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To: Jared Nomak of the Commune - Printable Version

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To: Jared Nomak of the Commune - Skorak - 12-11-2016

[Image: cristinanctb.png]

COMM-ID: President Cristina Martelli
TARGET-ID: Jared Nomak


Senor Nomak,

I would very much like to know what exactly it is that is going on in Bretonia right now. You know rather well that our favorable position within the Bretonian territory is rather freshly struck. So I find it rather disturbing that instead of resolving this situation in a suitable diplomatic manner you result to open warfare.

The Bretonians are no enemy we need to weaken in the current situation. If what you said is true and you have been attacked by the Bretonian Navy then that is a matter that they would have cleared out. But you instead went to the Bretonians in a way they could only assume was with hostile intent.

Why is it that you did neither inform us nor decide to solve this in a way that wouldn't end with several losses of your own group as much as losses on the side of the Bretonians?

I am beginning to doubt your affiliation to Malta if that is the way you decide to act. Is it merely our resources and supply lines that support your cause?

Please enlighten me about your reasons and the purpose of your group.

Until then.

Cristina Martelli


RE: To: Jared Nomak of the Commune - PRJKTLRD - 12-12-2016

[Image: 264px-Lerdi.jpg]

Accessing channel

Source ID: Jared Nomak

Location: -

Encryption: #Babylon_S_3.74b.alg

President Martelli;

If someone has true Maltese interests in their heart, that would be me.

My organizations, previous and current were here before you even stepped into the business. It was a long time ago, when we arrived and it was Administrator Brandon Garrison, who accepted our kind.

We were grateful, and we were Raiders on planet that me and a few more of my men originated from. We felt need to somehow return the favor to Nation. And there we were, cleaning the Taus and Omicrons from those who wished for Malta to cease with it's existence. We were sent where no other pilot would dare to go- and that is how we earned our name.

During our presence around Malta, we witnessed organizations rising and falling, all wishing to have that leading seat. We also defended that seat, if you do recall the 101st and Contari Lance war? We did also protect the Crimson Cross and National Council leading bodies from being thrown away by possible 101st uprising. Did you know, we were also invited to participate in this coup? To be honest I also witnessed one of Casta sisters negotiating with Auxesians, to join her in the uprising most probably. But who were the ones putting pressure on Casta?

And then, you decide to open up transmission addressed to me and speak to me in this tone? You are wondering about my allegiance to Malta? if there was no me, or my people, you wouldn't even have a home.

As per the Bretonia issue, it was their choice. They decided to fire upon my Sabre, together with the Auxesians and those Gauls from the Council. The very next day, my men were out in Bretonia simply to demand some justice since I was naive and I thought that Bretonians would respect the flag we are wearing. I'm not going to make that mistake again. And along came this one officer of the Bretonian Police, who asked my men for truce, something we decided to honor at that moment.

My men then declared a few conditions on that matter, simply because what happened was a disgrace. The conditions were as follows. A ban of Auxesian pilots and vessels from Bretonia and a public apology since, they so openly spoke about Malta's alliance with the Kingdom. If you ask me, it was rather our good will to set such conditions, I don't believe it was enough to cover what happened.

And, to get to the last part of it- the Bretonia Armed Forces arrived, and the individual known as Sapphire Raven. The officer demanded said individual to leave the area but the individual kept disobeying the officer's orders. Then, Bretonia Armed Forces arrived, as trigger happy as always and decided to shoot upon our vessels.

We were wronged, you cannot deny this. But the treachery of Bretonia is not what wounded me, it was the fact that you trusted them over us. And that the agent of the National Council that I presume you sent to speak with us practically ordered us to beg, grovel and apologize at the feet of the Bretonian authorities if we want to make this right, these were the actual words he used. In front of my men. I expended a great deal of restraint there and then, and did not turn the said agent into debris, even in light of such high offence, both to me personally and to my men who witnessed the whole discussion.

Though even after all this, I would prefer if our relations did not continue to sour, I would prefer if you stopped treating us as second class citizens, as we've earned our place in the Maltese Society a long time ago, paid for it in both blood and credits. I would prefer this, but it seems to me you have already made up your mind. I dearly hope that I am wrong, President.

RE: To: Jared Nomak of the Commune - Skorak - 12-14-2016

[Image: cristinanctb.png]

COMM-ID: President Cristina Martelli
TARGET-ID: Jared Nomak


Senor Nomak,

you are interpreting more into my words than was my desire to say. Our doubts about your current actions and plans are stemming from the fact that after long negotiations and initiation of trade with the Bretonians you didn't even deem it necessary to consult with us who made it possible.

While I understand that the loss of your property is a harsh insult I'd have assumed you'd at least consider that as much as not all Maltese are understanding of this change nor are all Bretonians. Especially their Police seems to be improperly briefed on how to act and it has been a common problem. They seem to not be capable of functioning during times of war as well as we are.

Coming to them with harsh demands after the loss of one ship is a provocation you well planned, I cannot assume any other intention. It was obvious how they'd react. And not even then did you decide to seek our help but you declared something that could only be understood as war. Threatening their leader and announcing their downfall? This is not the diplomacy I'd have expected from a respected leader to the Maltese.

There's more important enemies to fight and there's no reason to seek for more enemies in our potential allies. Now I wish to know if this is the stance you intend to take and keep as our own decisions and intentions will depend on that.

Until then.

Cristina Martelli


RE: To: Jared Nomak of the Commune - Chrysalis - 12-15-2016

|Incoming Transmission
|ID: Bassam Hussaini
|Location: Unknown
|Encryption: BBL-233

[Image: 0fRVjK1.jpg]
President Martelli,

I regret to inform you that the Overlord is currently indisposed. Though be assured that speaking to me is more or less the same thing. We are of one mind, so to speak.

I have the feeling that our relationship has been built improperly, with suspicion on both sides deeply set in the foundations. You suspect us of trying to undermine you, and we suspect you are trying to do the same to us. This is very unhealthy, President.

The situation in Bretonia is delicate, and due to a variety of reasons, we must pursue this conflict for a while longer. At least for the sake of our damaged honor. This could be easily stopped were our conditions to be accepted, but I think you and me both know that's not going to happen. Though there are alternatives. I'll elaborate on this further in a bit.

I think by examining our history within Maltese society and by extension the history of the Samarran Raiders, whose legacy continues into this organization, you'd find that we can be a great asset indeed. There is no need to drive further wedges between us and compromise what could be a truly beautiful and mutually beneficent relationship.

With that said, I think I should mention that I've been thinking about you lately, President. These daydreams of mine were born of a desire to understand what kind of woman my President is. This has been purely platonic in nature, a fictional conjecture until proven or disproven, though I think I should elaborate further nonetheless.

The image formed in my head speaks of a just woman, armed with an unmatched care for her citizens, though a care tempered by cold rationality. I also believe my President is in possession of a certain level of guile and well versed in intrigue. How could she not be? She is the President after all, and the last time I checked it was a position obtained through merit.

And at the risk of sounding too upfront, I also believe this President could easily navigate the muddy waters of Sirian diplomacy and gracefully pretend to denounce us and our acts, providing the Nation's treaty with Bretonia further legitimacy and strength. Such a development would delight us to no end, so much that we would take great care to maintain this facade and not bring our conflict with Bretonia anywhere where it could be connected with the President and the National Council. If this came to pass, we'd make sure that the President is made aware of the benefits of our continued support and admiration through a multitude of truly beautiful ways.

But that's just my daydream. Do tell me, though, madame President. Am I wrong?

|Transmission Severed