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Fallout 1,2, tactics and 3 - NerdRage - 12-18-2008

i'm not the biggest die-hard fan of the Fallout games, but im just interested in what other people
in the FL community have been doing in the fallout games, and id like to know what character you play as
and if anyone took the librety into making an RP for a fallout char

there isnt much to say for Fallout 1,2, and tactics, because you cant really make your chars that unique because its a bit straight ended, im talking mostly about FO 3

in FO3, my first char i made was a dumbass melee weaponsguy who is as charismatic as a hairy slug
i called him Willie, i put some effort into the gene projection thingy to make him look like a disgruntled ginger haired, balding scottish stereotype who's face alway looks like the expression you get when youve realised you've stepped into dog poop

feel free to share your Fallout acheivments and chars here

(PS: i know there is already another topic, i wrote this basicly to see what people have so far)

Fallout 1,2, tactics and 3 - Elvin - 12-18-2008

Ah yeah, Fallouts, all of them, genial pieces...

I have recently bought Fallout 3... And it took me like 50 hours to get away from it:D
I dont have such a poetic description for my character as you do, but my character is named Elvin (Oh how great imagination I have) ... Intelligent, charismatic and agile guy runing around in Tesla armor with a plasma rifle, taking from rich, giving to...himself... The friend of ghouls... enjoing exploring... going all " What the hell" when Meeting that Herald-Herbert-Bob treeman...

Gee I simply love it... great story, freedom, fun... the graphic is amazing as well ( With my new comp, I can finaly give all on "Very high" wohoo)...

I love it, whole series, and F3 is favorite I guess.

Fallout 1,2, tactics and 3 - Divine - 12-18-2008

Hm, havent played Fallout 1, 2, or Tactics.

But Fallout 3 is just awesome in every way.

My Character there is named Ilija.Korjenic, most bad guy imaginable in that game.
Megaton blasted by a Nuke.
Guhls eradicated, Three-Dog perforated with bullets.
Brotherhood of Steel nearly deletes, cause of the lost of most of their comrades cause of me.
Worked for the Slavers Union, got my own horde of slaves.
Those Mutant called Fakes killed.
Dog found and eaten.
Regulatoren erased from map, so also Talon Mercaneries.

Yea, Its MINE GeeK
President (computer) shut down.

Favorite Weapons: Chinese Assault Rifle / Laser Rifle
Favorite Armors: Outcast Power Armor / Enclave Power Armor / Talon Mercs Armor
//end edit:

Anyone knows what else can i do out there?

Fallout 1,2, tactics and 3 - Elvin - 12-18-2008

' Wrote:Anyone knows what else can i do out there?

Well for example, strange locations like Alien crash site, or Oasis can bring a LOT of fun, Or all kinda "hidden" locations in common... theres around 200 of "locations" and every each of them have something new:P( Yeah Im Fallout freak and explorer freak ).

Fallout 1,2, tactics and 3 - Capt. Henry Morgan - 12-18-2008

' Wrote:there isnt much to say for Fallout 1,2, and tactics, because you cant really make your chars that unique because its a bit straight ended, im talking mostly about FO 3

Are you kidding me? Depending on how you build your character, the possibilities for Fallout 1 and 2 are almost endless. They built an incredible amount of flexibility into those games. It's a completely different experience for the big, gatling gun wielding brute than it is for the small, sneaky guy who would rather talk than fight. Heck, you even get different possibilities for solving problems based on your character's gender. It's even possible to get through both Fallout 1 and 2 without ever fighting, if you're careful. You can't say that for Fallout 3, though 3 is still excellent.

All three games offer the same degree of flexibility, and all of them are worth the time put in.

Fallout 1,2, tactics and 3 - Elvin - 12-19-2008

Just 4 of 10'000 like Fallout? My, my. Dont belive that. What about posting some funny screenies from any Fallout? Ill make something in the evening:)

Fallout 1,2, tactics and 3 - The Pirate - 12-20-2008

I got all the Fallout games and i think all of them are brilliant...except was OK but not nearly as good as Fallout 1 or 2.

Fallout 3 is amazing but can get very repetetive and the Main storyline isnt exactly what i would call a masterpiece.

But all in all its a very good game which people definently should buy.

Fallout 1,2, tactics and 3 - Zelot - 12-20-2008

I am a fallout freak, most people who know me here know that, I have probably put 100 hours into fallout 3 at this point and it is great. The main storyline leaves someting to be desired, but dont forget, Bethesda has 3 more story's that they will be releasing through windows live and xbox live.

oh, Favorate weapons,

Linclon's Reapeter, Eugene.

Fallout 1,2, tactics and 3 - Capt. Henry Morgan - 12-21-2008

' Wrote:Bethesda has 3 more story's that they will be releasing through windows live and xbox live.

Don't remind me.... I got it on PS3. :angry:

Fallout 1,2, tactics and 3 - Spacewolf - 12-30-2008

how many different endings are there? i went for the selfless sacrifice option and the ending epiloge was quite sad as it was taling about how good id been and how i saved everyone the "hero from vault 101" i think it was:D, but solid snake would like a word with the writer of the war never changes speech:P