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»To: Scientists of Sirius - Job - Printable Version

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»To: Scientists of Sirius - Job - Kauket - 02-17-2017

[Image: 3WWcT45.png]


» COMM-ID: Keeper Raven


»»SIGNAL BLOCKED: Enemies & The Distrusted of Auxesia

Hello dear people of the Science Industry!

The universe exists to be understood, and the environment is ever-changing. Our mission is to keep on top and to study these changes, to ensure that the beauty of science within this era is stored and passed on to generations above.

As such we're interested in collaborating with those who expertise in any of the following subjects: Environmental Astrophysics, Astronomy, or Radiology to help us build a bigger picture of the beauty that is space and how we understand the very universe that we live in.

If you are interested in some work, please do contact us on this secure line in a new communication line: %AX-501051-6267:002 or simply leave an encrypted note to this channel. A note to remember when we evaluate compensation, we base it upon quality.

Thank you for your time and take care!


RE: »To: Scientists of Sirius - Job - Calo - 02-17-2017

From: Lynx Kleesan, CSA
To: Keeper Raven, ???
Encryption: High

Good day.

My name is Lynx Kleesan and I am an independent scientist who initially had been surveying the Crow Nebula in terms of activity, anomalies and resources. With not-so-recent issues in Sigma-13 around Newport Station, GMG disallowed me to gather all my research data from Newport - and without official approval of Bretonian Crown little can be done in that matter. Until the situation is resolved, I have no other idea what to do around so I take your message with dose of curiosity. My Cormorant-class science vessel might be old at first glance, but I can assure you it is advanced enough to survey anything you would desire, as expected from a project mostly funded by Cambridge Scientists Association. It is no surprise that with recent Sprague efforts and Bretonian interest being placed more into war efforts, my team is on the verge of accepting Cryer Pharmaceutical's proposal in regard to achieve proper funding.

I do look forward for further reply and possible cooperation,
Lynx Kleesan

RE: »To: Scientists of Sirius - Job - University Of Cambridge - 02-17-2017

From: Dr John Steiner
To: Keeper Raven
Encryption level: Medium-High

I am Dr John Steiner of the Hospital Ship Marama. I must admit to some surprise at getting your message, Nonetheless if you do require assistance my vessel stands ready to assist in anyway.
We are currently in Bretonia for layover, we will be heading out shortly but will keep an ear out for anything you may send our way. The Marama is a custom built vessel, if there is a medical issue you need solving, we can help.
Should we run into any interesting Astronomical matters, we will forward any relevent details to you or your fellows.

All the best
J. Steiner-Surgeon HS-Marama

RE: »To: Scientists of Sirius - Job - Kauket - 02-20-2017

[Image: 3WWcT45.png]


» COMM-ID: Keeper Raven



The available tasks range from different areas of Sirius, from Bretonia to Kusari. Your diplomatic struggles shouldn't be able to hinder the majority of the available tasks. Although, we don't truly expect people to be able to undertake all of the tasks on their own.

For the sake of data gathering, we require astronomical studies and sampling of some specific environmental bodies for the purpose of ensuring data consistency. We wouldn't like to teach people incorrect data.


Dr Steiner,

I have not yet specified what the assignment is or the specifications of said task. Whilst your interest to help is noted, this job does not require an expertise in medicine.

If you're interested in a slightly more adventurous job, including the sampling and study of different types of environments, then please leave a note.


RE: »To: Scientists of Sirius - Job - Kauket - 02-21-2017


RE: »To: Scientists of Sirius - Job - Calo - 02-21-2017

From: Lynx Kleesan, CSA
To: Keeper Raven, ???
Encryption: High

Madame Raven.

I am truly sorry for the late reply, but my team and I are in the middle of serious damage control at the moment. During one of our deep space journeys into Omega Systems we were attacked by Red Hessians. Heavily battered after sudden assault, the vessel had to dock on The Ring in New Berlin. The repairs should take at least a week, due to serious structural damage. Such a waste, taking into account no data had been gathered so far. Once the vessel is repaired we will set course for Koeln System to take closer survey of Planet Saarbrucken, rumored to have some primitive life forms.

Sincerely yours,
Lynx Kleesan

RE: »To: Scientists of Sirius - Job - University Of Cambridge - 02-21-2017

To: Keeper Raven
From: Dr J. Steiner
Encryption: Medium-High

Miss Raven
To clarify, when you asked for people with specialities in Radiology we assumed you meant the Medical form, although radiology does cover a broad feild, I am sorry for the confusion.

As to the second part of your message. Yes, we can examine different environments and life forms if you wish us too. Give us a time and place and we will se what we can do.

Regards: Dr J. Steiner

RE: »To: Scientists of Sirius - Job - Kauket - 02-22-2017

[Image: 3WWcT45.png]


» COMM-ID: Keeper Raven



I'm going to assume you're interested? Here; allow me to give you some details in to the job request; whenever you're ready to fulfill it.

We require a study of either the Omega lava asteroids or planetary asteroids or scrap, including live samples, and analysation of the field; including the properties of the fields, average temperature, and density of occurance and within the compounds, so on, so forth. Pick one subject, and find out any information where possible.

Dr Steiner,

I apologise for not being specific then, although, if you're able, perhaps you can observe the background radiation in Omega-11? We're interested in finding any and all specifics of the radioactivity, how strong it is, what kind of waves we're expecting, so on. With these details in mind, we can understand how spatial travel through these kind of dangers can be achieved.

Think you're up for it?


RE: »To: Scientists of Sirius - Job - University Of Cambridge - 02-22-2017

To: Keeper Raven
From: Dr Steiner
Encryption: Medium-High

Miss Raven
Our course has been set and we will begin running our tests when we arrive. Where, or to whom would you like us to send the data too?

Regards: Dr J.Steiner

RE: »To: Scientists of Sirius - Job - Kauket - 02-22-2017

[Image: 3WWcT45.png]


» COMM-ID: Keeper Raven


Sending the data directly to me in a secure transmission will suffice.