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To: The Bretonian Armed Forces - Printable Version

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To: The Bretonian Armed Forces - Aether - 11-11-2016

[Image: SZXxg8V.png]

NEURAL NET ID: Curator Leviathan
TOPIC: Assault


Good afternoon.

I'm afraid I'm not coming to you on positive terms.

Our forces were notified of an incoming alien incursion within the Manchester system, and given the nature of our vessel and the legality, we requested permission to enter the system from the only asset available to take our call at that time, one HMS-Mosquito.

A Nomad incursion is a serious issue, but so is one of your vessels, particularly the 13th|HMS-Argosax, outright ignoring the alien threat and opening fire on our vessel amidst the defense efforts. Not only did that particular vessel weaken the defense line, violated a clearly granted vessel, but was assisted by the Liberty Navy, which is a a violation of your own law, section 4.5, inciting violence. As I had come to understand it, we are friends of Bretonia, and we were doing our job to aid the Kingdom in its defense.

Now what reason, if any, does a vessel have to completely break the defensive formation, surrounded by aliens, to engage our ship while we were assisting your forces? This isn't the first time our supposed friends have fired on us, either. The Argosax - despite authorization within your laws to be present in the system of Inverness, previously opened fire on the Arktos some time ago.

Your people are our friends. I can understand your relationship with Liberty takes priority, but given the circumstances, and outright violation of your own law, I'm requesting something be done to resolve this matter. We can't aid your forces if they're liable to fire on us while we do so, receiving disruptor aid from a Gaian vessel, while surrounded by aliens.

So, enlighten me.

- L


RE: To: The Bretonian Armed Forces - AlphaWolf215 - 11-11-2016

[Image: H05dXRr.png]

Curator Leviathan,

Allow me to begin by offering my most sincere apologies for what you have experienced this day. This is absolutely unacceptable from an officer under my command, and I will not allow this discrepancy to go unnoticed. I'll be conducting a formal investigation the moment you receive this message.

I'm afraid you did break the law here, and I will have to touch on it, briefly, before I move to the matter at hand. I can see, from the attached transcript, that you was made aware that the Officers aboard H.M.S. Mosquito are in no position to grant passage for your vessel, the ACV Arktos. Normally a fine would be issued, but I feel you have suffered enough today. I am willing to waive the fine, and instead offer you a request. Please respect our laws. If no-one of rank can grant you passage, do not take it upon yourselves to enter. That is all I may ask.

I cannot speak for the Argosax's actions today. As I stated before, the behaviour displayed is completely unacceptable, and I will not allow it to go unpunished. The Argosax, and by extension the self entitled "13th fleet", have always been troublesome. It is for this reason, that I can offer no concrete resolution until my own investigation has been completed. I can only ask you await the outcome of my discussions, for the final word on where we go from here. I hope to be able to close this matter soon.

Thank you for your patience

On behalf of the Her Majesty the Queen, and her People in the Realm of Bretonia,

Michelle O'Brian, Admiral of the Fleet
First Sea Lord
Bretonian Command

RE: To: The Bretonian Armed Forces - Aether - 11-11-2016

[Image: SZXxg8V.png]

NEURAL NET ID: Curator Leviathan
TOPIC: Assault


Admiral O'Brian,

It's a pleasure to hear back from you so quickly. I do apologize if we stepped out of bounds, but given the circumstances of a hostile incursion, I'm certain you're aware of the necessity of our involvement. The Nomads weren't exactly going to await the arrival of an Admiral. As usual we have the utmost respect for our friend's laws, and abide by them. There was only one instance in the past in which such a warning was issued, but permission was later granted.

That involvement would've been prolonged had we not been fired upon, and it's an unfortunate incident to say the least. I only hope that while our vessel had to retreat and make repairs, the remaining defending assets were able to hold out long enough for reinforcements to arrive, or even to overpower the alien threat.

As you've mentioned your inability to speak for this captain's actions, I'm acutely aware of that particular vessel's past transgressions in opposition to the interests of the Crown. Its mention of Liberty was confusing, as Manchester is not Liberty space, thus their laws and our unfortunate conflict with the Republic needn't apply, nor should the Republic's Navy and the Argosax have deemed it appropriate to fire on our vessel while an incursion was in process.

Needless to say I am disappointed in the unity humanity has failed to show today. I hope your investigation yields something.

- L


RE: To: The Bretonian Armed Forces - AlphaWolf215 - 11-11-2016

[Image: H05dXRr.png]

Curator Leviathan,

The record shows, "as of 21:52, 11/11/823 A.S., The "Argosax" has been stripped of it's rank and designation as a vessel of Her Majesty's Fleet, and it's Commanding Officer, "Commander Jack Wills", stripped of his rank and titles, and disgracefully discharged from Her Maejsty's Armed Forces. A warrant has been issued for his arrest."

May I ask that if you come upon this vessel, you remove the captain poste haste, and return any loyal officers, who I assume are held against their will, to Bretonian space. We would prefer the vessel returned, but will accept it's destruction.

On behalf of the Her Majesty the Queen, and her People in the Realm of Bretonia,

Michelle O'Brian, Admiral of the Fleet
First Sea Lord
Bretonian Command

RE: To: The Bretonian Armed Forces - Aether - 11-11-2016

[Image: SZXxg8V.png]

NEURAL NET ID: Curator Leviathan
TOPIC: Assault



That escalated quickly. I'll notify our forces and prepare them for the worst possible outcome. We'll do what we can to ensure those who remain loyal to the Crown see a safe return, and any of those who are in support of this theft will find themselves detained and turned over to the proper authorities.

I thank you for your time.

- L