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To: SEI DeltaBase Administration || Official Crown Communiqué - Printable Version

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To: SEI DeltaBase Administration || Official Crown Communiqué - Omi - 11-24-2016

Royal Naval Battleship Carcassonne, Magellan System
24. novembre, 739 AGS

Sender: Colonel Juliane Lefevre, Marine Royale Gauloise.
Recipient: SEI DeltaBase Administration.
Topic: Noncompliance

À qui de droit,

This is an official notice from the Gallic Royal Navy concerning your modular installation within the Crown-controlled territory of Agincourt, formerly known as Leeds.

Under accordance with the Gallic Royal Charter, section 6.1, your modular installation shall be subject to immediate termination, as no attempt to notify the Crown of your intent regarding its construction was made prior to the installation's setup. No modular constructions outside Crown control are to be permitted in this star system at the present time, owing to the state of war with the neighbouring Kingdom of Bretonia.

This decision is not open to appeal. All station personnel must remain on board pending criminal charges and the arrival of Royal Police shuttles. A no-fly zone has been instated within a 20 kilometer radius of the installation, and all violators will be shot down on sight.

This channel will remain open for 24 hours after its initial receipt, should you have any further concerns, clarifications to make, or queries about this matter.

In service to the Crown,

Colonel Juliane LeFevre
Marine Royale Gauloise

Transmission End

RE: To: SEI DeltaBase Administration || Official Crown Communiqué - SEI DeltaBase - 11-24-2016

[Image: gcFR09w.jpg]


ENCRYPTION: High #%$*#$%$*
TARGET: Colonel Juliane Lefevre
ID: Sgt.Major Andorain

well you can Imagine my shock at reading this since this discussion is the second of its nature, HERE is this first of its kind, in witch we were fined $200,000,000 (two hundred million) Sirius credits for the installation of this facility and then granted assurance our facility would be allowed to remain,
We are a freelancer installation providing a serves no one else has bothered to do, insuring the safe transportation of civilian entities still remaining within the system of Leeds to outside of the war zone.
I hope with the above documentation and information is enough to clear up this slight misunderstanding.

I await your reply

[Image: 8vEUzUh.png]
Sgt.Major Andorian
SEI DeltaBase
Sharp Edge Internationals
Intelligence Core


RE: To: SEI DeltaBase Administration || Official Crown Communiqué - SEI DeltaBase - 11-30-2016

[Image: gcFR09w.jpg]


ENCRYPTION: High #%$*#$%$*
TARGET: Colonel Juliane Lefevre
ID: Sgt.Major Andorain

Well how this has turned out, a official attack notice,
so is this how a paying party should expect to be treated from the Gallic Royal Navy, or is it perhaps the fact that we are doing what no one else will and helping the civilian population upon planet Leeds,
I had no idea the Gallic Crown was so petty as to attack a civilian facility for no reason other then its civilian helping civilians.

I do hope this is some misunderstanding, a slight clerical error on your part as you have no reason to destroy this facility.

I await your reply

[Image: 8vEUzUh.png]
Sgt.Major Andorian
SEI DeltaBase
Sharp Edge Internationals
Intelligence Core