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Outcast Capital Ship Ex-Registration - Printable Version

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Outcast Capital Ship Ex-Registration - Eppy - 12-20-2008

[Image: logohoodlumoa4.png]
101st Broadband Directive

[color=#FF9900]Capital Ship Registry

This is detailed the procedure for obtaining permission for an Outcast Capital Ship. In all circumstances the Capital Ship should not be purchased until registration is complete.
Registered capital ships have the right to add a MNS prefix to their ships name, as well as requesting help from all official outcast faction.
Unregistered ships will not receive help from official outcast factions. Unregistered Outcast Battleships and Dreadnoughts are illegal and should not be purchased. If you have purchased yours already please complete registration ASAP.

[color=#FF9900]Obtaining an RM-1 Outcast Destroyer

[color=#CC0000]No longer regulated or enforced

[color=#FF9900]Obtaining an Outcast Battleship

Provide information as to the nature of the captain and all notable crew members. Detail commission date and current operational history, if any. A two-thirds majority of the Council of Dons is necessary for the release of an Outcast Battleship.

[color=#FF9900]Obtaining an Outcast Dreadnought
Purchase of the Outcast Dreadnought at Corsica is illegal without the direct authorization of the 101st and a unanimous majority of the Council of Dons.

Dreadnought applicants should follow the format used for Special RP Requests. We take great care in licensing our Dreadnoughts, please take great care to make a decent application.

[color=#FF9900]Roleplay Suggestions.

A solid Roleplay for an Outcast Capital Ship should include all of the following:
  • Logical deployment: That is to say, no generic plot-device deployments to Nomad space (not that you should be there anyways; a good Outcast never intrudes upon the Land of the Dead) or raiding New Berlin. Essentially, no PVP Whoring.
  • An acceptable interpretation of the Outcast military structure: That is to say, a very limited amount of non-canon military RP.
  • Capital Ships (Destroyers, Battleships and Dreadnoughts) cannot land on a planet; they must moor via the mooring fixture.
  • 'Admiral' is not a suitable title for the captain of a single ship. 'Captain', 'Commander', or, if you must command a whole Battlegroup (hopefully only used in the case of unofficial factions) 'Commodore' should be used.
There are instances where, by some misfortune, a captain and his crew may become mentally deranged. These ships comm systems will frequently emit 'OoRP' transmissions and exhibit behavior illegal both under Maltese and Server-Universal law. Every care should be taken to educate these deranged captains to their errors, as our psychiatric facilities are filled.
Repeated offenses by the captains will not be tolerated, and further measures will be taken. Their case will be reviewed and their command over capital ships questioned. Council of Dons will take actions against said captains and their ships will be decommissioned.

[color=#FF9900]Assistance in Writing Roleplay

If your application is rejected on a Roleplay basis, if you are unsure if your Roleplay is satisfactory, or if you simply wish help writing it, contact the 101st (Epyon the Bored, in most cases) and we can assist you with your writing.


[color=#FF9900]New York Directive

No outcast capital ship, registered or unregistered will be used to attack planet Manhattan. Liberty Navy is possibly the strongest navy in Sirius and we can not afford to loose our capital ships in futile attacks. Safe distance is 15 K from planet Manhattan. Captains that disobey this directive will be accused for high treason and their ships will be taken from them, by force if necessary.



[color=#FF9900]Destroyer Class
[color=#FF9900]Battleship Class
[color=#FF9900]Dreadnought Class

[color=#FF9900]Mutinied Craft
Reacquire by Persuasion or Destroy at All Costs
  • No ships in a state of non-NY-related noncompliance.
[color=#FF9900]Ships disobeying the New York Directive
Reacquire by Persuasion or Destroy at All Costs
  • HurricaneX - Destroyer (possible corsair spy)
Changes of this posting:

Reinstated Battleship controls. Destroyer will remain unsecured for now.

12-25-08 Added Destroyer_Deathscythe and MNS-Galicia to the list. Minor edits to terms, cleaned out Mutinous.

Outcast Capital Ship Ex-Registration - Vallen_Kanyon - 12-21-2008

Hello fellow Outcasts. I have come here today to get my Destroyer registration. It is the Destroyer_Deathscythe. Thank you for your time.

Outcast Capital Ship Ex-Registration - Eppy - 12-25-2008

***Re: Registration***

Destroyer_Deathscythe and MNS-Galicia added to the roster. Dock Bays 46-D will get the numbers on your hull, gentlemen, thank you.

Outcast Capital Ship Ex-Registration - Maksi - 12-25-2008

Greetings you Outcast! I want registration the Destroyer. It`s [RA]Heavy_Metal.
Thank you.

Outcast Capital Ship Ex-Registration - Eppy - 12-25-2008

***Re: Registration***

[RA]Heavy_Metal has been added to the roster. I suggest you watch your behavior, sir, your name has crossed our desk before, and we'll be keeping an eye on you. Also, work on your Standard a bit. I realize the mother tongue is more preferable, but very few people speak it anymore, and you must adapt.

Outcast Capital Ship Ex-Registration - Maksi - 01-07-2009

Greetings! It`s cpt.ATOM. I want change class of my ship, form destroyer on Battleship.

Thank you for your time.

Outcast Capital Ship Ex-Registration - Fain - 01-08-2009

Greeting outcast brothers i am sending this transmission to inform you that one of the name of "luis Feorn" has gone missing we think! not sure yet but we think he has abandond the outcasts

Just informing as he is still on the list

Fain out

// He has left oucasts (just using bit of Rp hehe)

Outcast Capital Ship Ex-Registration - Classic - 01-09-2009

Hello Outcasts. I want to register its Destroyer, this [RA]Classic, thank you.

Outcast Capital Ship Ex-Registration - Moonwalker - 01-09-2009

Hello fellow Outcasts, Captian Moonwalker reporting from the battleship Moonlightning.

I'm just back from a battle with the Crosairs and are now relaxing in the bar of Planet Malta. While I was enjoying a good bottle of rum the bartenter told me he had a message for me. It said that battleship registration is in effect again.

So, hereby I ask the Council for official permission to continu operating battleship Moonlightning to help clean the Outcasts space from enemy scum. :nyam:

Outcast Capital Ship Ex-Registration - Eppy - 01-10-2009

***Re: Various***

Destroyer [RA]Classic added to the roster. Ship change to a Dreadnought is denied, though; the captain should submit his request to the Council of Dons as a whole.

Captain Moonwalker,

Though I should probably not do this, you've already been in command for several weeks with...mixed...results. This should go directly to the Council of Dons, but as you're sitting in something of a legal loophole I'll allow you to continue flying your craft without a formal application and vote, on my personal authority. That said, we'd like to see some changes.
  • Don't bring a chainsaw to a knife fight. It's loud, and attracts police. By which I mean, if there aren't any Gunboats or Cruisers to float in, don't take your craft out of its standard patrol path to engage. Fuel is expensive, and maintenance, even on a modular ship like the Battleship class, is heavy. Moving it out of position to be disabled by bombers is foolhardy. Play to your ship's strengths (cruisers and other Battleships).
  • Liberty, Bretonia, Rheinland and most of Kusari are deathtraps for a large ship. They're only good that far out in invasion forces, and that is in no way within our plans for the near future (But bring it up again in fifty years and we'll get back to you on that). Don't try to be the expeditionary force, please.
  • GAMMA IS A DEATHTRAP WITHOUT AN ESCORT. Four small craft minimum, please, or you'll be murdered by the bombers and gunboats.
  • A more formal manner would properly befit a ranking officer of the Maltese Navy.
That will be all. Don't abuse my good faith, please.

Bonello out.

***End Transmission***