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The Calliope Calamity - GRN| vs NC, L\- | 1930UTC, Thursday 2nd Feb - Printable Version

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The Calliope Calamity - GRN| vs NC, L\- | 1930UTC, Thursday 2nd Feb - Omi - 01-29-2017

The Calliope Calamity - GRN| vs NC-, L\-


As part of the Gallic Crown's constant efforts to maintain popular support, both with the general public and with the Royal Navy's rank and file, Charlotte DeFrance, niece of King Charles XI and the heir apparent to the Gallic throne, travels to Lorraine aboard the Lucullus-class liner Calliope. Largely isolated from Gallia proper due to the occupation of Champagne, the princess' visit is intended to boost the morale of the troops garrisoning the somewhat remote system, thereby garnering more support and prestige for House DeFrance. The liner receives only a token escort; despite the operation's close proximity to Champagne, the Council cell within is thought to stand little chance of breaking their constant blockade any time soon. Security is not expected to be a major concern.

Unfortunately, Naval Intelligence has not accounted for every eventuality. While on a piracy run from the secluded outpost of Torino, a wing of Maltese snubcraft intercept the liner and its escort wing by chance as it heads eastwards towards Metz. While they cannot possibly know the true value of its cargo, the Calliope is as promising a target for a band of pirates and slavers as any other commercial vessel, and the skirmish quickly escalates into a desperate struggle over the luxury craft.


The Calliope and her escorts will begin at Metz Station, while the Outcast side positions themselves at a suitable intercept point along the Metz-Lyonnais JG tradelane. Once both sides are ready, the GRN detachment will head up the lane and run headfirst into the waiting Outcasts. Roleplay will be thrown back and forth until the fight breaks out.

[Image: S82f0kZ.png]

The Calliope itself will not participate in the fight - for gameplay purposes, it will idle near the fight at close range. The fight itself will be a purely snub-based affair, with both sides welcome to bring any manner of fighter or bomber they see fit.

The outcome of the event will affect upcoming roleplay, although this does not excuse fair play being sidelined.

Participation is restricted to the three factions listed in the event title, unless you just want to watch or record.

The event time is set for 1930 UTC, Thursday 2nd February, although this is subject to change.

Current Signups


• GRN|NSL-Calliope - Lucullus - @Omicega

• GRN|Minori.Shikizumi - Lynx - @Sanja
• GRN|Coco.Marie - Lynx - @Antonio
• GRN|Amber.Lachance - Lynx - @Ramke (tentative)
• Philippe.Gaston - Lynx - @Arbs
• Thierry.Renault - Lynx - @Durandal


• L\-Eliza.Valdez - Sabre - @t0l @Bloodl1ke
• NC-Stiletto.1 - ??? - @Foxglove
• L\-'Mantaro' - Sabre - @Mataró
• L\-'Canalla' - Sabre - @-Rax-
• L\-Ezio.Aquila - ??? - @Wesker
• L\-'Vento' - Sabre - @Gagadug.

RE: The Calliope Calamity - GRN| vs NC, L\- | 1930UTC, Thursday 2nd Feb - Backo - 01-29-2017

L\-Eliza.Valdez - Outcast Sabre

RE: The Calliope Calamity - GRN| vs NC, L\- | 1930UTC, Thursday 2nd Feb - Foxglove - 01-29-2017


RE: The Calliope Calamity - GRN| vs NC, L\- | 1930UTC, Thursday 2nd Feb - Antonio - 01-29-2017

GRN|Coco.Marie Lynx

RE: The Calliope Calamity - GRN| vs NC, L\- | 1930UTC, Thursday 2nd Feb - Durandal - 01-29-2017

L\-'Sicario' - Rapier

RE: The Calliope Calamity - GRN| vs NC, L\- | 1930UTC, Thursday 2nd Feb - Ramke - 01-31-2017

GRN|Ambre.Lachance - Lynx

I'm reaaaaaaally unsure if I can come, but I'll try.

RE: The Calliope Calamity - GRN| vs NC, L\- | 1930UTC, Thursday 2nd Feb - Mataró - 01-31-2017

L\-'Mantaro' - Sabre

RE: The Calliope Calamity - GRN| vs NC, L\- | 1930UTC, Thursday 2nd Feb - -Rax- - 01-31-2017

L\-'Canalla' Sabre . I will TRY to be here, tho I guess it won't be a problem.

RE: The Calliope Calamity - GRN| vs NC, L\- | 1930UTC, Thursday 2nd Feb - Wesker - 01-31-2017

People that steal my stuff will pay, like that toxic dev @Antonio


RE: The Calliope Calamity - GRN| vs NC, L\- | 1930UTC, Thursday 2nd Feb - Gagadug. - 01-31-2017

For now register Celine.Roux on the GRN side, If necessary I can log L\- too.

Scratch that, register L\-'Vento' (Sabre)