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To: Estefania Casta - Printable Version

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To: Estefania Casta - Reeves - 12-15-2016


ID: Aidan Reeves
Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
Subject: When enemies have similar enemies

Sincere Greetings Miss Casta,

I'm Aidan Reeves. A Paladin of the Core. Now I'm largely sure that statement alone fills you with enough prejudice that anything I say thereafter would prove.. meaningless? But I'm hoping that all I've heard about your differences as compared to your more clueless and arrogant compatriots holds true.

While I can personally never fully condone Malta's ways I do see some sense in your method of conduct. You've done quite a good job of making quite the racket, certainly loud enough to reach my ears. We will still however hate each other on record or at least appear so for now, but know that if you are truly different I am eager to prove helpful in endeavors that aid us both.

Someone with your grace and ability to hold power in your clenched fist will surely find connections useful. And if the universe hasn't suddenly changed its bearings on me, the more people applying pressure to a common point, the more likely said point is to break. Contact me if you're willing to discuss further, I've made the first step because I see potential, at least to go further than some of your brethren who waste their time bending over in prayer at the sight of the abandoned successors, or as everyone else seems to call them, the Nomads.

I do look forward to a potential response, Miss Casta.

-Aidan Reeves
Paladin, The Core


RE: To: Estefania Casta - Casta - 12-21-2016

Estefania Casta
Freeport Nine
Omicron Theta

Hola. Colour me curious as to why the Core would dare to contact Ghosts squadron. Out of all people panting their bodies through the endless void awaiting to fall dead and rotting away, you're the last I expected to have what it takes talking to me. You seem unfamiliar with how to address a Maltese when shooting up a transmission out of nowhere, so let me enlighten you that starting off the bat with insulting our people isn't the most clever move you can make. Then again, I do agree with you, so there's nothing lost here. I'm interested to hear how you could possibly prove yourself in any way having a positive impact on my agenda. Whatever it is you think you can provide, it better be beneficial to all of Nacion, otherwise our conversation is going to be a rather short one.
You also seem to've fallen for the assumption that we're in conflict with the alien entities. Maltese society has developed a tolerance towards their participation in our lives, yet there's limitations to what they're allowed to achieve and rank as. A fact recent proclaimed governments of Nacion had forgotten, a fact we're actively working on to institute once more. Nacion is a delicate balance between the opposites and our horizons are open enough to not deny assistance when it knocks. This accounts for others, - them- and you.
Besides, if you're not in for a long-standing agreement coming out of this, better cut the transmission.

For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.
'Stefania Casta.

RE: To: Estefania Casta - Reeves - 12-21-2016


ID: Aidan Reeves
Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
Subject: When enemies have similar enemies

Sincere Greetings Miss Casta,

That was less hostile than I expected. Thankfully so, that means I'll be able to explain myself further. My worries are the same as those of most on this regard, a worry of the current Council going too far with their 'tolerance' of the nomad entities. There was a time when I observed the Maltese defending Freeports from the likes of them, yet now I sincerely question whether I'll ever be able to see that again in my life-time.

Before I continue with what I can provide, let me apologize for any offenses made, I'm often times too frank and honest for my own good, but it's rarely just bluster. Anything I state against or for a particular subject is always an opinion or at times even fact that has been developed through keen observation.

What I want out of this is a reformed Malta, one under your rule preferably. What I'm prepared to do in order to achieve that ranges from murder to mere cooperation in terms of intelligence and basic resources. I'd offer you an army in addition to your own to help take Malta by force, but I'm not sure you'll need that. I can't promise an alliance just yet, but I want something mutually beneficial for us being the return for all this initiative. A long-term understanding, if you will. Our societies are far too different to be forced into any semblance of an alliance just yet, it does however leave the opportunity of rooting out all this genocide.

Should you be declared a group of exiles yourself, which I'm assuming given the political tone of the current Council, you may very well be in due time. I'd like you to honor a non-aggression pact between us. A simple ask for now, one with an input from both our sides. This does of course discount those who operate in the various secondary fleets of both our Organizations. In time, I'm certain it'll extend to them as well. And it's not as if I can't exercise a little due authority over them for the sake of this relation.

