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To: Crayter Republic || Sharp Edge Internationals Intelligence Core - Printable Version

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To: Crayter Republic || Sharp Edge Internationals Intelligence Core - SEI DeltaBase - 11-29-2016

[Image: gcFR09w.jpg]


ENCRYPTION: High #%$*#$%$*
TARGET: Crayter Republic-Relations Officer
ID: Sgt.Major Andorain
New Relations

Greetings sir or ma'am, My name is Sgt Major Andorian. administrator of SEI DeltaBase within the Leeds system
My Commander has requested that i contact you on behalf of our faction as he is currently away attending to other issues,

I've been granted authority to offer you a chance at a joint effort against the Gallic forces within bretonian contested space and the Tau 31 system by way of combat support and a safe harbor within the Leeds system itself,
In return for this all we ask from you is safe harbor within your own controlled space and the possibility of trade with our Transport Division.

The future may hold much more for our combined forces and abilities and this path is one we wish to take.

I await your reply

[Image: 8vEUzUh.png]
Sgt.Major Andorian
SEI DeltaBase
Sharp Edge Internationals
Intelligence Core

RE: To: Crayter Republic || Sharp Edge Internationals Intelligence Core - Shaggy - 12-01-2016

[Image: S6fUqMZ.png]

Encryption: Unbreakable
ID: Fleet Admiral Claire Chandler
Location: Coronado, Sabah Shipyard
Subject: Communique

Good evening, I am a ma'am,

I am Fleet Admiral Claire Chandler of the Crayter Military of the Crayter Republic. It is a pleasure to meet you Sgt Major Andorian.

The chance to assist in a joint effort against the Gallic forces within Bretonian contested space sounds good. Revenge is not in our nature but revenge is needed for not only taking lives of thousands of civilians within what is our space of Tau 44 which has been over run by them, but also killing thousands of innocent people on Planet Leeds. We will be there!

You will have Crayterian forces known as the 52nd Highlander Squadron to assist you and I will guarantee you that the flagship of our fleet will also arrive. The Republic has been doing alot of science and research development and one of our other Zephyr Carriers will be in need of a test of something of unique. This will be the perfect chance to test it, especially when bringing a fleet to Leeds.

Before we can give you safe harbor we will be required information on SEI. I do not recall we have met or come across one another. The fact you speak of a possible trade agreement with you're trade division could come in handy to our new installation of Minerva Research Center. We are doing some research work for a new pharmaceutical if you know any Cryer Pharmaceutical pilots around that could also help.

This is a good chance for a new friendship. But let's see. In the mean time stay safe and we will see you soon.

[Image: Sls4h7v.png]