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Need an admins view - jim-drover - 11-13-2016

Greetings ,

I have made an character and the more i log with it the more people giving me an hard time about it.

This character is ment to help newbie,s . I noticed the Angels are not much around any more during the day and loads of newbies are still trying to play .

Now this char named //OORPC-Trade-Helper is mainly in penselvenia, most usage as bank but sometimes it is floating near planet erie.

asking lower levels/starter levels if they need some help getting started.

If they want help i ask first what it is they want to do . If they want to do misions thats fine but i can not help them with that. My help consists of some ingame pointers like id regulation and the difference between id and iff and how they are linked.

I also offer them an nice little starter route in wich they can create credits for their next ship , and if needed i will show them the route . meaning i get out of penselvenia, escort the player while not interfering with his or hers roleplay encounters, only giving him tips and pointers in private messages.

Now this OORP char uses an Requit id and freelancer iff on an civilian gunboat.
Since people are asking questions i can not fully answer when it comes to this char and its use i ask you, the admin team to shed a light if you can.

If i am breaking rules then please let me know what i am breaking and i will make shure it gets solved , i am only here to have fun for me and others and not to break rules .

Friendly regards from, Jim.

RE: Need an admins view - Shush Muppet - 11-13-2016

Well, technically the Recruit ID is only supposed to be used to set up a character. I understand your reasons for choosing it and I admire what you are trying to do. Unfortunately you are courting trouble.

However, there is a solution. You should request to be made an [Angel]. You seem to have a good heart, and since you have observed a lack of activity on their part, you could pick up the flag. Heck, I'd join you. We could use more savvy players sharing their knowledge.

Angel Recruitment Thread

RE: Need an admins view - Durandal - 11-13-2016

An app to the Angels isn't guaranteed to be accepted. I don't have a problem with what you're doing as long as you stay in Penn and keep it to PMs.

RE: Need an admins view - jim-drover - 11-13-2016

Alright, Thanks you both.

@Durandal I will stay in penselvenia with it from now on and only help trough pm's

RE: Need an admins view - Joggin - 12-01-2016


Speaking as an Angel, I appreciate all help given to new players by Community members, by all means apply to the Angels as Shush Muppet suggests, we're always looking for eager, knowledgeable additions to our support team and the selection process is fair and democratic, so there's no harm in applying. Looking forward to hearing from you through the Recruitment Thread if you'd like to apply for an Angel position.

RE: Need an admins view - JohnyWalker - 12-01-2016

Hey there Jim!!! Great to see others also helping!! Im usually also in Pennsylvania, exactly doing the same to those new low level players coming. Basically starting as miners just there, its a good way for they to learn about starting to earn some coins for their small pockets hahahaha. But hey!! Im doing it as Miner!!! with Miner ID+Freelancer IFF. So would be GREAT if you use a Freelancer ID+IFF (or Police...) and park there with me for protect also those small miners/haulers. So you will also have the oportunity for interact into RolePlay with others. This will be really useful for newbies, to see how others interact using RolePlaying (damit... im still need to learn RPing... newbies are too much ooRP and it turns hard).

Welcome to the helium party! (happy)

RE: Need an admins view - jim-drover - 12-04-2016

Hey admin team,

Letting you know i will change the name of this character, id&iff.

Thanks for alowing it for the duration it could

RE: Need an admins view - sindroms - 12-04-2016

Mind you, be very careful what you teach new players. Judging from your own join date, you yourself physically cannot know all of the ins and outs of this community and the game itself. Be very careful what you do. Any mistake on your part, unknowing ones especially, will pretty much put the players that trust you at risk.

EDIT: Also, flying a recruit ID with your ship and IFF already is overstepping what that ID is used for. Not really the sort of example you'd want to give to new players. I suggest you hook up with @JohnyWalker ingame and help him out.

RE: Need an admins view - TheShooter36 - 12-04-2016

just fly a freelancer ID one Smile

RE: Need an admins view - Malacore - 12-04-2016

I've been part of disco since 2009 so if you ever need any help showing new players around lemme know and I'll happily make a new character to help out =)