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Blood Dragon Rolecall #1 2017 - Printable Version

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Blood Dragon Rolecall #1 2017 - The Blood Dragons - 02-15-2017

[color=#FFFFFF][size=large]Roleplay Information[/size][/color]

[color=#FF0000]Name - Clan[/color]

[color=#FF0000]Rank - Position[/color]

[color=#FF0000]Snubcrafts - Class - Pilot[/color]

[color=#FF0000]Capital Ships - Fleet - Captain[/color]

[color=#FFFFFF][size=large]Out-of-Roleplay Information[/size][/color]

[color=#FF0000]Skype:[/color][i][color=#FFFFFF]Answer Here[/color][/i]
[color=#FF0000]In-Game Activity:[/color][i][color=#FFFFFF]Answer Here[/color][/i]
[color=#FF0000]Roleplay Activity:[/color][i][color=#FFFFFF]Answer Here[/color][/i]
[color=#FF0000]Position in the Dragons:[/color][i][color=#FFFFFF]Answer Here[/color][/i]

[color=#FF0000]The Blood Dragons need something to do, give us ideas[/color]

[color=#FF0000]If you are a member in the leadership, mark X below[/color]
[i][color=#FFFFFF] ( ? ) [/color][/i]

[color=#FF0000]If you are a member in planning events, mark X below[/color]
[i][color=#FFFFFF] ( ? ) [/color][/i]

[color=#FF0000]If you're willing to help bring activity to the Dragons, mark X below[/color]
[i][color=#FFFFFF] ( ? ) [/color][/i]

[color=#FF0000]If you're unable to do much (Collage, work or other reasons for inactivity), mark X below[/color]
[i][color=#FFFFFF] ( ? ) [/color][/i]

Roleplay Information

Name - Clan
  • Yoko J. Hideyoshi - Hideyoshi Clan
  • Yuki J. Hideyoshi - Hideyoshi Clan
  • Iona V. Satsuma - Head of the Satsuma Clan
  • Sierra L. Lilly - Madoka Clan

Rank - Position
  • Samurai - Guardian
  • Samurai - Guardian
  • DRD Research Leader - Head Researcher
  • Reserve Capital Ship Captain - N/A

Snubcrafts - Class - Pilot
  • BD|Tiger.Lilly - Eagle - Yoko
  • BD|Tiger:Lilly - Nodachi - Yoko
  • BD|Red.Sea - Drone - Iona
  • BD|DRD-Sukuroru - Ku. Large Transport - Iona
  • BD|Jaded.Fire - Katana - Yuki
  • BD|Dragon.Fire - Nodachi - Yuki
  • BD|Lake.Towada - Big Dragon - Yuki

Capital Ships - Fleet - Captain
  • BD|Shoryuuji - Shoryuuji - Reserve Captain

Out-of-Roleplay Information
In-Game Activity:High
Roleplay Activity:Medium
Position in the Dragons:Support Dev & Forum Formater

The Blood Dragons need something to do, give us ideas

  • More Events and in-game interactions with KNF
  • More fighting events with Corsairs/Hogosha in Honshu
  • Reworking the current pages for BD to fit better
  • Finishing the Roleplay for the Koketsu Dreadnaught

If you are a member in the leadership, mark X below
( X )

If you are a member in planning events, mark X below
( )

If you're willing to help bring activity to the Dragons, mark X below
( X )

If you're unable to do much (Collage, work or other reasons for inactivity), mark X below
( )

RE: Blood Dragon Rolecall #1 2017 - Emperor Tekagi - 02-15-2017

Roleplay Information

Name - Clan
  • Kazue Hakkera - 2nd Head of the Hakkera Clan
  • Mari Imai - No clan

Rank - Position
  • Daimyo in training - 大名 Daimyo
  • Samurai in training - 中間 Chuugen

Snubcrafts - Class - Pilot
  • BD|Hakkera:Kazue - Bastet - Kazue
  • BD|Hakkera.Kazue - Blossom - Kazue
  • BD|Imai.Mari - Tachi - Mari

Capital Ships - Fleet - Captain
  • N/A

Out-of-Roleplay Information

In-Game Activity:Medium
Roleplay Activity:Medium
Position in the Dragons:2ic, GC Faction rep.

