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The meeting: /_\ to Ben Roach - Printable Version

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The meeting: /_\ to Ben Roach - -Rax- - 02-16-2017

[Image: rcDp3po.png?1]

824 A.S. Planet Pittsburg. Desert. Inhospitable terrain.

The meeting place was rather dark. Rusty, odd, smelly and sandy. Ben stept into the room and found nothing but the shape of a man with a hat, smoking from his old pipe, sitting in the dark apparently awaiting for the incoming conversation.

-"T...Tr...Trevor Williams? W...Willy?" He swallows saliva and asks trembling.

+"Sit down, Roach" The silhouette adds without hesitation.

Ben walks deeper into the dark and finds a chair, close to the shivering man. He accomplish, so Willy turns around. The outsider light penetrated into Willy's pupils and showed his deep blue eyes shining in the dark. His skin exposed a map of a painful life. His eye bags, tells he isn't sleeping for weeks.

-"Trevor...I think we already spoke of..." Adds and shuts his mouth at the time Willy raises his hand with a pistol and points at Ben's face.

+"You said something, Bennie?" Willy asks fixing his deep sight right into Ben's eyes. Silence.

+"Good, Bennie. Now listen up. You will put your ass into whichever ship you have. You will fly to Huntsville, as established. You will enter the prison after revealing your murder and your Junker identity. There, you will find a man. It's not difficult to recognize him, though he will be looking for you already as you'll be the new meat in there. You give this to him -Gives Ben an holographic card- And he will know what to do.

-"What about me, Trevor. What's next, you promised something..." Ben feels the fright in his bones.

+"You will be extracted from there by myself personally. The time? You will know when the day arrives. Afterwards you will be rewarded with Twenty milion Sirius credits, as estrablished."

Ben couldn't trust Trevor's words, as he never did. But that was too late for him already. He couldn't deny Willy's request, once again. Not for the money, but for quite some past events that ruined Ben's life.

+"Leave. You got 72 hours till now to share the message. If you don't accomplish, be sure you'll got problems, my ol' friend."

[Image: KJ2JYhO.png?1]

Willy was irked. Injured. Lured by the fact that Diana's in prison. Not many people in Alcatraz knew the situation. He was acting mainly alone to forbid his friends to sprinkle in the affair. It's not over for him. He couldn't afford loosing Diana Daymarova as he lost Eliza once.