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To: Ryo Kase of CR; CC: Planetform Inc; Subject: Yuma - Printable Version

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To: Ryo Kase of CR; CC: Planetform Inc; Subject: Yuma - casualty - 01-24-2017

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[Image: HBzZ97Ut.jpg?1]

From: Jack Worth, Planetform Incorporated
Encryption: Twin Band Alphanumeric
Subject: Yuma

Dear Mr Kase,

As we agreed in the open channel, we will re-establish the research of... let's call it Anti-FloraGro, until we come up with something more sensible... on board of Canterbury station. The lab will have to be equipped basically from scratch. However, thanks to the archives, I have a list of required materials handy from the last attempt. Here it is:

I would like to ask Crayter Republic and your Ministry for assistance in delivery of these materials. The cost of the materials will be accounted against the total sum we are going to charge you for this research.

Please, let me know if these conditions are acceptable for you. If yes, please, use this channel for delivery reports and shipment manifests.

Yours sincerely
Jack Worth
PlanetForm Incorporated
[Image: DkRdC3B.png]

RE: To: Ryo Kase of CR; CC: Planetform Inc; Subject: Yuma - Atreides2 - 01-25-2017

[Image: IDuxnU.png]

Greetings sir ,

I am sorry for the delay , we have a bit of an issue in our hands at the moment and involves the main research station of the Republic.

The Outcast forces mounted an attack on Minerva Research Station and thanks to a warning we had , we were a bit busy to prepare for it. As you know , our Fleet is currently fighting in Tau 44 and surrounding areas and they seized this moment to attack our civilian bases, this is why I ordered all available units , ISE and the 53rd to prepare everything for the coming attack.

This shows once more , that the Outcasts are nothing in common with the rest of humanity.

Now , on to business.

I will order a dispatch of 53rd vessels towards your base once the level of threat is lowered. I hope you understand this. Also , I would like to change the invitation from using Minerva Station to use the planetary facilities as they are safer.

I hope you understand us and please , rest assure that we want this project initiated as well as soon as possible, so keep this channel checked for future informations.

Kind regards ,
Ryo Kase

[Image: 3DtWtx.png]

RE: To: Ryo Kase of CR; CC: Planetform Inc; Subject: Yuma - casualty - 01-26-2017

[Image: hQOiAPF.gif]

[Image: HBzZ97Ut.jpg?1]

From: Jack Worth, Planetform Incorporated
Encryption: Twin Band Alphanumeric
Subject: Yuma

Dear Mr Kase,

Believe me, I am well aware of the threat those invaders pose to all of us, so I and all Planetform are grateful to Crayter for fighting fearlessly against it. So I'm totally understand the cause of the delay. We are not putting the project on standby and will start delivering the equipment. I will update the list accordingly.

Yours sincerely
Jack Worth
PlanetForm Incorporated
[Image: DkRdC3B.png]

RE: To: Ryo Kase of CR; CC: Planetform Inc; Subject: Yuma - Atreides2 - 01-27-2017

[Image: poIDuxnUp]

Greetings Jack Worth ,

I am contacting you regarding the supplies for Cantenbury. At the moment , the Republic is still preparing to face any siege from the Outcasts and their allies , but, Military sent some wings back home while they still make their push against the Gallic Forces in Tau 44. Let this be the first conquest of the Free Sirians against the oppression of the Gallic Crown !!

Now , regarding Cantenbury , I want to inform you that I will dispatch two ships from 53rd Squadron and an ISE unit to provide the materials.
Please expect a shipment in two standard days.

Kind regards,
Ryo Kase

[Image: pn3DtWtxp]

RE: To: Ryo Kase of CR; CC: Planetform Inc; Subject: Yuma - casualty - 01-31-2017

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[Image: HBzZ97Ut.jpg?1]

From: Jack Worth, Planetform Incorporated
Encryption: Twin Band Alphanumeric
Subject: Yuma

Dear Mr Kase,

Please, be informed that PFI transport Lubnaig shipped the required amount of Fluorine to Canterbury station today.

I'm adjusting the count of supplies accordingly.

