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First Darkness, Last Dawn - Printable Version

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First Darkness, Last Dawn - Inferno - 02-19-2017

[Image: ydtORr0.png?1]

-{Livadia Contruction Dossier}-
[File: 'NJP-016' found | Extracting]

Name: Z.M.F. Last Dawn
Class: Jinkusu/Leviathan-class
Role: Mobile Freeport, Micro-Sleeper Ship
Identification Number: NJP-016
Designation: ZMF-L-063

Date-of-Completion: 8-03-418
Construction Location: N/A

Loadout and Equipment:

2 "Decimator" Heavy-Assault Mortar
2 "Cerberus" Heavy Assault Cannon
4 "Retribution" ZT-01 Battleship Cannons
12 "Dispatcher" ZT-02 Point Defense Platforms
2 "Immobilizer" BSF-19 Guidance Deference System

"Palamin" Class Gravaton Dreadnought Shield Systems
"Falcon" Class Iridium Reinforcement Endoskeleton

Additional Systems:
2 Bio-Synthesis Food Production Zones
7 "Stonemason" Class Damage-Control Units
1 "Icarus" Cold Fission-Fusion Reactor Unit

Key Crew and Personnel:
Captain James "Eclipse" Milford
First Communications Officer Izay Kazuo


The Last Dawn was one of the first few Nephilim-Jinkusu class Colony Ships to be produced. While being less advanced in terms of powerplants and engine power, the Last Dawn shared the defensive capabilities of the aging Leviathan class vessels. Deployed for planetary colonization in 423 A.S., the Dawn was sent off to a remote region of stars hundreds of lightyears away.

The target: LTR47-529, of the Cassiopeia sector. The system was seen hundreds of years before by ancient researchers out of Sol. A strange and rare combination of elements formed a triple-star system. In the 'center' lay a large Class A hypergiant star, in it's late stages. Farther out, was a microsystem of one class G star. Over a period of seventeen years, researchers and astronomers noticed that the Class G, known as 529-B, housed planetary bodies by the dozens, and suspected that one was a water-based body, capable of housing life. Unfortunately, technology limitations of the time as well as the Coalition war prevented any more research beyond watching billion-year-old pictures. Sirius Zoners, however, had the technology of Sleeper ships to utilize long-term transportation.

The Last Dawn, being one of the first hybrid Nephilims constructed, she lacked advanced jumpdrive systems, and could only operate at subliminal speeds. Directed at LTR47-529-B, the crew of six-thousand was placed in cryogenic sleep, and sent towards the system. After losing communication to the automated systems, and visual contact due to nearby nebulae, the Last Dawn was assumed a failure, thirty years after launch. The Dawn was not lost, however, but instead caught in the gravity well of a star within the Sirius system, far from prying eyes.

Forty-five years after launch, a team of engineers awoke to take assessments of the ship while it was in transit, only to find the Jinkusu already orbiting a star with a far, elliptical orbit. Without correct reference stars to determine their location, the team of engineers assumed the journey complete, and awoke the entire population. It did not take long to realize that the Last Dawn was not in the Cassiopeia sector at all, due to the lack of the planetary bodies promised. Realizing the failure of the mission, the Dawn was aimed at the nearest charted system, only a few lightmonths away.

The Last Dawn was discovered only weeks ago, adrift in the outer Omicron systems, by a research group. Currently moored in Lividia station, the Dawn is a relic of the ages, full of untold stories, and damage to the framework as the only indicator of the memories forever lost.

RE: First Darkness, Last Dawn - Inferno - 03-03-2017

[Entry Date]: 3-3-824
[Asset]: Cpt. J. Eclipse Milford
[Subject]: Shadows

I know not what happened to Humanity while we have slept. The voids, dark, and the ship, alone.

There is one fleeting hope, however, that is keeping the crew animate: The Confederation of Freeports. When we left for the Cassiopeia sector, there was only three, four of the Freeports active. Now there are over nine. The progress the Confederation has made astonishes me, but it does not explain what happened to these sectors of old, this 'Omicron Kappa', or this talk of 'The Core'. That matters not, right now.

Adrift, testing scanner systems within the Awakened sector, there was a signal picked up. Unknown, we were unaware of what it could have been. Then it emerged. This large... I honestly don't know what to call it. It was a large ship, with a front, a large spike, and the end, one engine. I could swear it looked like a heavily modified Overlord, from Liberty's fleets. No one moved, but the hulking mass silently slipped by, before... disappearing from all existence. No signal, no visual sight. Everyone was astonished, such a vessel moving through reality without being seen. We are collecting plasma from the local Class G stellar body right now, apparently an outdated tactic. The Uncovering party spoke about powercores that were so efficient, that one wouldn't need to scoop from stellar bodies, because the vessel collected the plasma passively. The engineers do not know if our aging Jinkusu could posses that ability. All a matter of finding out.