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Player Banned Indefinitely: Wesker [Reversed] - Printable Version

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Player Banned Indefinitely: Wesker [Reversed] - sindroms - 11-18-2016

@Wesker has been sanctioned for:

Quote:1.1 Abusive, vulgar, obscene, political, racist, graphic, pornographic and law-violating materials
1.2 Flaming, insulting, trolling and harassing other players

Consequences: Your server access has been removed until you give us a good enough reason to unban you.

Welcome back.
It seems as though your last punishment had no impact and you ended up on our desk again and for the same exact reason, going as far as even quoting the same exact line that got you smacked the last time.

Wesker, we tend to ignore swearing and racist remarks in groupchat due to it usually being between friends. We would remind you, however, that there is no actual exclusion to the 1.1 and 1.2 rule when it comes to groupchat. In your case, however, when these remarks are even more so pointed at another person in said groupchat who is quite clearly not in good enough terms with you to take it as a joke and ends up as yet another report against you, is where we start frowning again.

Do not post in this thread until you are very much sure what you are going to tell us and the community. Our honest suggestion would be taking a break from Discovery Freelancer until you sort out whatever is plaguing you IRL to cause this behavior.

If you require evidence, you may request such via PM from a Staff member. Only the accused or an official faction leader of the accused person's faction may request such. Once you have the evidence, and if you wish to dispute it, you may post in the Appeal Thread linked above. Do not continue PM'ing a staff member, as that will result in your Appeal being denied. If you PM a staff or post in the appeal thread and you are not directly involved, you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbours, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE

RE: Player Banned Indefinitely: Wesker - Wesker - 11-18-2016

What where? Evidence?

RE: Player Banned Indefinitely: Wesker - Wesker - 11-18-2016

Alright, I got the evidence and need a break. I'll write up an appeal later today or tomorrow.

RE: Player Banned Indefinitely: Wesker - SkyNet - 11-18-2016

You have to understand my point of view.

This is not the first time that i witnessed your toxic attitude. Racism is not tolerated in my country, nor it should be tolerated on the internet. Surely everyone shouts sometimes, but
you talked crap non-stop and probably didn't even notice it. When ever i joined a chat or a group with you i've seen you shouting and trolling. I know you are holding a grudge against me, and against people who do not agree with you in general, but can't you just be silent? Is this too much to ask for? These comments were not necessary. You think you are untouchable and can do what ever you want. Obviously you didn't learn your lesson and i have serious doubts that you will ever learn it. I've seen people leaving disco because of you. In my opinion your actions are harming the gameplay. And i hope the Admins see it the same way.

It's a shame that i have to waste my time with this, but you asked for it.

RE: Player Banned Indefinitely: Wesker - sindroms - 11-18-2016

A small question. Were or were not these slurs directed directly at you? Because that was the seeming context of your report against the player in question.

RE: Player Banned Indefinitely: Wesker - SkyNet - 11-18-2016

The first comment was directed at me, yes. It's the same old game he's playing the whole time. The part with the jew, probably not.

RE: Player Banned Indefinitely: Wesker - sindroms - 11-18-2016

When you are referring to the ''first comment'' do you mean the greeting or the part about the UN player faction. Because the way you presented the evidence, it seemed as though imply that all of it was directed at you. Can you please clarify, if this was not the case, for what did you report him? And if no insults came at you in specific, did you try to reason with the player about such comments before submitting the report? Because that changes the whole context of the evidence we have been given by you.

RE: Player Banned Indefinitely: Wesker - SkyNet - 11-18-2016

PM sent. I hope it clarifies it.

RE: Player Banned Indefinitely: Wesker - Wesker - 11-19-2016

First and foremost I’d like to apologize to the admin team and the community for this. Really, after returning from my ban I’ve done my best to mind my own business and avoid anything that might put me in this situation again. I’ve let go of all past grudges against people and factions in particular contrary to popular belief, hell I haven’t even been playing the game all that frequently for the past 2 weeks. I’ve been watching TV as I already mentioned here in my feedback thread when someone else accused me of holding out a grudge.

Secondly I’m sorry if those comments in the group chat offended anyone, I’m not a racist, and I’ve never gone out deliberately making racial slurs to offend people both on the internet and in real life. Spazzy mentioned above that the team usually overlooks group chat comments because they’re between friends. That’s precisely what was going on in the group chat. I was on teamspeak with some friends and we were making sarcastic joking comments about each other and UN. I didn’t actually mean any of the sarcastic comments I said in the group chat. While I don’t have video evidence to prove what I’m saying, the people in the group chat @Venkman, @Christensen, @Mephistoles, and @Antonio can all vouch that it was true. The only comment that was directed at anyone in that chat was the part where I said “ Yo yo yo Skynet my boy (y) (y)”, which of course was directed at @SkyNet which I don’t think was harmful in the least. That’s a way of greeting someone, not trolling or harassing them, and it was most certainly not racist. Going further into the topic of the racist comments, as seen above the team said the person took offense to the comments made and the person who reported me probably thought they were directed towards him. Firstly, none of the joking race comments were directed towards him. As mentioned above they were just joking sarcastic comments with my friends on teamspeak. Secondly if the person was really offended by the comments, I’d question why he didn’t ask me to stop right then and there. Given all other instances where I’ve witnessed someone making racial comments in a group chat to another person that actually offended the person on the receiving end, the person on the receiving end immediately asked the person making the joke to stop. If someone in real life or on the internet is truly offended by a race comment, they’d tell the person saying it to stop. I wasn’t told the person who reported me was offended by comments, there was no way I could’ve known at all. I don’t really find it just that the person rather than talking to me went and reported me without notice. If I had known the said person was offended by the comment, I would’ve stopped right then and there. Behind this text I’m asking that this ban be reverted. I get what I did before was ban worthy. I broke the rules 2 times in a row, then followed it up with a bad comment in local chat. But here, it wasn’t directed towards anyone, it was around friends who haven’t seen it as anything but joking (or so I thought), and above all it was in a group chat. If I had known that language like that in a group chat was enough leverage to ban someone, I would’ve stopped using bad language in group chats 2 years ago when I started playing. I’ve cussed a lot in group chats in the past, none of those instances ever moved me remotely close to being banned.

So yes, if I get unbanned after this I’ll be sure not to use racial joking comments in a group chat anymore. Actually I don’t think I’ll ever use a group chat for anything anymore. Given what just happened. Again, to the community and to my beloved [RHA] faction members I’m sorry this happened. I never came back to this game with the intent of doing something that would get me banned again. Contrary to the belief of the admin team I have learned my lesson. I hope this provides enough leverage for you guys to see why ban wouldn’t be just.

RE: Player Banned Indefinitely: Wesker - Mephistoles - 11-19-2016


[17.11.2016 20:03:28] Krieg.Six: ok logging UN|
[17.11.2016 20:03:37] Krieg.Six: )
[17.11.2016 20:03:48] Krieg.Six: )
[17.11.2016 20:03:51] Krieg.Six: i'm RHA 1ic
[17.11.2016 20:04:01] [RM]Fw.Kat.Laurenz: [...]
[17.11.2016 20:04:02] [RM]Fw.Kat.Laurenz: [...]

Krieg.Six is my ship and Wesker's lines here were directed at me and nobody else. They did not offend me, nothing else Wesker said offended me, I definitely don't need somebody to be offended on my behalf and this whole shebang is a waste of admin time that would be better spent elsewhere.