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To: Alex Kingston - Printable Version

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To: Alex Kingston - A.B. - 11-12-2016


So uh, sweety. It was a joke and you just shot me for a joke. You know, joking is not against the Liberty Law and you fired me for an action that is not against the Liberty Law. Admit you shot me just because I'm Rheinlander. You know, racism isn't temporal and - after a few courses - you might cease to be racist. Or something. But, next time, make sure that what you are doing is all cool within law of Liberty. I will remember that assault, herr.

RE: To: Alex Kingston - Spectre - 11-12-2016

- - {Transmission Initiated} - -

[COMM-ID]: Alexander S. Kingston
[RECEIVER-ID]: Joel Faulkner

[PRIORITY]: Beta - Low
[ENCRYPTION]: Beta - Low


To be completely honest, I don't really care if it was a joke. What you thought was a joke was a very real threat to me, and considering the circumstances, you're lucky I only scratched your ship. Threatening an officer of the law, whether they be LPI, Navy or even the LSF, is grounds for very real punishment by the law. I don't think I need to inform you that we're at war, and if you're willing to barter credits over the life of a Liberty Navy Commander, then you honestly don't get to fly within Liberty space. That, however, is not my decision, so consider yourself blessed in that department.

I don't expect you to understand everything, but I have very real issues that I need to keep in check regarding both my worklfe and my personal one. I don't intend to let idle 'jokes' get past me and shrug them off like they were wind. I have to analyze everything, everyone, and every place to make sure things don't go balls up.

So no. I'm not going to apologize, and I will not admit that, for whatever reason you think, I am racist. I am not a racist, and I intend to stay that way. Rheinland and I have a very strong connection that I do not intend to screw up, and seeing as how many of my friends are from there, I doubt the words of one little petty freelancer will change their opinions. Enjoy your visit in Liberty, and I don't have to tell you that the next time we cross paths, you had better be on the correct side of the law.

Kingston, out.

- - {Transmission Terminated} - -

RE: To: Alex Kingston - A.B. - 11-12-2016


So uh... Okay. I guess I have nothing else to say in this matter, Herr Kingston. Please be aware of the further actions in the future as I'll surely keep my own jokes leashed. Maybe should I bring some Rheinbier, as a compensation though? I also feel bad for the joke that happened to be... out of place, to think about it.