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To the Gallic Royal Navy Recruitment office - Printable Version

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To the Gallic Royal Navy Recruitment office - Enkidu - 11-11-2016

To: The recruitment attaché for the Gallic Royal Navy.
From: Achille Augustain Nadeau, veteran and concerned citizen.

[Image: c1844473d3a682096bc03ae83770c90f.jpg]

À qui cela concerne,

Your rejection letter aimed against my offer to re-enlist in the arms of the Roi was brief. Perhaps too brief? Have I wronged the Roi in any way?

I appreciate brevity for brevity’s sake. You clearly are a busy individual drowning under the responsibility of your post.

Now. I am going to assume there was some organisational mistake and you mistook my files for someone else’s when it came to the latest round of post recruitment processing. Do not be ashamed - we have all made organisational errs before. Judgement is a finicky nuance.

As a citizen of the crown I am within my domain to request full disclosure as to my rejection from the service of the Gallic Royal Navy, for the purpose of rectifying any err, any mischance, which may have resulted in my abandonment by a cause I hold more dear to me than I do my own mortality. If the Roi has need of the most unmannerly of conscripts, then it must find use for its own veterans, should it not?

With much defference,


RE: To the Gallic Royal Navy Recruitment office - Enkidu - 11-11-2016

To: The recruitment attaché for the Gallic Royal Navy.
From: Achille Augustain Nadeau, veteran and concerned citizen.

[Image: c1844473d3a682096bc03ae83770c90f.jpg]

À qui cela concerne,

"In service to the Crown, and His Majesty King Charles XI?"

In service to yourself - I know institutional prejudice when it's there.

Well then, you unmannerly bastard! You're not the only ones with friends in the courts.

Expect me to sue! See you in court, you cretins.
