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Chico Deltaco - Printable Version

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Chico Deltaco - Dirk - 12-29-2008

Ships log entry 459

Chico Deltaco Captain of the Outcast gunship Perro Caliente.

Our mission:
Keep the Cardi flowing and the workers coming, fighting off attackers of smugglers transporting our goods.

We have been spending weeks patrolling the supply routes offering protection to any smuggler bringing workers to Malta or hauling our precious cargos of cardamine to our waiting customers in Liberty space.

The Deltaco family has been producing cardamine for generations and we have never had the pressure on our supply lines that we have today. Bounty Hunters have been hired to stop the supply of slaves and the Liberty Navy has been blockading planet Houston. Even the Miners in Tau-23 have gotten into the act.

My family has sent myself and my crew to protect the cardi routes to ensure a steady cash flow to our business.

Mission log out.

Chico Deltaco - Weedalot - 12-29-2008

[font=Book Antiqua]
* Comm ID: Weed Borrach Sr. , Head Of the Borracho Family *
* Location: El sol que gime, Malta. *
* Recipient: Deltaco Family *

We, myself and my son mas joven have seen you many times in action, you are a man of your word and it is always comforting to know you are near the cardi trade and i myself feel safer knowing that you around tau-23 with my son.
his last report to me was :
Dad Chico saved my life...
We fought the nasty "lawful" as they call them self Navy and police.
we saved many smuggler vessels but i lost my ship chico tractored me and brought me home if he wouldnt be there i wouldnt be sending you this massage.
So i would like to send you 5 millions from our family bank for the great job you are doing.
Thank you.