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Hope's Haven ~ A little taste of Gallia - Printable Version

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Hope's Haven ~ A little taste of Gallia - Ophiuchi - 08-24-2006

Under New Ownership! Sirians and "Free" Gallians Welcome!

Fine Gallic Wines and Tobaccos!

(Note: We will no longer be offering lodging on the upper levels.)

Thank you!

Brotherhood of Light

Hope's Haven ~ A little taste of Gallia - Wolfpack98 - 08-24-2006

Belfast huh? Never make it there, since MOllys really hate me :)


Hope's Haven ~ A little taste of Gallia - Virus - 08-24-2006

Opens tomorrow, eh? I think I might head on over. Since Hoodlum is singing. ;)

Hope's Haven ~ A little taste of Gallia - Fellow Hoodlum - 08-24-2006

Well lucky its tomorrow then ... Big old do on the family ranch in yonder Sussex on
the saturday ... Comms wil be down for most of the weekend. Errr I suspect I will be
down around grass level at some point too ...
Browning will be over to see you .. Gonna have to sneak in with him as my Molly rep's
a bit on the scarlet side ... His is a beautiful shade of the celtic green ...
Looking forwards to the festivities ..
Though reading further back, I just spotted a rather small pop at my crooning abilities
by a certain Wolf avatared gentlman ... Who I expect will turn up just to have a laugh.
Mmm ... I may have those guns back later.


Hope's Haven ~ A little taste of Gallia - marauder - 08-24-2006

Lightfoot,Aug 24 2006, 09:57 PM Wrote:I'll be outside supervisin' the valet parkin'..

I'll take a taxi then :laugh:

Marauder and several hundred ex-miners can turn up if you need to fill some space... though marauder will probably turn up anyhow.

Hope's Haven ~ A little taste of Gallia - Skyedaughter - 08-25-2006

Virus,Aug 24 2006, 09:59 PM Wrote:Opens tomorrow, eh? I think I might head on over. Since Hoodlum is singing. ;)

Dear Iron Claw ~ I look forward to meeting you at the opening. I was surprised to learn that Hoodlum sings, so of course, I had to get him on the bill. I have a bit more info about Hope's Haven that I will post here also. From outside, she doesn't look like much, and I like it that way, but inside she's fit for the haaaaaaaaaringest space pilot and for the sweetest lady, so if you have one, bring her long. Best ~ Skye

Hope's Haven ~ A little taste of Gallia - Skyedaughter - 08-25-2006

[quote=Fellow Hoodlum,Aug 24 2006, 10:07 PM]
Well lucky its tomorrow then ...
Looking forwards to the festivities ...


Dear Hoodlum ~ oh, I'm quite glad I timed it right, but then lady luck has always ridden, or flown, at my side. And I'm really interested to hear you sing. Glad you'll be able to make it. Best ~ Skye

Hope's Haven ~ A little taste of Gallia - Skyedaughter - 08-25-2006

Marauder and several hundred ex-miners can turn up if you need to fill some space... though marauder will probably turn up anyhow...

Dear Marauder ~ bring 'em on, and the more the merry. There's a little secret about the bar room of Hope's Haven, but looks like it will be a full house and more, so here is the secret. Shhhhhhhhh ... don't tell. The back wall at Hope's Haven opens up in the middle (I will post my missive where I describe the blend of old and new in terms of tech). The opening is a plaz glass dome where you can look at the stars. A good number of tables in that section, and it's raised a bit so ye can see all the goin's on, plus the acoustics are great, so every chair in the pub is a good one. And I don't play favorites; folks sit as they enter, and when the room fills up, voila!, I open the secret door. Geeze, now that I've told, I hope folks don't hold back so they can be last. LOL Anytime there's music to be had and heard, the tables/chairs, close to the front always add an extra dimension.
Looking forward to meeting ye and yer mates. ~ Skye

Hope's Haven ~ A little taste of Gallia - Skyedaughter - 08-25-2006

To all Lads and Lasses So Inclined to come to the opening of Hope's Haven tomorrow. A bit of a description, I've begun about Hope's Haven

Hope's Heaven ~ From the outside doesn't look like much until you get close, as I do want it to be a real haven and not something I have to spend all my time defending against marauders and thieves and such. But if you get a bit closer, you'll see the artist's heart of me in sculpted and carved images and symbols on the rough stone walls ... probably something for everybody, but my favorites are the Oroburous (snake biting its tail), lots of spirals ~ all sizes, a heart now and then (okay, shoot me; I'm a hapless romantic), stars dancing and trailing light, my Wolf friend and a few others ... but you do have to look closely.

The door, heavy oak, imported from old Earth, very thick and imposing bears a simple Welcome to the Weary and the Bleary. If a spacefarer is very lucky, when (s)he knocks on the door, using the solid brass clapper ring beneath the welcome, and I peer through my little peeky hole to see who's there, if (s)he is very lucky, or I'm feeling especially generous, I will push the button (well there is some high tech on the inside, of course) that causes the great doors to swing open. Just be sure to stand back a bit.

Once inside, there's the bar, of course, and sometimes I still do my own singing. I don't even ask for tips. But I get the wandering spastrel (space minstrel) now and then, so depending on the playbill, it may turn into a racaus party, a maudlin connect the pirates and aren't we all buddies after all, or just a darn good show.

I'm especially proud of the bar...sterling silver. Very high prices for that on old Earth, and I wear a necklace that carries some of the same. The taps are all underneath so you don't see them, but I generally have whatever a person wants in the way of good to delictible draft, not to mention some ordinary and exotic good hard liquor to knock back.

There is a painting above and behind the bar. I did it myself in my youth, a picture of a long haired lass standing at the top of a butte, her head turned longingly to the stars. And what reward does she get for her gazing? Spinning stars and swirling galaxies, shots of light, the trails of ships she may one day fly, an indigo night with a full old Earth moon.

And, well, there's more ... of course the chairs and tables are also old Earth vintage, antiques, purchased very dear, but I would have only the best for my guests, and guests they are. No one who enters lays claim to Skyedaughter, but may call her friend after a time, if they're the right sort. If they're not, they usually get thrown out on their bums and don't bother to come back (although their are a few scorch marks on the great door, but I choose to see them as star fire). For the very weary, I have a few vintage overstuffed chairs and a sofa or two ... my colors, old Earth Sage and Ultramarine Blue.

Well, I've got to run. Just got a curtain call. Yes, I'm the spastrel tonight. If you stick around a bit, you might like what you hear. be continued ~ love to all, Skye

Hope's Haven ~ A little taste of Gallia - Nightfall - 08-25-2006

Good colors there! I'll be around when the night falls!