The Blood Dragons need something to do, give us ideas

  • More Events and in-game interactions with KNF
    More fighting events with Corsairs/Hogosha in Honshu
    Finishing the Roleplay for the Koketsu Dreadnaught
    Finally get the BC Roleplay revived

If you are a member in the leadership, mark X below
( X )

If you are a member in planning events, mark X below
( X )

If you're willing to help bring activity to the Dragons, mark X below
( X )

If you're unable to do much (Collage, work or other reasons for inactivity), mark X below
( )

RE: Blood Dragon Rolecall #1 2017 - Arbs - 02-15-2017

Roleplay Information

Name - Clan
  • May Ling

Rank - Position
  • Daimyo

Snubcrafts - Class - Pilot
  • BD|May.Ling - Bastet
  • More Comming soon

Capital Ships - Fleet - Captain
  • Shareds

Out-of-Roleplay Information

Skype:Already in there
In-Game Activity:Okay-ish I guess? Not getting much free time these days.
Roleplay Activity:Can do if I have to. Nothing really showed up for me.
Position in the Dragons:Keeping things from going tits up

The Blood Dragons need something to do, give us ideas

  • Events in Nagano
  • Events in Tomioka
  • Events in Kusari
  • Events in Sigmas
  • Events in Tohoku

If you are a member in the leadership, mark X below
( X )

If you are a member in planning events, mark X below
( X )

If you're willing to help bring activity to the Dragons, mark X below
( X)

If you're unable to do much (Collage, work or other reasons for inactivity), mark X below
( X )

RE: Blood Dragon Rolecall #1 2017 - Cardinal - 02-15-2017

Roleplay Information

Name - Clan
  • Kimura Hisano - Part of the tripartite Kimura Clan heads
  • Kimura Kahori - Part of the tripartite Kimura Clan heads
  • Kimura Taketa - Part of the tripartite Kimura Clan heads

Rank - Position
  • K.H. - Daimyo - Prefect of Nagano
  • K.K. - Daimyo - Prefect of Kyushu
  • K.T. - Daimyo - Prefect of Hokkaido

Snubcrafts - Class - Pilot
  • All characters fly Nodachi Bombers/Tachi VHFs.

Capital Ships - Fleet - Captain
  • BD|Akikaze - Kimura Clan Fleet
  • BD|Ashigara - Kimura Clan Fleet
  • BD|Shirouma - Kimura Clan Fleet
  • All capitals are captained by the clan heads.

Out-of-Roleplay Information

Skype:司馬義 | Sima Yi
In-Game Activity:Rarely In-Game
Roleplay Activity:Active
Position in the Dragons:3iC/2iC

If you are a member in the leadership, mark X below
( X )

If you are a member in planning events, mark X below
( ? )

If you're willing to help bring activity to the Dragons, mark X below
( X )

If you're unable to do much (Collage, work or other reasons for inactivity), mark X below
( X )

RE: Blood Dragon Rolecall #1 2017 - Mr.Fabulous - 02-16-2017

Roleplay Information

Name - Clan
  • Tamiya Kushigina Kazushi-Dachiko - Kazushi

Rank - Position
  • Ronin - Kazushi Clan Head

Snubcrafts - Class - Pilot
  • BD|Kazushi,D.Tamiya - Tanto - Tamiya Kazushi-Dachiko
  • BD|Kazushi.D.Tamiya - Katana - Tamiya Kazushi-Dachiko
  • BD|Kazushi;D.Tamiya - Nodachi - Tamiya Kazushi-Dachiko

Capital Ships - Fleet - Captain
  • BD]Chin.Chou-K - Secondary - Tamiya Kazushi-Dachiko

Out-of-Roleplay Information

In-Game Activity:Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays: 12:00-16:00 SMT
Roleplay Activity:Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays: 12:00-20:00 SMT
Position in the Dragons:Member

The Blood Dragons need something to do, give us ideas

  • Daily/Every-Couple-Days Training in Conn
  • Daily Group Raids on Hogosha/Samura around Kusari
  • Daily Group Defense of Transports around Kusari
  • Exploration Raids into Sigmas, Omicrons, and Taus
  • Set up a POB in Nagano
  • Assert dominance sovereignty in Nagano
  • Re-establish negotiations with the 3 other lawful houses of Sirius
  • Tales of Kyoto
  • Create public alliance with Kishiro in order to dock in house space
  • Spark the rebellion into full-swing

If you are a member in the leadership, mark X below
( )

If you are a member in planning events, mark X below
( X )

If you're willing to help bring activity to the Dragons, mark X below
( X )

If you're unable to do much (Collage, work or other reasons for inactivity), mark X below
( X )

RE: Blood Dragon Rolecall #1 2017 - Jeremy Hunter - 02-16-2017

Roleplay Information

Name - Clan
  • NatsumI Hideyoshi - Hideyoshi Clan
  • Madoka Miyafuji - Miyafuji Clan

Rank - Position
  • Daimyo

Snubcrafts - Class - Pilot
  • BD|Animus.Rose - Tachi - Natsumi

Capital Ships - Fleet - Captain
  • BD|Hosokawa.Garcia - Hideyoshi Clan Fleet - Natsumi
  • BD|Amatsukaze - Miyafuji Clan Fleet - Madoka

