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The Forlorn Hope - Byron - 02-25-2017

Trenton Outpost, New York, Liberty
02/25/824 A.S., 20:43 Sirius Standard Time

[Image: 8PZiX6C.jpg]

Entering the bar, Elena could already smell the scent of something new in the air, even though she had been here before a dozen times. When she walked out of this place again, she would be somebody new, she knew it. Signalizing the bartender, who already knew her well - maybe too well -, that she just wanted a simple Liberty Ale this time, she went straight to a free, wooden roundtable and sat down. Quickly checking her PDA for the news, whether there was something interesting happening in Liberty. It had been quite a busy day for her, not essentially because of much fighting, but rather because of the whole lot of talking she had had to do in the last few hours. With good guys, with bad guys, with weirdos, with perverts ... oh my.

Impatiently tapping on the table with her fingers, she looked in the direction of the entrance. Not that she was in a hurry, she just wanted to get business done as soon as possible. And that business couldn't be done alone. One needed partners. And as though by chance, her partners in this deal would be two very good friends: Sarah Fenn and Nick Stenn.

As she had a sip of the Liberty Ale she had ordered, Elena remembered what the actual reason for this meeting was. A few days ago, Sarah, Nick and herself had done a mission for a Zoner called Kyu Akibara, a mission that had contained looking for Hacker installations in Magellan and Galileo. During this flight, they had realized how well they were truly able to work together. As time went on, they saw themselves flying together much more frequently, until they finally hit the point they decided they would want to start something bigger - to group up as a band of mercenaries.

Now, only Sarah and Nick were missing to finish this decision. After that, they could finally call themselves the name they already had in their heads: "The Forlorn Hope".

RE: The Forlorn Hope - KamiFaby - 02-25-2017

Trenton Outpost, New York, Liberty
02/25/824 A.S., 20:45 Sirius Standard Time

Sarah entered the bar, made her way to the barkeeper and looked around, searching Elena. As soon as she reached the counter she saw her sitting at a table. Sarah ordered a glass of Whisky walked towards her. She stopped right behind Elena.
"They call this a good Whisky?" Sarah laughs as Elena turns around.
After Sarah took a seat she started talking: "So we're still waiting for Nick, right? I hope he's not late." While Sarah was still laughing she took a sip from the whisky.
"You know, I always wanted to be part of a group and this is a chance I don't want to waste." A smile can be seen on Sarah's face as she took another sip.

RE: The Forlorn Hope - The Sovereign - 02-26-2017

Trenton Outpost, New York, Liberty
02/25/824 A.S., 21:17 Sirius Standard Time

Nick pauses for a moment outside the bar. Glancing down at his watch he swears softly as he realizes he is late.
"Shoulda brought flowers or something, try and calm them down with a gift, and an apology for making them wait." Squaring his shoulders, Nick enters the bar, and briefly scanning the room locates Elena and Sarah at the far side of it from him. Approaching them quickly he begins preparing himself for the scolding he is sure to be coming, at least this time he has a good reason for being late. "Ladies, you both look so lovely tonight" he says as he nears the table, "And before you say anything I can explain my lateness. I was in Kyushu, investigating a potential lead connected to the Anomaly." Despite the glares both the ladies are giving him, Nick could feel himself relaxing as he sits down and orders a simple water."But that's not what we're here for tonight is it? No, lets get down to business. The Forlorn Hope." Smiling, Nick eases back in his chair and waits for his drink.

RE: The Forlorn Hope - Byron - 02-26-2017

Trenton Outpost, New York, Liberty
02/25/824 A.S., 21:18 Sirius Standard Time

With a raised eyebrow, Elena had a look at Nick. On other days, she would have probably blushed a bit because of the compliment he had just given her and Sarah. But under these circumstances, with him being more than half an hour too late, it was clear to her he just said it to calm her down, as he knew she didn't like lateness. "Nick, you're late", she sighed. "More than half an hour too late." She looked at her glass. "See, I've already drank this whole glass of Liberty Ale, and that means something. I just hope the information you got from Kyushu are worth it."

Actually, she wanted to end now, letting somebody else talk, but as she saw Sarah and Nick were both looking at her, Elena guessed it was still her turn to talk further about the details of their deal. Before that, she made a gesture to the barkeeper that she wanted another glass of Ale. "Alright, so we all know why we're here, I guess. The Forlorn Hope - a great name, if I might praise myself." She laughed. "To be honest, I'm happy I can finally work in a group from now on, will make many things a lot easier." Elena made a small pause before she began talking again. "We still have to clarify some stuff though. Like, should we recruit new people, and if yes, in which way? In which directions should we go - for example, do we want to do shady business as well? All things we have to consider..."

As the glass of Liberty Ale was brought to her, Elena stopped talking. "I also think Nick has the needed paperwork with him, don't ya? But first of all, let's drink to a good start of the Forlorn Hope!"

RE: The Forlorn Hope - KamiFaby - 02-26-2017

Trenton Outpost, New York, Liberty
02/25/824 A.S., 21:19 Sirius Standard Time

"Let's drink! Cheers!" With that, everyone started drinking their beverages.