I hope that clarifies things, Miss Casta.

-Aidan Reeves
Paladin, The Core


RE: To: Estefania Casta - Casta - 01-03-2017

Gabriella Casta
Omicron Alpha

Hola. I'm Ghosts squadrons actual Administrator, my sister was rather my susbstitution for any time being but by the looks, her time is over once again. I can't say it's not surprising that she hasn't just verbally took your head off, that's a rare sight. Going by the tone of your transmission I don't see much issues ahead with our relations should we find common ground, which as it seems, isn't that much of a far catch given your concerns for Nacions internal drift towards the nomadary influence. A fact we're already in agreement and rest assured, 'HundredFirst will once and for all take care of this and set maltese society back on its ever since more business orientated focus. And don't you concern yourself with the words you had spoken, I prefer my opposite to not hold back with their opinion in whatever regards. It saves us the time to circle each other with charming phrases that only serve as endorsement of ones ego. I honestly don't see a problem with our organizations not interfering with the others operations, as long, you'll confirm this I take, none is violating the confronted parties territorial laws. Once my squadrons Legal Department finished rewriting both our constitution and laws, I'll have them send to you. You're asked to, as I assume yours are already lined out, have me receive yours. With this exchange, neither side can claim to not have known about any respective regulations. Starting right now with a non-aggression signing between the two of us is a first step towards the right direction.
As for your other offer, it's appreciated but not needed at the moment, yet you may still keep your men alarmed in case this'll suddenly change, which may be the case rather sooner than later depending on the National Councils answer to our latest communication in expectance preventing maltese blood mindlessly wasted. Should the National Council and their official spokesperson Martelli prove being unworkable with in their fanatism about only their view on the universe accounting for as right, we'll come together once more to discuss what next steps are needed to reach our desire getting rid of the influence they work under. Apart any agreement we may have found or not, you're invited to devastate any ship of their callsign that comes across you, outside of maltese territory though. Same counts for the Oracles, the Division Nine and the Iseijin. Despite their similar position, you're asked to leave the Commune for their own as long they're not engaging in active hostile actions against your people, as they eventually may side with our side on our conditions. I'll inform you should the situation with them turn unfavourable.
What Nacion really needs in the scenario we face is all support our industry and economy could possibly get, for 'HundredFirsts Merchant Fleet, given the current circumstances, can't operate to anywhere near its full potential. Make use of your connections, your influence and your word to get individuals, groups and companies to supply Nacion by delivering to Ghosts own spaceport on Ishmael. It's important that those runs end with us and not the commonly used planetary drop-off.
Once you've proven yourself to side with Nacions true self, we'll find ways to integrate our cooperation into overall maltese culture to vastly benefit you too.

For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.
Gabriella Casta.

RE: To: Estefania Casta - Reeves - 01-05-2017


ID: Aidan Reeves
Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
Subject: When enemies have similar enemies

Hello.. the other allegedly more dominant Miss Casta..?

You enjoy keeping people waiting for you don't you? Then again your cunningness is probably the reason your organization has continued to survive thus far. And fear not, for taming my tongue and shying away from saying what needs to be said has never been a forte of mine. I will say what I mean and I will mean what I say. Moving on however, I'll be putting the non-aggression pact into concrete word and existence very shortly, should all go smoothly we'll find that neither of us will be shooting the other.

For the sake of further encounters, could you kindly inform me of who else the 101st has been in contact with? I know for sure this cult known as the 'Commune' is one that you're in touch with, but if there are others then it's a mystery to me, one I'd like to solve and then lock away in a crate of safety. I ask only because I need to know when to avert killing a potential asset rather than the usual run of the mill scumbag. So if this isn't a question that you're uncomfortable with I'd very much like an answer.

