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Finally I've found you guys. - Printable Version

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Finally I've found you guys. - MeganStyles - 12-22-2008

Hey there.
I am new here I guess. I'm a maniac of any kind of RPGs, but there is so few actualy good RPGs arround in Sci-Fi setting, if there are they are mostly payed MMOs (and I cant afford paying for another one:P) or they are poor, full of lol-tards who cant express their thoughts in a sentence longer that one built of five words - cause it's so damn hard job.
I tried to find rP community on Hamburg City - no luck. Guys with nick's like "I_wipe_my_ass" - are something normal there... other servers are even worse... but finaly good old Czech Republic (dear slavic brothers) decided to host one. I bow and salute you *bows... and salutes <-- what honestly looks silly when performed at the same moment*
But lets leave details alone. I shall post my unique characters bio right away:)And, oh God in which I dont believe being atheist, thank you for finaly showing me this server.
I have to apologiese for my poor english. Sorry I'm not british, in fact Im a neighbour of Czech friends :3 Cheers from Poland - where everything is possible... if you just get rid of comunistic leftovers that currenlty hold the power over government :/
But anyway. Hello to you all. Im so glad to be here :yahoo:

Oh, and for the record, just call me Meg :)

Finally I've found you guys. - Jinx - 12-22-2008

welcome - and have fun.

one can sum up the RP on the server as "we try as hard as possible..." but even here the RP fails sometimes. - never be discouraged from that - as there is plenty of very good RP around, too.

Finally I've found you guys. - SigCorps - 12-22-2008

Welcome and enjoy

and please read the rules.

Finally I've found you guys. - Cyro - 12-22-2008

' Wrote:one can sum up the RP on the server as "we try as hard as possible..." but even here the RP fails sometimes. - never be discouraged from that - as there is plenty of very good RP around, too.

Indeed, you can also find a lot of lol-tards here too... But also good RP-ers.

But, anyways welcome!

Finally I've found you guys. - Lt.Cmdr.Olsav - 12-22-2008

Were the best around, nobody will ever bring us down, cuz were the best around.

IF you dont love karate kid, rp, awesome ships, forum spammage and keeping the hell away from Omega 52, GET SOME


welcome to disco

tis a silly place

Finally I've found you guys. - alpha3 - 12-22-2008

Welcome here! Have fun! :)

Finally I've found you guys. - swift - 12-22-2008

Ahh welcome. Welcome to our humble RP abode:P
Good to have you here, please read the rules, do what you like doing - RP, have fun, and if you ever need any help whatsoever, feel free to PM me and ask. Hope you'll stay here a long time;)

Finally I've found you guys. - Boss - 12-22-2008

Ahh, yes. Fresh meat!

Seriously. Avoid Omega-52 like the plague. And 58.

Finally I've found you guys. - Sarawr!? - 12-22-2008

Welcome to Disco!!

I think I saw you the other day in the California system, I was in my Luxury Liner

We greeted you, to no avail.

But yush, Hiyo!


Finally I've found you guys. - Boss - 12-22-2008

Just read the bio.

Very nice.