance of IND under an independent scheme presents us with a new challenge. Their cancerous influence is not to be left unchecked or otherwise it will consume the entire Sirius. It befalls to each one of us to make sure IND does not regain its former power and influence.

Furthermore, the civil war between LN and LSF presents us with a unique opportunity to increase our numbers. If Battlegroup Harmony successfully escapes the LN blockade, we will have hundreds of LSF personnel stranded on Mactan. We will invite these former agents to join our ranks, we are afterall their natural choice, now that they have gone rogue. For those few who will refuse our invitation, preparations have been made to make sure they join us, one way or the other."
The man said with a low voice and dark eyes.

RE: Meeting of the Inner Circle - Moriarty - 12-15-2016

During the course of the meeting Moriarty had remained silent and expressionless as he evaluated the commentary of each Lane Hacker, mentally filing away nuances of intonation and verbal clues for later analysis, threat assessment, and potential for particular mission assignments.

Once Yoshida finished, the room remained silent, no other Hacker deigning to speak again. Moriarty waited until at least three of those present began to fidget uncomfortably, betraying certain neurotic impulses, before he leaned forward to rest his elbows on the table, steepling his hands and fingers together in a relaxed, contemplative pose.

"The Lane Hackers have ever excelled in planning, coordination, and stealth in our operations. We have neither the numbers nor the resources to engage in all out warfare with even the likes of the arch-criminals of the Bounty Hunters Guild, much less that of the House navies. The analysis of those among you who caution against head on confrontation and advise enhanced combat training is efficient and persuasive. I advise it be followed."

He paused to look around the room, gazing directly into the eyes of each Hacker for a few moments before continuing. He was obliged to stare at Grubozaboyschikov for 79 seconds before she noticed everyone dropping silent hints in her direction and turned to meet his gaze with some chagrin. Finally, he inhaled slowly and deeply before speaking again.

"Though Yoshida has not spoken of it here, he has recently completed a years long infiltration of a Nomadic conspiracy that he has discovered reaches into the depths of both Liberty and the Outcast Nacion. Due to the alarming and critical nature of his findings, even those of you without sufficient security clearance due to your rank will be given special clearance to access and peruse his extensive reports on the operation. I suggest you familiarize yourselves with them without delay."

Those Hackers who had not before noticed, realized now that Moriarty's use of the terms "suggest" and "advise" carried the implicit weight of a direct order, and implied a threat if ignored.

"As I have long suspected, the war between Liberty and Rheinland of two decades past was merely a charade to mask a longer term invasive presence of the aliens within the colonies' societies and power structures. The public was allowed to learn of the alien presence in combination with its apparent defeat in order to lull the colonies into complacency during the duration of the impending alien infiltration. Yoshida's recent efforts have exposed the pervasiveness of this threat, and dealt it a not insignificant setback, though I am not inclined to overestimate the long term damage that we have yet delivered to the aliens' plans."

Moriarty paused as several Hackers reacted with muted alarm and concern over his statements. When all had regained their composure and focused their attention on him fully once again, he knew the time was right to reveal the real purpose of the meeting.

"I must now advise each of you that The Lane Hackers have in our midst a highly destructive, relentlessly persistent, and thoroughly corrosive threat. This threat has existed within our ranks for several years now, and has on multiple occasions engaged in subterfuge, intrigue, larceny, secrecy, suborning corruption, and even murder. Too many times to recount to you, this invidious individual has caused great harm and disruption while escaping detection and suspicion. The crimes committed have been legion, and the unrelenting duplicity and cunning displayed has nearly exceeded the bounds set by previous exemplars such as the legendary Phate."

"Consequently, as of this date, in recognition of the immense portfolio of havoc and mayhem perpetrated by Lane Hacker Goro Yoshida against Ageira, the Liberty corruptocracy, its assorted minions, et cetera, et al, he is entitled to the distinction of Professor Provocateur, with a chosen portfolio of Data Analytics and Forfeitures."

Here Moriarty turned to the right and locked gazes with Yoshida, who had remained expressionless throughout his speech.

"Not since Professor Sanguinetti's departure have I felt such hope for our future as you inspire. May you see your plans to fruition and our enemies discombobulated."

He turned back to the assembled Lane Hackers.

"Meeting adjourned."

Then Moriarty rose and exited the room without another sound.