Yours sincerely
Jack Worth
PlanetForm Incorporated
[Image: DkRdC3B.png]

RE: To: Ryo Kase of CR; CC: Planetform Inc; Subject: Yuma - Atreides2 - 02-01-2017

[Image: poIDuxnUp]

Greetings Jack Worth ,

I am contacting you in this dark days. I am sorry for being silent so long , but i had to check all of our archives are safe and all the data as well.

I am unhappy to report to you that Minerva Research is no longer there , the Outcasts managed to trick and engage the remaining forces far away from the planet , thus making the Station vulnerable. While planet-side defenders raise to fight them and Malachite using all the power it have , the station was downed , by a direct hit in the Core room... Instant implosion.

Please accept my apologies and once more will redirect the 53rd to Cantenbury.

Kind regards,
Ryo Kase

[Image: pn3DtWtxp]

RE: To: Ryo Kase of CR; CC: Planetform Inc; Subject: Yuma - casualty - 02-01-2017

[Image: hQOiAPF.gif]

[Image: HBzZ97Ut.jpg?1]

From: Jack Worth, Planetform Incorporated
Encryption: Twin Band Alphanumeric
Subject: Yuma

Dear Mr Kase,

This is the most unfortunate event indeed. I'm sorry for your loss, and I also sorry to see that enemies of Gallia are squabble with each other instead of fighting the major threat at our doorstep. However, that is entirely different conversation.

If you decide to rebuild the Minerva station, you can count on Planetform to deliver exceptional quality life support systems, including our patented Xenobiotic Filters, with significant discount. Just tell me where and when you want it.

Regarding our endeavor, Planetform work on delivering materials for the lab, our pace so far is not very fast. We count on your transports for some deliveries at least. The room at the station already prepared for installation of the lab. I will keep you updated on our progress further.

Yours sincerely
Jack Worth
PlanetForm Incorporated
[Image: DkRdC3B.png]

RE: To: Ryo Kase of CR; CC: Planetform Inc; Subject: Yuma - Atreides2 - 02-03-2017

[Image: poIDuxnUp]

Greetings Jack Worth ,

I hope that this message finds you well.
Our Republic is still strong even with the loss of Minerva and to prove it , we dispatched two ISE transports to Cantenbury with part of the supply required. Until now 3000 lasers and 1000 xenobiotics had been delivered , along with 4000 silver.

Expect more supplies coming in the following days. We expect to finish the deliveries in 2 standard days.

Kind regards,
Ryo Kase

[Image: pn3DtWtxp]

RE: To: Ryo Kase of CR; CC: Planetform Inc; Subject: Yuma - Atreides2 - 02-03-2017

[Image: poIDuxnUp]

Greetings Jack Worth ,

I hope that this message finds you well.

I am using this frequency to update you upon the delivery. Here is the delivery list done by the ISE units to Cantenbury, If there is anything needed to reopen the laboratories on Cantenbury , please do not hesitate to call on us. I will make sure that ISE is going to take care of it.

Now , about the number of Scientist and Technicians. How many should we send ? We have some teams ready and willing to come but we want to make sure that you can take care of all the people on the station without straining the resources and the facilities.

Awaiting your response.

Kind regards,
Ryo Kase



[Image: pn3DtWtxp]

RE: To: Ryo Kase of CR; CC: Planetform Inc; Subject: Yuma - casualty - 02-04-2017

[Image: hQOiAPF.gif]

[Image: HBzZ97Ut.jpg?1]

From: Jack Worth, Planetform Incorporated
Encryption: Twin Band Alphanumeric
Subject: Yuma

Dear Mr Kase,

I must admit that your division made an exceptional job. Our technicians already started assembling the laboratory equipment in the designated space. I expect it to be completed in a week or two.

Regarding science teams, we are going to bring in couple of our most brilliant minds to work on your problem, including famous Dr. Daniel Brooks from Cold Bay Depot. We can accommodate about ten people from your side in addition to current station's crew. Send us a list by standard channels and we will prepare quarters for your team.

All in all, we are ready to proceed to the next phase of the project.

Yours sincerely
Jack Worth
PlanetForm Incorporated
[Image: DkRdC3B.png]