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Entrepeneurs Small Signature Shop - Printable Version

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Entrepeneurs Small Signature Shop - Captain - 12-28-2008

[Image: banner1de0.png]

I thought the same as hellfire,im not mister perfect
ah well, just post with the folowing things and you get a nice sig for in return
  • Ship:
    that means what for ship you want in sig

  • Shipsname

  • Charactarname:

  • charactar type:
    is it a he a she, old young, good looking ugly,(if you have your own picture of him add him/her to the list

  • what system style you want it:
I will post pictures of my recent work here,

Entrepeneurs Small Signature Shop - Lux - 12-29-2008

You copied my store's name D:

Erm, I mean, good luck:P.

EDIT: Oops, sorry if you wanted to post your work in this spot D:

Entrepeneurs Small Signature Shop - Captain - 12-29-2008

[Image: eppes1wt9.png]
[Image: bokje4ih0.png]
the two above are made for a friend of me, named Bokje
[Image: coloradogr6.png]
[Image: columbiapn4.png]
[Image: alcmariavitrix1is2.png]
[Image: columbia3sq0.png]