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To: The Core Guildmaster - Printable Version

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To: The Core Guildmaster - Zoner Freeport Network - 01-07-2017

[Image: iXqArpE.gif]

Guildmaster -

It seems the ceasefire is no longer in effect, with Core vessels engaging yet again within the Freeport 11 NFZ, and actively engaging Zoner vessels.

Your captains claim that Zoners shot first. Care to provide such evidence? Otherwise, what reason do you have to break the ceasefire laid out between us, to prevent further loss off life over the first attack of Freeport 11, over a pack of smokes...

We await your prompt reply as to why the attack took place moments ago...

Confederation of Freeports

RE: To: The Core Guildmaster - Implosion - 01-07-2017

Incoming Databurst
Decryption Protocols Engaged
Comm ID: "psychogab@core.snn"
Topic: Issues.
Compiling Pixels
Enabling profanity filter v2.0 Ultimate

First off, I don't like your tone, Mr...
Oh wait, you didn't even introduced yourself...
How rude.
So, is it evidence you want? It is evidence you shall receive.
I-401 and Arcadia broke the ceasefire. They engaged us.
What we're doing is completely justified and until I have their heads, I'll keep hunting them.
Anything else you want to know?

unexpected connection loss...terminating communication protocols

RE: To: The Core Guildmaster - Zoner Freeport Network - 01-07-2017

[Image: iXqArpE.gif]

Guildmaster -

Moments ago in space, a member of the IRG, on behalf of the CoF, attempt to reason with you, and inform you that the two "Zoner" pilots did act out of line, and deserve what they have coming to them. But to use that as an excuse to siege the already struggling Freeport is beyond comprehension.

Hunting two captains who fired on you, justifiable. Sieging the Freeport is not. You are proving to be the monsters Sirius sees you as.

May the void embrace you,
Confederation of Freeports

RE: To: The Core Guildmaster - Implosion - 01-07-2017

Incoming Databurst
Decryption Protocols Engaged
Comm ID: "psychogab@core.snn"
Topic: Issues.
Compiling Pixels
Enabling profanity filter v2.0 Ultimate

Standing in the middle of a gunfight with a gun often gets you shot.
Stay out of my way and your Freeport won't be harmed.
It is as simple as that.
I've closed my eyes to many violations of our laws, but from now, we shall enforce them.

She pauses dramatically

With force.
No one gets shot with a reason.

unexpected connection loss...terminating communication protocols

RE: To: The Core Guildmaster - Zoner Freeport Network - 01-07-2017

[Image: iXqArpE.gif]

Guildmaster -

We stayed out of your way, and condemned the actions of those who fired on you. What happened? You moved in on the Freeport and shot at the IRG vessel attempting to explain as such. So your words contradict themselves.

Confederation of Freeports

RE: To: The Core Guildmaster - Implosion - 01-07-2017

Incoming Databurst
Decryption Protocols Engaged
Comm ID: "psychogab@core.snn"
Topic: Issues.
Compiling Pixels
Enabling profanity filter v2.0 Ultimate

A third party zoner vessel blew up one of my men earlier with a valiant suicide dive.
That's the exact opposite of "staying out of my way".
Your words are hollow and full of lies.

unexpected connection loss...terminating communication protocols

RE: To: The Core Guildmaster - Zoner Freeport Network - 01-07-2017

[Image: iXqArpE.gif]

Guildmaster -

Third party, not under Confederation orders. In fact, look at these:

Third party claiming they're going in

IRG, on behalf of the CoF, urges a ceasefire from all parties

Please, tell me again how the Confederation's words are hollow, when the guncams prove that we're trying to prevent hostilities and death?

Confederation of Freeports

RE: To: The Core Guildmaster - Implosion - 01-07-2017

Incoming Databurst
Decryption Protocols Engaged
Comm ID: "psychogab@core.snn"
Topic: Issues.
Compiling Pixels
Enabling profanity filter v2.0 Ultimate

The title is Exalted Guildmistress, but you can call me just Mistress.
Fact to the matter is, Core ships were shot at and the answer to that was obvious.
You very well know how easily we're provoked.
Until, however, we're presented with the Captains of Arcadia and I-401, we've nothing else to talk about.
And remain calm, this time around, the Freeport is not our target.

unexpected connection loss...terminating communication protocols