I will send to you the draft of what our terms will be like, only a mere conduct guidelines, nothing beyond common courtesy and being safe rather than sorry, something you should understand more than others.
I do look forward to our mutually beneficial understanding Miss Casta. I'll contact you again if something develops on a relevant matter, but do feel free to submit questions to me, for when this does gain traction, I will become more so a liaison for you between the Core and the 101st. I'll leave matters at that for now, do take care in your endeavors, insurrections can be quite tricky.

-Aidan Reeves
Paladin, The Core


RE: To: Estefania Casta - Casta - 01-20-2017

Gabriella Casta
Omicron Alpha

Hola. Excuse the delayed response but the situation within Nacion still is complicated at best and most of my time is taken by not having the fields covered in flames by those standing on opposite sides. Given the time passed I expect you've the contract you desired written out by now so you can hand it over. I'll have the Legal Department find a free minute to look over it.
At this point I'm afraid I can't share information with you on who's in contact with the Razgriz' Ghosts. Most of our business partners and otherwise assorted squadrons value our discretion and I'm not going to jeopardize that on a first encounter with people used to sport a quite high ranking on the list of targets.
What I can throw your way are a few guidelines, starting with your pilots not engaging in combat within confined territory against craft identifying as Maltese, going over the unhindered supply runs destinated to Ishmael and ending with your organization dealing in whatever way necessary with any situation that occurs outside of Nacions boundaries. Those are Alpha, Beta, Tau and Phi. To be more precise about the trade, it's not to be disrupted wherever you spot it, apart from shipments of forced labour, feel free to lift those people out of their misery. I'll otherwise have you know when there's a special wing or individual the Core isn't to lay hands on. A favour we'll return, so don't hesitate to name a few.
As a closing statement, the National Council is exempt from our conditions. Do with them however you want, wherever you like.

For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.
Gabriella Casta.

RE: To: Estefania Casta - Reeves - 01-21-2017


ID: Aidan Reeves
Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
Subject: When enemies have similar enemies

Hello again Miss Casta,

You were indeed correct under the assumption that we had prepared the necessary drafts for regulations between pilots of both our movements. This document has only just been produced so do feel free to discuss the terms with me before I submit it for review and enforcement.

The above document will be submitted for review immediately and any amendments you deem absolutely necessary and within appropriate reasons may be added upon your personal inspection.

-Aidan Reeves
Paladin, The Core


RE: To: Estefania Casta - Casta - 02-11-2017

Gabriella Casta
Omicron Alpha

Hola. Took the Legal Department its time to go over your papers but given all the tasks on their desk, it's a miracle they got it done by now already. First off, we're operating under different designations now, so you'll not address us as the 'HundredFirst but as the Razgriz' Ghosts from now on. Respective transponder identifications have changed to reflect this.
Here's the rundown the Legal Department handed back.
No further additions were added to your proposition. I sincerely hope we'll see this as the beginning of a more balanced and less violent approach towards each other up to the point of potential temporary alliances against enemies common to both our organizations. Let me point out though that the Commune is hard to control and will likely engage in hostile actions with your forces anyways, as we've not made them aware of our negotiations with the Core for security reasons. They can pose as a useful resource but just as may turn into a danger to our operations. That said, this convent and its outcome is strictly confidential and we advice the Core to handle it appropriately. You'll not get a second shot at this.

For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.
Gabriella Casta.

RE: To: Estefania Casta - Reeves - 02-12-2017


ID: Aidan Reeves
Location: Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
Subject: When enemies have similar enemies

Hello again Miss Casta,

It has been quite some time, but with that time has come modifications to the N.A.P, I will include those suggested by our very own Guildmaster as well as those submitted by yourself. All I ask is that you submit your approval of the final copy and thereby consent to it. We as a whole, have already done so.

Here it is.

The above document will be submitted for enforcement. You needn't worry about our confidentiality, honour is something that's hard-wired into our oath. I do hope to see these negotiations progressing well into the future.

I will of course remain your diplomatic intermediary in those aforementioned cases. If something does happen to go wrong or new propositions come into being, do not hesitant to contact me.

-Aidan Reeves
Paladin, The Core