"Now let's get to business guys. 'Bout that recruiting stuff. In my opinion we should at least try to recruit new people, preferably in space. After all, we want people that fit in our little group."
She takes a break and smiles. "What I'm saying here is, that we should offer people a spot in our group if one of us thinks their suitable. The process I'm thinking 'bout involves votes.
We are the three chairman, so if one of us finds a suitable candidate he or she vouches for him or her. To finalize the process the other two vote if the candidate is suitable. If one of the two voters is in favor of the candidate, the candidate will be accepted.
We can even put them on a trial phase for some time and if they mess up we'll just throw them out."

Sarah coughs once and takes a sip of her whisky. "What do you guys think 'bout the idea?" She looks around and tries to read her friend's faces. The question:'Do they like my idea?' spins around in Sarah's head while she's waiting for an answer.

RE: The Forlorn Hope - The Sovereign - 02-26-2017

Trenton Outpost, New York, Liberty
02/25/824 A.S., 21:20 Sirius Standard Time

Taking a sip of his water, Nick smiled at Sarah."Great minds think alike it would seem. I have the document here with me in fact, and I took the liberty of putting my ideas onto paper already. As you'll notice when you read this, it details the style of leadership, recruitment process, the types of jobs we are looking for and finally, the basic code of the Forlorn Hope. Nick says while pulling a datapad from his pocket and placing it on the table in front of the girls."Why don't the two of you have a look over it, and if you find anything you disagree with or think should be changed, we can sort it out now while we're all together?" Nick leans back into his seat, an easy smile playing over his face as he waits for the reactions of Elena and Sarah. He had put quite some effort and thought into this after all, and even though he couldn't create the Forlorn Hope without either of them, it had been his idea to group up to begin with, and with such a promising start already, he couldn't help but dream of where they all might end up.

RE: The Forlorn Hope - Byron - 02-26-2017

Trenton Outpost, New York, Liberty
02/25/824 A.S., 21:25 Sirius Standard Time

"Sure thing, give it to me", Elena had replied, stretching her arm on the other side of the table to grab Nick's datapad. "I see you are quite proud of it."

And as soon as she started reading, she instantly understood why. What a monster of a text that is!, she thought. Nick must have truly put a lot of effort into this... Getting into it, Elena was more and more baffled by what he had been able to put together, and how reputable it all sounded. In the end, she just sat there, with her mouth and eyes wide open, completely speechless. Nick obviously enjoyed this sight.

But as much as she liked what he wrote, she would honour his draft in ... her way. She laughed: "Nick, anybody ever told you you've seriously got too much freetime? If not, I'm telling you now. You've got too much." Making a small pause, as she sipped from her Ale again. "Otherwise? I love it, mate! Nothing to criticize from my side! Looks like we found a perfect businessman in you."

After that, she pulled a tablet pen out of her jeans, and quickly signed her part of the charter. Then she gave the datapad to Sarah, grinning ear to ear. "Have a look at it, Sarah. It's amazing!"

RE: The Forlorn Hope - KamiFaby - 02-26-2017

Trenton Outpost, New York, Liberty
02/25/824 A.S., 21:26 Sirius Standard Time

"Oh seems like you're really impressed Elena." Sarah said and started laughing. "Fine let's have a look at this."
Sarah went quiet while reading. As she's coming to an end, a smile can be seen on her face. "You nailed it Nick. That's perfect."
"Let me quickly sign this bad boy and it's yours again."

After Sarah had signed the charter she started talking again:
"That's done. What's the next step? Any plans or even contracts?" She passed the datapad to Nick.

RE: The Forlorn Hope - The Sovereign - 02-26-2017

Trenton Outpost, New York, Liberty
02/25/824 A.S., 21:29 Sirius Standard Time

Taking the datapad and marking down his own signature, Nick smiles."Well ladies, to a long and prosperous partnership together!" Raising his glass in a toast Nick could feel the excitement radiating off of each one of them, and couldn't help but reveal the information that had caused him to be late."So as you know, I have just arrived back from Kyushu in Kusari. The reason I was there was due to my curiosity. I had gone to see Iona at the ORG base in Omnicron Mu when I encountered strange readings in Omnicron Delta. Remembering seeing similar readings near the anomaly in Kyushu I recorded them and went off to compare them, and as it happens, they match exactly. The Kyushu anomaly connects to an anomaly in Delta! Along the way, I spoke to Iona about possible working arrangements and contracts with them. We should be hearing from her soon on that matter." Leaning back into his seat Nick allows himself to relax even more, enjoying a pleasant evening in the company of two lovely women.

RE: The Forlorn Hope - Byron - 02-27-2017

Trenton Outpost, New York, Liberty
02/25/824 A.S., 22:56 Sirius Standard Time

The three of them spent the rest of the day drinking some more alcohol - or in the case of Nick water - and simply having a good time, generally speaking. They talked about the good old times, narrated funny stories from their time as teenagers, but also spoke about more serious stuff like the Kyushu incident and what Nick had been able to find out.

One thing was certain, Elena was sure of having found the right persons to spend her time with.

But as much as she enjoyed the company around her, she felt how she slowly became more and more tired, also because of the Ale. With a weary voice, she said: "Guys, excuse me, but I'm tired. Tomorrow will be a hard day, and I want to be well rested. You know, reaching my full potential and such crap." She stood up, downing the rest of the Ale that was still in her glass. "See ya tomorrow, and have a good night!"
Pointing at Nick, Elena added, grinning: "And Nick, don't even try to follow me to my apartment, right?"