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Interesting things to do with a Tablet/Smart phone. - Printable Version

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Interesting things to do with a Tablet/Smart phone. - Mickk - 02-18-2017

So, I was doing my usual browsing of things on You Tube and ran across a couple of interesting things you can do with a Tablet / Smart phone.

1. Make a 'Hologram'.

Obviously its not a real Hologram, but it looks good.
There are two different methods, one which uses a box of some sort, a piece of transparent stuff and some tape and will work with pretty much any film/movie clip, but which works best with clips from the 'Hologram Ready' set of clips on You Tube.

The other involves making an inverted pyramid out of transparent material that has it's tip cut off and really only works with 'special' film clips.

Both versions are stupidly easy to make.

2. Make a projector.

Yep, a projector. Stuff to make it is a box with a lid, a magnifying glass and something to mount a tablet / smart phone on.

I've made the first one already for my little Samsung J5 (the S5's younger, not as powerful sibling) and it works.... not too bad.
I suspect the bigger the device, the better the result.

Have a go, it should cost next to nothing, I used some old cardboard and some hard plastic from an electronics box, plus a bit of tape.
Total cost = $0!

EDIT!!! Finally found the you tube clip I followed the instructions from for the 'hologram' box.
Well done for a young person, a minimum of mucking about with clear instructions.