Out-of-Roleplay Information

Everyone has it

In-Game Activity:Sometimes
Roleplay Activity:Always!
Position in the Dragons:YOUR GLORIOUS LEADER

The Blood Dragons need something to do, give us ideas

  • Log more
  • More forum stories
  • More dakka
  • More fun ideas for clans
  • More sake

If you are a member in the leadership, mark X below
( X )

If you are a member in planning events, mark X below
( X )

If you're willing to help bring activity to the Dragons, mark X below
( X )

If you're unable to do much (Collage, work or other reasons for inactivity), mark X below
( ? )

RE: Blood Dragon Rolecall #1 2017 - SMI-Great.Fox - 02-16-2017

Roleplay Information

Name - Clan
  • Ilo Takato - Takato Family
  • Charles Tatako - Takato Family

Rank - Position
  • Ilo Takato - Economics
  • Charles Takato - Transporter / Sushi Chef

Snubcrafts - Class - Pilot
  • BD|Ilo.Takato - Tachi/Kaichou

Capital Ships - Fleet - Captain
  • BD|Tokesu.Maru - Akegata
  • BD|Siam-1 - GMG Gunship

Out-of-Roleplay Information

Skype:Already have it
In-Game Activity:Answer Here
Roleplay Activity:Answer Here
Position in the Dragons:Scrub and clan sushi superemo

The Blood Dragons need something to do, give us ideas

  • My mind is like a tree in winter....

If you are a member in the leadership, mark X below
( ? )

If you are a member in planning events, mark X below
( ? )

If you're willing to help bring activity to the Dragons, mark X below
( X )

If you're unable to do much (Collage, work or other reasons for inactivity), mark X below
( ? )

RE: Blood Dragon Rolecall #1 2017 - Shaggy - 02-17-2017

Roleplay Information

Name - Clan
  • Nathalie Yang - Yang Family

Rank - Position
  • Hatamoto

Snubcrafts - Class - Pilot

Capital Ships - Fleet - Captain

Out-of-Roleplay Information

Skype:You got it
In-Game Activity:Medium - High
Roleplay Activity:Medium - High
Position in the Dragons:Unsure

The Blood Dragons need something to do, give us ideas

If you are a member in the leadership, mark X below
( ? )

If you are a member in planning events, mark X below
( ? )

If you're willing to help bring activity to the Dragons, mark X below
( X )

If you're unable to do much (Collage, work or other reasons for inactivity), mark X below
( ? )

RE: Blood Dragon Rolecall #1 2017 - Kanzler Niemann - 02-20-2017

Roleplay Information

Name - Clan
  • Date Masamune - Date Clan

Rank - Position
  • Chugen?

Snubcrafts - Class - Pilot
  • Date.Masamune - Chimaera
  • Date.Masamune" - Chimaera
  • Dokuganryu - Bomber

Capital Ships - Fleet - Captain

Out-of-Roleplay Information

In-Game Activity:low
Roleplay Activity:low
Position in the Dragons:low

The Blood Dragons need something to do, give us ideas

If you are a member in the leadership, mark X below
( ? )

If you are a member in planning events, mark X below
( ? )

If you're willing to help bring activity to the Dragons, mark X below
( X )

If you're unable to do much (Collage, work or other reasons for inactivity), mark X below
( X )

RE: Blood Dragon Rolecall #1 2017 - APDAF - 02-28-2017

Roleplay Information

Name - Clan
  • Oda Saito - Oda clan
  • Takahara Misaka - Takahara Clan vassal of Oda
  • Takahashi Rin - Takahashi Clan
  • Takahashi Ami -Takahashi Clan

Rank - Position
  • Oda Saito - Hatamoto, Captain of the Battleship Kongo
  • Takahara Misaka - Samurai, second of Saito, main Captain of the Zao
  • Takahashi Rin - Hatamoto, Technical Head of Mito Shipyards
  • Takahashi Ami - Samurai, Engineer

Snubcrafts - Class - Pilot
  • BD|Lake.Kasumigara - Big Dragon Transport, Pilot Takahashi Rin

Capital Ships - Fleet - Captain
  • BD|Mount.Kongo - Togo Battleship, Captain Oda Saito
  • BD|Mount.Zao - Hatchimen Gunboat. Captain Takahara Misaka

Out-of-Roleplay Information

In-Game Activity:Medium
Roleplay Activity:High
Position in the Dragons:3rd/4th IC?

The Blood Dragons need something to do, give us ideas

  • Remove Samura from Tomioka

If you are a member in the leadership, mark X below
( X )

If you are a member in planning events, mark X below
( ? )

If you're willing to help bring activity to the Dragons, mark X below
( X )

If you're unable to do much (Collage, work or other reasons for inactivity), mark X below
( ? )