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A Small Sig Shop, Making Images for Free - Printable Version

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A Small Sig Shop, Making Images for Free - Lux - 12-28-2008

[Image: sigshopclosed.png]
<strike>Well, seeing as I have lots of free time on my hands, that I love graphical design and that I need practice and learning in this domain, I figured I might as well try making images for people that need them. What I make won't be as fancy as some experienced artists, like Xing, Dopamino or Magoo (or anyone else I haven't mentioned, this community isn't exactly lacking artists), but hopefully it will improve with practice and produce some nice results. It's free anyway, so even if you don't like the result... well, you don't lose anything by trying:).

I can make sigs, avatars, banners, logos, posters, and most other things you may throw at me. If you have a request, try to make it as specific as possible; include as many of the following things as possible:
  • The type of thing you want me to make (is it a sig, an avatar, a banner, etc.).
  • As many images that you can provide that you think could be used in the sig. I'm not very good at ferreting out images, to be perfectly honest.
  • If you need certain words included in the image, be sure to include them in your request.
  • What color scheme do you want (the main coloring for the image)?
  • What theme should the image have?
  • If you can think of other things to mention, go ahead.
I'm also able to string a bunch of images together to make an animated sig, but I don't really make super complex stuff (I can make one image appear after the other, and in some cases even make them transitional as so to fade from one image to another).

Not all of those are mandatory, but others are very useful to know. Use your good judgement: I'm not a miracle worker, unfortunately. As I said though, it's free, so you lose nothing if it turns out badly. So... yeah.

P.S. If you're wondering, no, I didn't make my current sig. I made the avatar though.</strike>

I'm sorry to say that the shop is now closed. Please refer to post 116 for more information as to this.

A Small Sig Shop, Making Images for Free - Lux - 12-28-2008

Work in progress:
  • None
Yay! I finally worked my way through everyone. I might still be taking requests, I might not either. I'm not sure if I'm going to continue this (although it's not for reasons of laziness or anything related to my work here, I'm just seriously considering not even frequenting the forums anymore for a few reasons of my own). If I do close up shop, I'll announce so here, but until I do I'm still taking requests.

Completed Images:

My avatar:
[Image: overloadavy5.png]

Zygoeths' sig:
[Image: zygoeths5copy.png]

Zygoeths' avatar:
[Image: zygoethsavy1.png]

... where did it ran?'s sig:
[Image: wherediditran4-2.png]

Xelgion's sig:
[Image: xelgion2copy.png]

Weedalot's sig (same style as Zygoeths' on request):
[Image: weedalot1copy.png]

Weedalot's sig (NovaPG):
[Image: novapg2copy.png]

CCS sig (Weedalot's request):
[Image: css1copy.png]

Josh's sig:
[Image: josh1copy-1.png]

appleexpress1's sig:
[Image: apple1copy.png]

A Small Sig Shop, Making Images for Free - Captain - 12-28-2008

how about this banner? [Image: sigshop1zl1.png]

A Small Sig Shop, Making Images for Free - Lux - 12-28-2008

It's okay, but I'd prefer to make my own banner, considering it'll be my work here:).

A Small Sig Shop, Making Images for Free - 13CentKiller - 12-28-2008

Both banners are nice...But they both need work on the text.

(Sorry just had to say it....Continue:D)

A Small Sig Shop, Making Images for Free - Lux - 12-28-2008

Thanks for your opinion, I was kinda wondering what I should do to touch it up:).

EDIT: @Orin: 'Kay, I'll see what I can do.

A Small Sig Shop, Making Images for Free - Orin - 12-29-2008

Needs moar texture. The colors I don't like.

A Small Sig Shop, Making Images for Free - Lux - 12-29-2008

I tweaked it a bit, dunno how exactly to make it better (and I know there's room for improvement):

[Image: sigshop5copy-2.png]

Gonna post this in the Signatures/Pictures/Avatars thread, put comments there instead so that this doesn't get too full please.

A Small Sig Shop, Making Images for Free - Joggin - 12-29-2008


Now then! D'ya fancy doing a TAZ Sig?

If so, let me know what you need from me and roundball cost... I'll treat you well.

Mad John

A Small Sig Shop, Making Images for Free - Lux - 12-29-2008

' Wrote:I can make sigs, avatars, banners, logos, posters, and most other things you may throw at me. If you have a request, try to make it as specific as possible; include as many of the following things as possible:
  • The type of thing you want me to make (is it a sig, an avatar, a banner, etc.).
  • As many images that you can provide that you think could be used in the sig. I'm not very good at ferreting out images, to be perfectly honest.
  • If you need certain words included in the image, be sure to include them in your request.
  • What color scheme do you want (the main coloring for the image)?
  • What theme should the image have?
  • If you can think of other things to mention, go ahead.
I'm also able to string a bunch of images together to make an animated sig, but I don't really make super complex stuff (I can make one image appear after the other, and in some cases even make them transitional as so to fade from one image to another).

Not all of those are mandatory, but others are very useful to know. Use your good judgement: I'm not a miracle worker, unfortunately. I'd post previous work here, except that I don't have much that I made yet:P. As I said though, it's free, so you lose nothing if it turns out badly. So... yeah.
Try to include as many of those as possible, and I'll see what I can do:).