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Pennsylvania Jump Gate in 4.85 - Printable Version

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Pennsylvania Jump Gate in 4.85 - hack - 12-24-2008

Greetings development team,

I have a question about the old Magellan Jump gate that is now non functional that is going to be re routed to Pennsylvania.

Is the Jump Gate going to be at the end of the old Ithaca trade lane, or near the beginning? The reason I ask is because the way I understand it, Pennsylvania is going to be the system that all new characters start out in. If they come out of the Pennsylvania to NY jump gate near Ithaca in the badlands clouds, the NPC's there are going to wipe them out in a heart beat.

Just my 2 cents....

Pennsylvania Jump Gate in 4.85 - GhostFace - 12-24-2008

Just wait and find out, though if I'm correct if anything that was major to the single player campaign is modded in a way it can cause the game/mod to crash, and seeing that jump gate in particular was used only once in sp i believe it had the same caliber of importance along with the New York system.