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To: Icarus Augustopoulos and the Custodi|From: The [HA] - Printable Version

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To: Icarus Augustopoulos and the Custodi|From: The [HA] - Redacted.Member1-4 - 12-14-2016

:: Encrypting Transmission Burst ::
:: Opening Burst To -> The Custodi
and Icarus Augustopoulos ::
:: Unreadable unless you are recepient ::
:: Playing Transmission ::

[Image: UjhuZ80.png]

Honourable Icarus Augustopoulos of the Custodi.

You already know who I am, but let me re-introduce myself.
My name is Shinsuke Kobayashi, of the Hogosha Association's Takarabune Conglomerate.

As per request of your General, I hereby open this encrypted channel in order to establish commuications between our factions
We are interested in this new warship project that the Empire is carrying out, and we want to lend you a hand. As you mentioned, Augustopoulos-san, you are in need of commodities you cannot reach. We are willing to haul those commodities you need ourselves.
If you need anything else, like food supplies, medicals etc., don't hesitate to tell us.

We will be waiting your reply.

May the Fortunes bless your path and your pockets.
Shinsuke Kobayashi, signing off.

[Image: oYXmywP.png]

:: Transmission Ended ::
:: Sending Transmission...sent successfully ::
:: Encrypting Signal ::

RE: To: Icarus Augustopoulos and the Custodi|From: The [HA] - Corile - 12-14-2016

[Image: rPertJH.png]

Kyrios Kobayashi,

It is true that our plans currently revolve around the construction of our own warship, as I mentioned to you in the other communication channel. While I have a pretty good understanding about the details of this entire endeavour there are certain things that still need to be fleshed out and we will require a bit more time to set the entire project in motion. As such, I will come back to this matter in due course.

On an unrelated note, do you know anyone going by the moniker "The Rat"?

Yours sincerely,
Ίκαρος Αυγουστόπουλος
Icarus Augustopolos

RE: To: Icarus Augustopoulos and the Custodi|From: The [HA] - Redacted.Member1-4 - 12-14-2016

[Image: UjhuZ80.png]

Greetings, Augustopoulos-san.

It is me, Shinsuke Kobayashi.

We understand that you need to complete your project. When it is time, use this channel to contact us. We will wait.
Onto your note:
You asked about "The Rat", hai? Yes, we of the Association do know him.
He is one of our hired hands. May I ask the reason of such curiosity?

May the Fortunes bless your path and your pockets.
Shinsuke Kobayashi, signing off.

[Image: oYXmywP.png]

RE: To: Icarus Augustopoulos and the Custodi|From: The [HA] - Redacted.Member1-4 - 12-17-2016

You have one (1) unread message.

RE: To: Icarus Augustopoulos and the Custodi|From: The [HA] - Redacted.Member1-4 - 12-20-2016

== Pinging Recepient ==
You have one (1) unread message.

RE: To: Icarus Augustopoulos and the Custodi|From: The [HA] - Corile - 12-21-2016

[Image: rPertJH.png]

Kyrios Kobayashi,

This Rat fellow bumped into us in Bretonia some time ago, claiming he was delivering a shipment to you. I have forgotten what type of commodity he had been shipping but since you know him I would trust that the shipment reached you safe and sound. He expressed willingness to work with the Custodi and as such we might consider his participation in this project, too.

Regardless. We began preparations for the construction of this battleship and we have to request the first batch of commodities. We will in total require 20'000 units of Ship Hull Panels as well as 10'000 units of Ablative Armor Plating delivered to any base within the Corsair space you deem convenient. We'd be ready to pay you with a bonus of 75'000'000 credits for those deliveries.

Yours sincerely,
Ίκαρος Αυγουστόπουλος
Icarus Augustopolos

RE: To: Icarus Augustopoulos and the Custodi|From: The [HA] - Zyliath - 12-31-2016

[Image: UjhuZ80.png]
Kon'banwa, Augustopoulos-san. It is me,Kobayashi.
The haulage of Ship Hull Panels has been completed. You will find your 20'000 units of said commodity onboard Tripoli Shipyard, along with 85 spare pallets of hull panels, at Storage Bay 27H6.

Ship Hull Panels - Timestamp Proof

Expect the Ablative Armor Plating shipments to be carried out shortly.

May the Fortunes bless your path and your pockets.
Kobayashi, signing off.

[Image: oYXmywP.png]

RE: To: Icarus Augustopoulos and the Custodi|From: The [HA] - Zyliath - 01-01-2017

[Image: UjhuZ80.png]
Kon'banwa, Augustopoulos-san. It is me,Kobayashi.
I wish you, the Custodi, and all Corsairs of the Empire a serene and fruitful New Year.

The haulage of Ablative Armor Plating has been completed. You will find your 10'000 units of said commodity onboard Tripoli Shipyard at Storage Bay 27H6, where the Ship Hull Panels have been stored.

Ablative Armor Plating - Timestamped proof

It appeared that one of my proof wasn't timestamped correctly, and as such the time of the shipment isn't shown. However, ask the Commodity quartermaster, he will confirm the haulage.

Send the payment to the account named [HA]-Tb|Tsujik.Maru.

May the Fortunes bless your path and your pockets.
Kobayashi, signing off.

[Image: oYXmywP.png]

RE: To: Icarus Augustopoulos and the Custodi|From: The [HA] - Corile - 01-01-2017

[Image: rPertJH.png]

Kyrios Kobayashi,

We are thankful for the deliveries. You will find the promised bonus payment forwarded to your bank account.[proof]

Yours sincerely,
Ίκαρος Αυγουστόπουλος
Icarus Augustopolos

RE: To: Icarus Augustopoulos and the Custodi|From: The [HA] - Zyliath - 01-01-2017

[Image: UjhuZ80.png]
Kon'banwa, Augustopoulos-san. It is me,Kobayashi.

Bonus received successfully.
I will leave this chat open in case you require something else hauled.

May the Fortunes bless your path and your pockets.
Kobayashi, signing off.

[Image: oYXmywP.png]