Discovery Gaming Community
~~To: Bretonian Authorities~~ - Printable Version

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~~To: Bretonian Authorities~~ - thisDerius - 12-21-2016

[Image: htbSpSd.png]

Humble greetings to Bretonia and her Queen. I introduce myself as Lord Anubis as I have no other name.

As some of you may have noticed, I am the captain of a Ranseur Dreadnought Eternal.Flight. I believe that I have arisen suspicion in your territory upon my arrival.

I wish not to harm Bretonia nor her citizens or allies. I have strayed away from the path of an Outcast and wish to become a fully free man. I am, in that case, unable to do so if I am not accepted by the houses as such. Therefore, I ask from Bretonian authorities to offer me and my crew a chance to show you that we are not your enemies. We are the enemies of the so called nomads and wish to defend the people that keep getting attacked by them. My wish, in the end, would be to become an Ally of Bretonia and her people.

I believe that this will have tons of questions arise upon this matter, and I am ready to answer any that are directed to me.

I will await your reply.

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RE: ~~To: Bretonian Authorities~~ - thisDerius - 12-22-2016

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